Chapter 302 Enemy (1)

   "Let me see, 300 Aces of Hearts have been found, and I will enter the second level."

  The game lasted for half an hour, and the Ace of Hearts, who had been at the same speed as Tiger, suddenly stopped looking for loopholes for some reason.

  In the live broadcast room, the narrator K also noticed this phenomenon and scratched his head:

"Unsurprisingly, the Ace of Hearts found 300 loopholes in half an hour and entered the second level steadily. It seems that the Ace of Hearts is replenishing energy and waiting for the second level. In the game, this is also the same. Kind of tactics."

  This is a smart way to save energy.

  Since you can enter the second level, there is no difference between the first one and the last one.

  Children’s restaurant.

   Gu Chu rubbed her dry belly, she was really hungry.

  Children are always hungry, sleepy, and sick.

  Gu Chu used a small spoon to dig out fried rice, freeing his hand to read gossip on the hacker forum. When Gu Chu finished his meal, the first round of assessment had passed.

  Tiger found 500 vulnerabilities, ranking first.

   Heart A found 300 vulnerabilities, ranking second.

  Gu Chu began to prepare for the second round of assessment.

  The second round of assessment examines the ability of hackers to break through the firewall. The organizer will distribute an operating system to ten hackers entering the second round, and ask them to use technology to hack the system.

  The difficulty is quite high.

  Even reach the national level.

  Even top hackers may not be able to break through for days and nights.

  Gu Chu rubs his small claws, looking forward to it.

  Since she came to this world, she has always been a good little girl following the rules. I suppressed my arrogant nature and never did anything illegal. At most, I went to the backstage to check Dad's bank card inventory occasionally to check how much money I would inherit in the future.

  Now it finally gives her another chance to use her arms and legs.

  Take a deep breath and go dry!

   Forum live room.

Hacker K raised his voice and kept talking: "Okay, now we have entered the exciting second level! Ten outstanding contestants will compete for the final qualifications-the system provided by this forum is difficult. The index is five stars, and it has reached the top level in the United States! A hacker with no talent may not be able to solve it for a lifetime. Come, look at the screen, there are ten progress bars on the screen."

   "Each progress bar shows the percentage progress of the system being compromised."

  The second level is far more difficult than the first level. In the first round, you only need to find the vulnerabilities; in the second round, you not only have to find the vulnerabilities, but you also have to attack the entire host from the vulnerabilities!

   represents the progress bar of ten contestants, moving slowly at a speed of 1%.

  The fastest progress bar is the Heart A and Tiger. The progress of the two is on the same level. The progress bar has reached 45%, leaving the others far behind!


   "Fuck, good Nima Qiang"

  "Seriously suspect that Heart A and Tiger have a team to help!"

   "If you think too much, you can only enter one IP in the background, how can there be a team."

   "So strong, I want to give birth to two big brothers~~"

  After 40 minutes, the Aces of Hearts and Tiger have unparalleled advantages, breaking through the system one after the other and successfully qualifying for the finals!

  In the KFC store, BoBo sighed, are they still human?

  BoBo finally got the sixth place, and he was in a bad mood.

  BoBo stretched his waist, and then he glanced at the blond man on the opposite side. The man had stopped operating the computer and was sipping coffee.

  BoBo is curious, who is this shaggy and rude fellow hacker in the hacker rankings?

  (End of this chapter)

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