Chapter 264 Little Fatty (1)

  Cheng Qi dropped Cheng Kaiyuan and went to find Gu Chu to contact him.

  "Brother Cheng Qi~"

  Gu Chu personally opened the door to Cheng Qi, happily putting on a cute smile.

  Cheng Qi handed over the pastry with a gentle voice: “You can only eat three pieces a day, not too much, or you will gain weight.”

  Gu Chu is really fat.

  Children are prone to gain weight. Gu Chu keeps snacks and pastries every day, and his small face is rounded with naked eyes. It is white and pure, cute and loveable.

   "I didn't gain weight, that's called baby fat." Gu Chu crouched on her waist. My old lady is not fat, just in the stage of growing body! When I grow up, I will still be the eighteenth woman, beautifully like an overlord flower.

  Gu Chu is a very caring little baby. He sent a plate of pastries to Lin Xiaozhou, who was live broadcast, and then used summer art homework. Cheng Qi patiently helped her with paper-cutting and homework. Gu Chu was eating pastries next to him and watching TV.

  Cheng Qi cut the paper while reminding: "In the beginning, your friend Ye Sichen will be home soon."

  Gu Chu blinked, pretending to be surprised: "Really? Brother Cheng Qi, you are too good, you are really the most powerful big brother in the world!" Gu Chu can bend, stretch, blow rainbow farts and flatter.

  She guessed that Cheng Qi had found information about the boss behind the kindergarten, and she had done a great job, which deserved her compliment without conscience.

  Cheng Qi raised the corners of his mouth: "No more than ten days at most."

  Gu Chu happily slapped his hands: "Great."

  Gu Chu secretly praised that this little boy was quite capable and helped her a lot. If Cheng Qi hadn't used his "money ability", Gu Chu might have to sneak into the kindergarten underground to investigate. It would be quite risky.

   Cheng Qi worked vigorously and resolutely. He directly submitted the situation of the Royal Kindergarten to the police.

  He claimed that during the site evaluation of the suburban amusement park, he found that the nearby kindergarten was a bit weird.

  As the government attaches great importance to this amusement park development project, the police attaches great importance to the report submitted by Cheng Qi. I don’t know if I don’t check it, I’m surprised if I check it.

  This kindergarten is not that simple, it is actually related to the gang that steals famous paintings and antiques! The case quickly attracted international attention, and the round-up of the kindergarten underground was launched soon

  Ten days later.

  Gu Chuzheng had dinner with Zhao Yan and Lin Xiaozhou. The LCD TV is scrolling to show a breaking news!

  The cultural relics walking si gang that had fled for several years was finally arrested!

  I also found an underground industrial chain disguised as a kindergarten!

   Rescue several poor kindergarten children!

   involves many famous and powerful people in Kyoto!

  This case shocked China and foreign countries! The amount involved is as high as tens of billions, and countless stolen cultural relics and treasures have surfaced one by one.

  As soon as the picture of the ten skinny children being rescued was released, the face was yellow and thin, and the whole body was scarred, which aroused the indignation of countless netizens! The frantic organization actually started on the poor child!

  How innocent a child is!

   "These nasty bastards." Lin Xiaozhou bit his chopsticks, angrily, and the little curly hair exploded with anger, "I won't even let the children go! The death penalty is not an exaggeration!"

  Zhao Yanshun put a piece of sauced chicken wings into Lin Xiaozhou's bowl.

  Gu Chu looked at the TV and saw the little fat man who was rescued. The little fat man was held in his arms by his parents, with a dazed expression, as if looking for someone.

  The little fat man’s mother cried so much that her father’s eyes were red.

  Little Fatty’s father was originally the curator of the museum. Due to the special nature of his profession, he was targeted by the gang that stole cultural relics and was forced to become one of them. In order to protect his wife and children, he had to make the illusion of betraying the marriage and filed for divorce with his wife.

  (End of this chapter)

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