Chapter 349 Fans come in person (1)

  Big brother’s daughter, can she really help her?

  A ray of hope arose in the red bean's heart.

  Gu Chu made a phone call to Dog Daddy, and after more than ten minutes, another personal assistant of Dog Daddy, Wang Ge, Yan, ran over.

  Brother Wang was temporarily called by Song Chen. He was still wearing a thick down jacket. Seeing Gu Chu in the room, Brother Wang pulled a smile on his face: "Oh, what's the matter with my little ancestor?"

   "Uncle Wang, Chuchu wants to go to the Yashi press conference, can you take Chuchu to?" Gu Chu put his hands on his chest, pitiful and cute.

  Brother Wang scratched his head: "Little ancestor, why did you go to the Yashi conference without problems? You are still young and can't use cosmetics."

  Yashi is a cosmetic.

  The spokesperson invited is Cao Yuezhi.

  Today is the new product launch conference, and Cao Yuezhi will come to the site to participate in the interaction. Gu Chu borrowed a small assistant from Dad, and drove her to the backstage of the press conference.

   "Uncle Wang, you should take Chuchu." Gu Chu said, "In the future, I will let Uncle Song give you processing capital and increase your salary a lot."

  Brother Wang hesitated for a moment and nodded.

  He knows the relationship between this little girl and Mr. Song, Mr. Song’s little girl, can't afford to offend, and can only please this cunning little ancestor.

  Brother Wang drove himself, and drove Gu Chu and Hongdou to the conference site. Coincidentally, the press conference was not far from the crew, and arrived soon after driving more than ten kilometers.

  The climate has changed in recent years. It is rare for Kyoto to have cold and snowy winters, and it is rare for snow to fall in the suburbs. But the severe cold will not stop the enthusiasm of the fans. A long line has been lined up at the entrance of the conference venue, waiting for signatures.

  The beautiful posters of Cao Yuezhi's refinement are posted everywhere, with lotion in hand and a gentle smile.

  Fans are eager to try and talk about it.

   "Yuezhi's new movie will be released in ten days, so I look forward to it! Yuezhi costume yyds!"

   "The special effects of "Southern Wind Intoxication Record" are super good, the light of China! It is much better than the broken movie of a related household next door."

   "Did director Lu Shanhe degenerate? I found a related household to be the heroine. Bai was blind as a director."

   "I heard that Gu Manxi is filming a web drama, haha ​​I am so ridiculous. Our new Yuezhi drama is going to star, and we are going to get rid of the web drama Eighteen Streets."

  "You must shake hands when you see the goddess today! Sign your signature! Ow~"

  "Since we left Junk Songshi Media, our goddess resources are getting better and better~"

  The enthusiastic fans did not notice that a black luxury car drove away from the background in a low-key manner.

  In the car, Hongdou pushed his black-framed glasses with excitement.

  She didn't really believe Gu Chu's at first, but she just broke the jar, and the dead horse was treated as a living horse doctor, so she simply got into the little girl's car. She has experienced the ups and downs of her life, and there is nothing to lose. How could she have expected to see Cao Yuezhi today!


  Hongdou was a fan of Cao Yuezhi a long time ago, following all of Cao Yuezhi’s works.

  In the most difficult days after graduation, I also relied on chasing Cao Yuezhi's works to continue my life.

Hong Dou clenched her fists secretly, and her ordinary face appeared hopeful: "Goddess Yuezhi will understand me! She will seek justice for me!" Hong Dou deeply remembers that in an event interview six months ago, Cao Yuezhi claimed "Respect originality", "original creation is the life of works".

The words and deeds of    won the fans’ favor.

  Many Weibo big Vs reposted it together and praised the demeanor of the actress.

  Many people think that they have the right people in this life.

  (End of this chapter)

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