Chapter 335 Gu Manxi's Return (3)

   "Brother Xiaozhou, tell Chuchu." Gu Chu blinked his eyes.

  It's a boring game in my heart.

   The expression says "I am looking forward to it".

  Lin Xiaozhou chuckled, shaking his fingers slyly: "The answer is revealed, the song Yu Gong sang when he moved the mountain was "Little Star"."

  Gu Chu:? ? ?

  "Do you know why you sang "Little Star"?" Lin Xiaozhou said with a mysterious face, "Because moving mountains and moving mountains is brilliant."

  Gu Chu:

  Zhao Yan:

  What a cold joke, Brother Xiaozhou, you are so boring.

  But relying on silly cold jokes to pass the time, the traffic jam is coming to an end. Zhao Yan continued to drive and arrived at the airport unimpeded all the way. Gu Chu looked around at the airport, waiting patiently for his mother to come out.

  But Gu Chu quickly discovered that there are not only ordinary people at the airport, but also a group of young fans?

  Look at the lights of these fans, which reads impressively:

  【Manxi Goddess】

  Gu Chu:! ! !

  My Ma Ma now has young fans? Finally, they are no longer 40 or 50 year old grandpas and aunts! Super Plus enjoy!

  It turned out that, while Gu Manxi was filming, the high-quality advertising endorsements did not fall. Lisa is a qualified agent. She chooses advertisements and endorsements with a very vicious eye. The products have problems and the manufacturers have problems with endorsement products, even if the price is high, Lisa will not accept them.

  In addition to the endorsement advertisement, Lisa also made a lot of efforts in the promotion of the new movie "Spring Breeze". In the promotional film, Gu Man used to be beautiful and graceful, sometimes cold and ruthless, and his superb acting skills almost overflowed the screen to infect the audience.

  High-quality advertising endorsements, beautiful movie promos, and Gu Manxi's beautiful appearance and good personality, he made his way in the **** entertainment circle just by his appearance, and gained a lot of fans in a short time.

  This time I finished shooting and returned to China, and dozens of fans also came to pick up the plane. Her fans are mainly male, and she is the dream goddess of many otaku.

  Looking at the enthusiastic fans next to him, Gu Chu was depressed.

  She can’t run to call Gu Manxi "Ma Ma" in front of this group of people. Due to various considerations, Lisa, the agent, forbids to announce that Gu Manxi has a daughter. Gu Manxi is in the midst of his career upswing, and he cannot ruin his stardom because of personal problems.

   "Chuchu, come with uncle." Just as Gu Chu was hesitating, Zhao Yanqing took Gu Chu's hand and led her to the VIP special passage of the airport.

  This is an exclusive passage set up by the airport for special passengers.

  Ordinary people are not allowed to enter.

  Gu Manxi’s crew will come out of this passage in a while and get on the bus directly to leave the airport. Gu Chu ran over, and saw from a distance a black leather chair in the waiting hall, sitting on a cold, handsome, and majestic man in a suit.

  He has a straight suit, a slender neck, and an unusually handsome profile. His slender fingertips tap the tabletop once, seeming to be caught in a long and patient wait. The flight attendant at the airport treated him respectfully and did not dare to approach him easily.

  This man who exudes the breath of "Don’t suffer from Laozi" is Gu Chu’s dog father Song Chen

  Zhao Yan saw Song Chen, his eyes suddenly cold. Damn, this guy is here to harm my sister again!

  Instead, Gu Chu tried his best to smile, stepped on his short legs and ran over, happily calling people: "Uncle Song, Chu Chu is here, please welcome Chu Chu."

  The staff who waited quietly not far from Song Chen were shocked, where's the kid! How dare to come over and disturb Mr. Song!

   It’s the last day of the month, and the monthly ticket competition is fierce...

     asked for a monthly pass silently...

     The original poinsettia article recommendation on the homepage... On the PC side, who still looks at the PC side these years... Tucao



  (End of this chapter)

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