Chapter 375 The Movie Released (2)

  "South Wind Intoxication Record" has not yet been released, and there have been some negative rumors of plagiarism.

  But it did not spread. Wang’s network card was so bad that he would never allow negative comments to destroy the box office of the movie.

  In addition, there are some doubts.

  The director of "Southwind Intoxication Record", the name Zhu does not know, this person is quite talented and has insights into movies-the biggest drawback is that he likes to change the script at random! ! I didn’t know how many excellent scripts had been harmed before, and changed the plot beyond recognition.

  This time, will he still change the script?

  In many speculations, two movies that have attracted much attention have been released.


  A large cinema in Kyoto.

  There is a long line at the entrance of the cinema. During the winter vacation, the cinema’s business is always exceptionally good.

  A pair of ordinary couples are buying tickets.

"Husband, which movie shall we go to see?" The girl held her boyfriend's hand and got into entanglement, "I like Cao Yuezhi and Jiangcheng. They both acted in different movies-let me watch " "Spring Breeze Back to Dream"! My old princess in Jiangcheng played it! There is also a mysterious handsome guy G in it. I really want to know which actor G is!"

   "Lan Xixi!" her boyfriend said sourly, "Your real husband is here."

  The girl made a playful face.

  My boyfriend thought about it and bought two tickets for "Southern Wind Intoxication Record": "Let’s go to see this movie first. I heard that it costs 500 million yuan and has special effects full of screens."

   "Cut, you just don't want me to admire Jiangcheng husband." The girl smiled and held her boyfriend's arm, "Listen to you, let's watch Cao Yuezhi's movie first."

  The young couple walked into the cinema theater.

  The auditorium is full of audiences.

  The girl said: "It seems that Cao Yuezhi's movie is more popular. There are so many audiences." The girl and her boyfriend sat down together, and the movie was released soon.

  The plot of "Southern Wind Intoxication Record" is quite old-fashioned. It is about: an ordinary little girl named [Nanfeng], who was speculated by the Three Realms that the Three Realms will be destroyed in the future. In order to save the Three Realms, the God Realm sent [Jiujianxian] to kill the young Nanfeng. But seeing the cute and cute Nan Feng, Jiu Jianxian couldn't bear to accept her as an apprentice in private.

"Husband, I guess that the two masters and disciples will be in love for a long time, and then the Protoss forces Jiu Jianxian to kill Nan Feng. The sadistic relationship between the two masters and disciples loves and kills each other, I like this plot, hehe." The girl secretly talked to her boyfriend. Said in the ear. At present, the plot has progressed to one-third, the plot is plain, but it can still be seen.

  The special effects of the environment in the movie are beautiful, rare and exotic animals, and flowers are all over the ground, which outlines the beautiful scenery of the Three Realms. The audience did not look tired.

  In the middle of the movie, the relationship between the master and the disciple is beautiful and romantic. The gentle and warm ambiguity has almost infected all the lovers in the cinema.

  However, the style of painting suddenly changed dramatically——

  A fairy [Azui] appeared out of thin air, and Ah Zui turned out to be the wife of the Jiujian Fairy in the Protoss! ! Also gave birth to a daughter with Jiu Jianxian! What's more weird is that this daughter accidentally fell into the mortal world, and it was the south wind adopted by Jiu Jianxian! And Nan Feng seemed to have an ignorant feeling for Master Jiu Jianxian secretly!

  Azui and Nanfeng’s mother and daughter recognize each other. In order to protect their daughter, Jiu Jianxian and Ah Zui joined forces to fight against the Three Realms and start the war of the Three Realms!

  In the war, the couple both sacrificed. Nan Feng was deeply hit by the death of his parents, breaking through the seal and becoming a demon, slaughtering the Three Realms! Eventually he became the Lord of the Three Realms, and then returned to the world to search for the reincarnated Jiujianxian.

   "Puff——" The girl made the same complaints as the audience, "What a stupid plot!"

The girl covered her face: "Does the fettered master and disciple love not fragrant? Isn’t it fragrant to love and kill each other? The male protagonist is so handsome and the female protagonist is so beautiful, so why bother to make a wife! He has a wife, why even Ambiguous about Nanfeng?"

  There is no doubt that the special effects of "Southern Wind Intoxication Record" are extremely gorgeous and cool! Especially the scene of the heroine fighting the Three Realms, the sky is full of stars, blood is flowing, and the scene is extremely splendid!

  There is no doubt that the female lead role in "South Wind Intoxication Record" is really good! Shyness, innocence, confusion, hatred, all kinds of emotions Cao Yuezhi caught.

  But-the plot is really bad.

  No matter how gorgeous the special effects are combined with the pulpy plot, it is like putting a firecracker on the shit, and no matter how it blows, it is also a pile of shit.

  The girl was traumatized in her heart, and she took her boyfriend’s hand: "Let me slow down, I haven't seen such a bad movie in a long time."

  The boyfriend caressed his girlfriend's back distressedly: "Xixi, or let's go back first."

   "No, I'm going to see the handsome and beautiful women wash their eyes." The girl pointed to the ticket office, "Husband, go buy two Lu Shanhe movie tickets. Although the movie directed by Lu Shanhe is heavy, there will be no **** plot."

  The boyfriend had no choice but to buy two movie tickets for "Spring Breeze Back to Dream".

  The young couple hold hands and enter the theater.

   On the first day of "Spring Breeze Back to Dreams", the audience in the theater was obviously not as large as that of "Southern Wind Intoxication Record" next door. It only occupies three-quarters of the theater.

  The girl and her boyfriend sit down.

The girl lifted her cheek and said, “Director Lu’s movies are usually heavy. This time it’s a movie with the theme of the Republic of China. I hope it’s not too difficult to understand. Otherwise, even if my husband is the starring role, I still can’t stand it. And that G, Who the **** is it?"

   "Husband? Lan Xixi, who is your husband?" The boyfriend next to her was jealous.

  The girl leaned over and kissed her boyfriend’s handsome face: "Good boy, stop making trouble."

  Boyfriend: "Huh."

  The movie started soon. This is a movie about the spies of the Republic of China, the war of resistance, love and hatred. At the beginning of the movie, it was the coveted old Shanghai ball. The rich young master G in a suit was dancing with the rich girl Yayue (Zhao Manshi-played). In fact, G has a dual identity and secretly received an important piece of information at the ball.

  After leaving the ball, G tried to leave with information, but was entangled by a street gangster Aze (Jiang Cheng-played). Seeing that G is rich, the gangster relies on him for money, and G is annoyed. At this time, the chaser came up, and G and the gangster defeated the chaser together.

  The play is heartily and heartily!

  Don't look at G's thin arms and legs, punch down, chasing soldiers vomiting blood!

The girl was so excited, she was screaming in her heart: "Fuck! This G is so handsome and so handsome!! It is a noble young master who came out of the book! And this bastard, turned out to be played by my husband Jiang Cheng! Hahaha , Jiangcheng, you have today, you are still handsome, but the look is a little haha."

  The gangster discovers G’s identity and uses it as a blackmail. The two didn't know each other, and they became partners in the war of resistance by accident, and they had secret feelings.

  The plot is halfway through, step by step, and foreshadowing. G was betrayed by an undercover agent and was chased and killed. She had to bring important information and hid in the room of the rich lady Yueya (Zhao Manshi.). When Yueya helped G deal with her wounds, she discovered that G was a girl.

    The most recent chapter is two thousand words... Two changes a day



  (End of this chapter)

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