Chapter 337

  Gu Chu:

  I don’t know, and I don’t want to know.

   "Haha, let me tell you." Lin Xiaozhou, the baby obviously overestimated his sense of humor, "because mushrooms are also bacteria, the monarch (the fungus) wants the minister (orange) to die, and the minister (orange) has to die."

  Gu Chu tried his best to smile: hahaha.

  After three hours of suffering, he finally waited until Gu Manxi’s flight landed.

After a long absence, Gu Chu saw Gu Manxi coming from the other end of the passage, and his eyes were slightly warm. Here comes the woman who loves her most in the world, loving everything about her selflessly.

   "Ma Ma~"

  Gu Chufei also seemed to rush over.

Gu Manxi squatted down, hugged his baby daughter Gu Chu, the corners of his eyes were slightly moist, and he held Gu Chu’s small face: "In the beginning, let my mother take a look-we grow taller and heavier. It's big."

   "Ma Ma, I miss you so much." Gu Chu whispered and muttered, gently grabbing Gu Manxi's neck and rubbing affectionately.

  I miss my mother's embrace.

  There is also this familiar taste.

  Gu Manxi has lost a lot of weight, his figure is getting slenderer and more slender, his appearance is beautiful and moving, and there is still a bit of heroine potential of the movie heroine. This makes her look more and more charming, and she deserves to be the heroine in the original torturous essay.

  Gu Manxi took Gu Chu’s little hand, hushing cold and asking Nuan, asking about the trivial things during this period. Gu Chu answered patiently one by one, and the mother and daughter spoke intimately for a while.

Next to   , Song Chen watched this warm scene, ripples in the depths of his black eyes.

  This is his child, his wife.

very nice.

Gu Manxi took Gu Chu's little hand, glanced over Song Chen, and walked in front of Zhao Yan and Lin Xiaozhou: "Brother, Xiaozhou, these days are too troublesome to bother you. At the beginning, I was naughty and ignorant. I hope you don't blame it. "

"Hey, Chuchu is good and obedient. Lao Zhao and I have no pressure to take care of her." Lin Xiaozhou smiled and scratched our heads, scratching curly hair embarrassedly, "Seriously, I treat Chuchu as a girl. It’s not hard to take care of your own children, haha."

  Gu Manxi smiled.

  Zhao Yan's always stern face showed a slight smile.

Song Chen next to him coughed slightly and tried to brush up on his sense of existence: "Man Xi, I also take good care of Chu Chu's trueness. I will take care of Chu Chu as soon as I have time and send her to school." Song Chen shouted in his heart, Man Xi Look at me, I'm such a big person in front of you, you actually ignore me!

  Ba always cry.jpg

  Gu Man glanced at Song Chen without angrily. Did I know that you often take care of your children?

  Every time you stay with your child, you always show off like sending me a lot of photos and videos, for fear that I suspect you are not a good dad.

  Song Chen sent Gu Manxi's WeChat account extremely frequently, and he kept asking and asking questions. Gu Manxi almost wanted to block this person's WeChat account.

   "Uncle Song is very good, I like Uncle Song at the beginning." Gu Chu took Ma Ma's hand and looked at the snacks, clothes, electronic products and free special cars that he sent every three to five, and gave face to the dog dad.

  Song Chen raised his head proudly.

  Look, my girl remembers me well.

  Gu Manxi raised the corners of his mouth secretly.

   Soon, Lu Shanhe, Jiangcheng, Zhao Manshi, Zhang Qi and other crew members also arrived. After a long absence, Lu Shanhe's complexion darkened a lot, and his long hair was randomly sloppy behind his head, setting off a handsome face that was quite decadent artist.

  Looking at Song Chen from afar, Lu Shanhe said strangely: "Oh, President Song is actually free today, come to pick me up?"

    On the last day of the month, the monthly ticket competition was so fierce that it squeezed me out of the top 30...horrible (crazy hint)



  (End of this chapter)

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