Transmigrated as the Tortured Female Lead’s Daughter

Chapter 291: Provocation from the boss (1)

  Chapter 291 Provocation from the Big Brother (1)

  The prosecutor and the Ace of Hearts, become the "good buddies" in the game.

  They play games together, attack the national clothes together, and occasionally talk about life gossip when they are idle, which is trivial.

   even made an appointment to meet offline.

  Gu Chu didn’t know why she dreamed of Shen Si. She has been in this world of abuse literature for almost two years, and she rarely recalls the events of her previous life.

  Shen Si and her only had a sleep relationship.

   is even her enemy.

  Gu Chu slept in a dazed state, feeling that he was being picked up in a daze. Gu Chu softly wrapped his arms around the man's neck, lay on him and continued to fall asleep, until he woke up again and was already at the Angel Hotel in New York, the United States.

  Cheng Qi took Gu Chu from the airport back to the hotel, his movements were very light, and he did not wake up the sleeping children.

  When Gu Chu finally woke up, he rubbed his eyes and jumped out of bed and opened the door. In the living room of the hotel suite, there was only BoBo playing on the computer.

   "Oh, the little sleepy bug finally woke up." BoBo grinned and said hello.

  The children nowadays are really snooze, not only snooze, but also drooling while sleeping.

  BoBo saw Gu Chuha Lazi sticking to his elder brother’s shoulder shirt with his own eyes, but he did not dislike the eldest brother, who has always been a cleanliness addict. He also asked BoBo to take a few photos of Gu Chu sleeping and drooling.

  "Where are my uncle and brother Cheng Qi?" Gu Chu looked around. She had just woke up, her hairy hair exploded, her sleepy eyes wearing a small suspender skirt, and she looked around curiously.

  BoBo tapped his fingers on the keyboard: "Your uncle and my brother went to the branch in New York. It is estimated that they are talking about project meetings."

  Two adults who are addicted to making money are gone.

  Leave only two idle children.

"There are snacks on the table. If you are hungry, eat a little stomach." BoBo kept operating his claws on the keyboard and grumbled. "The food will be delivered in two hours. My brother specially invited the Chinese chef. It is really strange. My brother and I came to the United States before, why didn't he find a Chinese chef?"

Gu Chu didn't think too much.

  Gu Chu doesn’t like western food very much. It’s okay to eat one or two occasionally, but she can't stand it every day. The Chinese food with all kinds of flavors and flavors meets Gu Chu's taste.

  Fetched a pack of potato chips from the table, Gu Chu tore open the package and sat next to BoBo, watching BoBo playing with the computer.

  BoBo looks like he is playing on a computer, but he is actually hacking an IP address.

   "Nima, it's really hard to crack! Tiger annoying!" BoBo has spent almost two hours on the computer and has not been able to break the provocative IP page sent by Tiger.

  This is how it happened. As soon as BoBo arrived in New York, Tiger obtained BoBo's address through IP address query. Coincidentally, Tiger also lives in the same Angel Hotel in New York.

  New York Angel Hotel is a five-star luxury hotel closest to the World Hacker Contest competition address. As the date of the World Hacker Contest approaches, hackers from all over the world quietly come to this city to hide their identities and wait for opportunities.

  Tiger found BoBo in the hotel and smiled.

   Tricky thoughts came up.

  Tiger sent a provocative message: [hi, little BoBo, I live in a room in this hotel. Can you find my room number? 】

  BoBo gets a big hit as soon as he sees this information! The lingering guy!

  I blacked you out, have you become my friend again for Mao?

  Damn, provoke the little master!

  BoBo was furious: [You wait for me! 】

  Tiger: [The terminal of this IP is my room number. If you can break this IP within three hours, I will cover all your consumption in the United States. 】

    monthly pass



  (End of this chapter)

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