Chapter 279 I Want to Be Number One

  Gu Chu flips through the hacker book next to it.

  The thick book that Cheng Qi gave her contains a detailed list of hackers in the world and personal information. However, there are still a few dozen hackers who have too high-end technology and too strong hiding skills. They are still unable to know their detailed information and can only get their pseudonyms.

  About this tiger, the hacker book only records a few words:

  【The king of hackers tiger, the specific information is unknown, the world’s number one hacker. 】

   In just a few words, outline the legendary life of this mysterious boss.

  Gu Chu is not particularly stressed, she never feels that she will lose.

  She is only worried, when the time comes to participate in the hacking contest, will the organizers let her a six-year-old girl come in?

  But the most important thing now is to qualify for the competition. Only the top 100 hackers are eligible to participate. Gu Chu looked up his own ranking——

  【ID: Heart A

  Rank: 210763/210763】

  Good guy, there are 210,763 registered hackers on the entire network, she turned out to be the last one.

  "Set an alarm clock at night and get up on the list on time." This will definitely not work. She can only be the 1 in this life. She will never allow herself to be inferior.

  There will be a new round of rushing for the hacker rankings at 24:00 tonight. The background of the forum will release the latest operating system as a target, and hackers from all forums will participate.

   Gu Chu cocked the corner of her mouth, she wants to be the first!


  Kyoto, a mansion.

  My brother has been busy working recently, and BoBo is in an unmanaged stocking state. BoBo was at ease and woke up slowly in the afternoon. He went downstairs to soak a pack of beef noodles with sauerkraut, drank ice coke, and cocked his feet to watch various gossips on hacker forums.

  The daily life of the little otaku is beautiful.

   Seeing the notice of the hacker contest, BoBo sipped his instant noodles, rubbing his paws and calling the mysterious boss he knew online.

  【BoBo】: "Boss boss, hurry up and join the competition!! Tonight at 24 o'clock on the list! Rush into the top 100!!!"

  This mysterious boss was accidentally acquainted with BoBo while surfing the Internet.

  The boss is mysterious and unpredictable, and BoBo is amazed by his hacking skills!

  BoBo didn’t say a word, and directly recognized this mysterious man as the eldest brother. The boss is very good and kind. Although he doesn't go online often, and he often assigns tasks to him when he goes online, the boss will also teach him how to code and find vulnerabilities. BoBo's hacker level has improved by leaps and bounds.

  The boss is a good teacher and helpful friend in BoBo's heart.

  BoBo even secretly decided to learn all the technical skills of the boss, and when the boss retires in the future, his BoBo will be able to overpower that tiger and become the number one in the world!

  One of his wishes in life is to see the boss with his own eyes! The boss must be a clever, handsome man, Batman walking in the dark, mysterious and unpredictable!

  The boss said that he would also participate in this world competition. BoBo secretly happily rolled on the floor of the room. When the time comes, he will be able to see the majestic figure of the boss with his own eyes at the American competition site! The boss must be like his brother Cheng Qi, an extremely powerful person!

  【BoBo】: "Boss, Boss, are you there!!!"

  BoBo is crazy to send messages to the boss.

  After a while, the boss’s profile picture finally turned on.

  【Ace of Heart】: "In"

[BoBo]: "Boss, there are only three hours from 00:00 to 3:00 tonight! Don’t be late~~Boss, I can’t wait to see you hit the top of the hacker list and kick that one. Damn paper tiger!"

  [Heart A]: "You hate tiger so much?"

    update update update update update weekend plus update~

     Remember to pay the monthly pass



  (End of this chapter)

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