Chapter 360 Little Aunt’s Apology (3)

   "In the beginning, my aunt used to be ignorant and short-tempered. She said a lot about you and Sister Manxi." Zhao Manshi sighed, regret flashed across Qingli's face, "Aunty apologizes to you."

   Gu Chu raised his head, his heart touched slightly.

  Zhao Manshi smiled proudly at the corner of her mouth: "Chuchu is the cutest little girl in the world, and Manxi is the best sister in the world."

  The three of them become tigers, which is terrifying.

  In the past, Zhao Manshi was ignorant, and the young lady was anxious. Later, when I really walked into Gu Manxi's world, I saw the kind and beautiful side of her sister who had been lost since childhood.

  Gu Manxi is simple, kind and strong, with good acting skills. She is the best sister in the world.

"Yeah, Chuchu forgive my aunt." Gu Chu's big eyes were full of sincerity and confessed, "The first time Chuchu went to my aunt's house, the vase hit the ground and stabbed her toes. In fact, Chuchu deliberately clicked, because Chuchu I first found out that my little aunt’s family were not good people, so I had to protect Ma Ma."

  For the sake of your aunt's sincere apology, I confessed and stopped pretending.

  When we first met, I actually framed you deliberately. This trick is called "taking the road of green tea, leaving nowhere for green tea to go".

   Zhao Manshi: "."

  She remembered it! (The plot of Chapter 13)

  Zhao Manshi looked at him quietly, and Gu Chu showed a big innocent smile.

   Zhao Manshi faintly complained: "You have inherited the excellent acting skills of Sister Manxi"

  Small age, full of bad water!

"Ma Ma used to take care of Chu Chu by himself. It was very hard. He was often bullied by nearby aunts." Gu Chu opened his eyes and talked nonsense. His eyes were as pure as a deer, and he began to play emotional cards. "Chu Chu wanted to protect Ma Ma. The bad guys bullied her."

   Zhao Manshi thinks of Gu Manxi's past.

  Weak women, hardworking, take care of their children alone.

   Zhao Manshi's nose is slightly sour, and she feels sorry for her sister.

  I don’t know where Gu Chu’s biological father died, so irresponsible! To let her find Chuchu's relatives, she must send someone to give her a hard fight!

   "In the beginning, if there are bad guys to bully your mother in the future." Zhao Manshi warned, "You must protect her, you know?"

  Gu Chu nodded vigorously: "Okay!"

  The car drove through the cold winter wind, and the car was warm, with laughter and joy.

   soon arrived on the crew. Gu Chu took his little aunt's hand, put on a small mask, and walked into the crew with a familiar road. The crew is filming and playing. Gu Manxi is dressed as a sassy female hero, with a long sword lightly holding the beautiful sword flowers, like a dragon flying through a group of masked robbers.

  Gu Chu and Zhao Manshi got out of the circle, their big eyes did not blink, watching this beautiful play.

   Zhao Manshi exclaimed: "My sister is just beautiful in acting!"

In Lu Shanhe's movies before, Gu Manxi also had a lot of neat play, incarnate as a heroic young master in the Republic of China, with a gray suit and a straight face, and a handsome face stained with dark red blood, in a dark and dark alley. The leopard looks back--

  Now, seeing my sister acting in the costume of a female heroine, dancing with long sleeves, and flying long swords, it is a different kind of scenery.

  I am crazy about one big and one small.

  Filming of a scene is over, Gu Manxi seems not to be satisfied with his performance, and then applies to the director for another filming. She strives to achieve perfect results every time and lives up to the audience's expectations.

  The director readily accepted, and Gu Manxi took another half an hour to shoot.

  After the shooting, the assistant handed out towels and hot water. The protagonist, director, and two screenwriters came over and talked to her about the play next to Gu Manxi.

    update update update update update update

     monthly pass (lion roar)



  (End of this chapter)

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