Chapter 286 Genius Class

  Lu Shanhe hates the land.

  Song Chen has a calm face. What kind of face does it cost to chase his wife? Listening to Grandpa's words, the most important thing is to express emotion and sense of existence.

  Anyway, as long as I am not embarrassed, it is you who are embarrassed.

  Boarding time came soon. Gu Chu waved his small paw to say goodbye to Gu Manxi, and watched his mother's slender back disappear into the boarding gate.

  There was a trace of melancholy in my heart.

  Because of Gu Chu’s strong intervention, Gu Manxi’s tragic fate in the abuse of the original works has been completely rewritten. Now Gu Manxi is surrounded by a group of people who love her and protect her. She herself is also motivated and hardworking and has a strong sense of professionalism.

  Fortunately, it changed fate.

   "At the beginning, go home first." Zhao Yan took Gu Chu's hand and left the airport.

  Zhao Yan drove Gu Chu back to the apartment. On the way back, Gu Chu adjusted the child seat of the co-pilot and took out his mobile phone to chat.

  Zhao Yan asked: "In the beginning, who were you chatting with?"

  Gu Chu pretended to inadvertently replied: "With Brother Xiaozhou. Brother Xiaozhou said that he is in the United States and it is still dark."

  "Brother Xiaozhou also said that he missed our wolf dog rhubarb very much. I don’t know if the rhubarb has lost weight and whether he has eaten on time."

  Zhao Yan's body is obviously stagnant.

  Lin Xiaozhou hacked all of Zhao Yan’s contact information, and there was almost no news on his social accounts.

  In these days, Zhao Yan seemed to be tormented slowly by a small warm fire, fidgeting, and his cautious feelings were caught off guard, and he died when he saw the light.

  Gu Chu continued to concentrate on playing with his mobile phone, muttering, “Brother Xiaozhou said that he doesn’t like American food, except that potatoes are beef salad. He missed our country’s spicy barbecue skewers and the dishes you cooked, uncle.”

   "Cough—" Zhao Yan began to save the country, "In the beginning, you asked him when he would return to China."


  Zhao Yan's face was calm and panicked.

  Xiaozhou still wants to eat the dishes I made, does this mean that he is not afraid of me as he imagined

  "Brother Xiaozhou said that he will be busy in New York for a month, and I don’t know if he can return to China." Gu Chu blinked his eyes, innocent, "I think, brother Xiaozhou means, I hope you can visit him in the United States, uncle."

  Zhao Yan thoughtfully.

  He happened to have a project in New York, USA recently, and he can go to the US for a business trip for half a month.

  He can use this business trip to find Lin Xiaozhou and apologize, hoping to be friends in the future.

  Gu Chu held his cheeks, looked faintly at the flashing scenery outside the car window, and narrowed his eyes: "Chchu Chu also wants to go to the United States to play. If your uncle wants to go to the United States, you can take me with you."

  America, Lin Xiaozhou in the bed let out a long sigh of relief.

  He is now afraid to talk to Lao Zhao, afraid to text and call Lao Zhao, because he is afraid that when he opens his mouth, he will "sever the friendship."

  Lin Xiaozhou had to let Xiaochuchu act as a megaphone to convey his apology.

  Zhao Yan is his confidant and good brother, and he has countless kindness to himself.

  He really didn’t want to lose Zhao Yan.

  Time flickered by, and most of the month passed quickly on the hands of the clock.

  During this period, Gu Chu thought seriously and thought that he could not waste time in preschool and first grade.

  She asked her uncle to take herself to the school to apply for skipping grades, and successfully passed the skipping exam, skipping directly from kindergarten to third grade. Seeing Gu Chu's bones, the principal was surprised, clever, and with a stroke of a pen, he directly let Gu Chu from the third grade enter the juvenile class that specializes in geniuses.

  In fact, as long as Gu Chu is willing, she can graduate from university in situ.

   However, Gu Chu is low-key and pays attention to gradual and orderly progress.

  Juvenile class is specially set up for students with superior intelligence, physics, chemistry, astronomy, and geography. Students can choose their fields of expertise for long-term study. The school is also committed to turning geniuses into national pillars.

   Genius class, foreshadowing

    And I have to open a dan beauty novel in the past two days, hehe, naturally it is the setting of the old gangster x arrogantly accepting



  (End of this chapter)

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