Chapter 382 I doubt...

   Gu Chu intends to sneak into the room where he lives and set up some desperate little organs in the room.

  Of course, she is not afraid of being caught by American travelers.

When    was about to be caught, she started the strategy of selling cute, claiming that she had come to find her uncle to ski.


  Gu Chu opened the door of the wooden house, leaned in and called: "Uncle, is uncle home? Did you come to ski for Chuchu?"

  No one answered, Gu Chu drilled in like a nimble little loach. This is a small wooden house rented by American travelers. The house is clean and tidy, and there is not much luggage. The wall beside the fireplace was covered with white cloth. Gu Chu lifted the white cloth and saw that the wall was covered with photos of Cheng Qi.

  There are also various topographic maps of snow-capped mountains, and figure relationships.

  Mark the places suitable for assassination with a bright red X.

   Gu Chu glanced at the wall hastily. It was obvious that this was a calm and experienced killer with extremely rich experience.

   "If I don't intervene in the plot, Cheng Qi may really die." Gu Chu shook his head and sighed like a little adult. She took a short stroll in the house and found the guns and ammunition carried by the American travelers.

  Gu Chu made a small hook and moved a little on the gun and ammunition.

  Wang around the room for more than ten minutes, and found the photo frame in the suitcase. In the frame is a blond little girl about the same age as Gu Chu, lying on a hospital bed, using a ventilator, and struggling to smile at the camera-Gu Chu understands a little bit why American travelers like themselves.

  The American tourist hadn’t returned yet, Gu Chu didn’t dare to stay anymore and left the cabin to go to the ski resort-Cheng Qi and BoBo were skiing. This American tourist might have been observing in secret.

  Today’s ski resort has fewer guests, only a dozen scattered people are active in the huge ski resort.

  Gu Chu put on his ski equipment and drifted all the way, trying to find Cheng Qi's trace.

  But what is strange is that after searching the entire ski resort, Cheng Qi and BoBo can't be found at all!

  Gu Chu paused, his eyes widened: No way?

  Did the killer start in advance?

  Gu Chu was flustered and hurried to the skiing place on the slopes. There is no trace of skiing on the snow-capped mountain slopes today. Gu Chu looked around, getting more and more anxious-hurriedly took out the mobile phone in his pocket and wanted to call Cheng Qi!

  Yes, no one answered the call!

   called BoBo again, but no one answered either.

  Gu Chu hurried back to the front desk of the hotel, yelling that his brothers were missing. Strangely, the middle-aged waiter pretended to be very surprised, pretended to make an anxious call, and asked Gu Chu to go back to the wooden house and wait.

  Gu Chu looked at the middle-aged waiter—this guy is the killer's answer.

  Gu Chu stepped on the white snow and walked to the cabin.

The snowy mountains in the eastern suburbs are full of white snow, and you can see a cold pale and a few depressive greens. The cold wind blows Gu Chu’s temples and hair and wastes flying. In the snow, Gu Chu’s face is rarely dignified. , For the first time I felt chills.

  Cheng Qi and BoBo

   may have been killed.

  Yesterday, the two people who were happily skiing together, eating hot pot around the stove, in a blink of an eye, it was yin and yang.

   Gu Chu's head dropped slightly, the bridge of his nose was slightly sour, and the killing intent flashed in his eyes.

  Don’t worry, I will avenge you.

  Gu Chu opened the door of the wooden house, planning to call his uncle and dog dad first. They knew more about the situation of Cheng's family.

   Stepped into the house with snow-stained shoes——

   "Chuchu! Where did you go? My eldest brother and I have been looking for you!" BoBo hurried downstairs.

  Gu Chu:? ? ?

   Raised his head, Gu Chu looked at BoBo who was close at hand.

   Rub your eyes, you are not dead?

  BoBo crouched his hips and scolded, "How could you run around in the beginning, but I and my brother are so anxious to death."

  The corner of Gu Chu's mouth opened: "I, you. Didn't you go skiing? Why are you back."

  My **** searched the entire ski resort, and I was already analyzing where the bodies of you and Cheng Qi were buried in the snowdrift. You actually appeared in front of me alive!

  What the **** is going on!

  BoBo's eyes rolled around and he said confidently: "I, my eldest brother taught me to ski, but my stupid elder brother dislikes me. So we came back. When we came back, we found that you were not at home, but elder brother was terrified!"

   Gu Chu always felt that he was lying.

  You really want to go skiing, you really went to me, why are you still wearing a shirt? Look at your still wet hair, slightly damp shirt, and obviously just changed shirt after taking a shower!

  If you are really worried about me, do you have time to go back to the house and take a shower and change your clothes?

  The bridge of Gu Chu's nose moved slightly, and she smelled a faint smell of blood, which came from nowhere.

  "Where is Brother Cheng Qi?" Gu Chu asked.

  BoBo froze and scratched his head: "Big brother. Big brother, he was anxious to find you, accidentally fell, and his body was muddy. Now he is taking a bath."

  The more Gu Chu listened, the more suspicious: "It's all snow outside, where is the mud? Also, if you are really looking for me, you can call Chu Chu-but your phones are all turned off."

   "Well, that's because the phones of my eldest brother and I are out of power." The more BoBo talked, the less emboldened.

  This kid is so smart!

  I, I can't do it perfunctory.

   "In the beginning, I'm going to go skiing outside, you and you, you play first." BoBo quickly picked up his jacket and rushed out of the house. The more you talk about it, the more loopholes you have.

  A six-year-old child at the beginning of the year should not understand the horror of the adult world.

  Gu Chu stood in place with a speechless expression. You and he went skiing, wearing a shirt inside. Are you afraid of being frozen to death?

  Weird, really weird.

  BoBo and Cheng Qi, brothers must be hiding something.

   Gu Chu couldn't figure it out for a while, so he had to go upstairs first. Upstairs, Cheng Qi had just finished taking a shower and came out with only a white bath towel wrapped around his waist.

   Seeing Gu Chu who was curious on the small bed, Cheng Qi's face changed slightly, and he hurried back to the bathroom and put on his clothes.

  You are still young at the beginning, so don't show up in front of her.

   "In the beginning, you are back?" Cheng Qi is still the appearance of the big brother next door, gentle, with a friendly smile.

  Gu Chu only thought he was pretending.

   Suspicious, could it be that Cheng Qi hid two brushes? Not as gentle and considerate as I see on the surface

   "When I first got up, I didn't see Brother Cheng Qi, so I ran out to look for you." Gu Chu shook his little white feet and looked at Cheng Qi with a smile, "Brother Cheng Qi, are you skiing with BoBo, is it fun?"

   Cheng Qi smiled: "It's fun."

   Gu Chu smiled: "That's good, I still want to go skiing early in the afternoon."

   Cheng Qi smiled: "I will accompany you this afternoon."

   Gu Chu smiled: "Okay, Brother Cheng Qi is really great."

  The two smiled falsely, and they were suspicious in their hearts.

   Cheng Qi looked like nothing had happened, and went back to his office area, took out the computer and looked through the documents, probably reviewing the company's new project.

  Gu Chu stared at his upright back and narrowed his eyes.

  The bridge of his nose moved slightly, and Gu Chu smelled a trace of blood and fresh blood in the air.


     Countdown to the fall of Cheng Qi's vest...



  (End of this chapter)

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