Chapter 386 Nightmare (1)

  The original script, very good.

The script of   Magic Change is very rubbish.

The content of her Weibo is simple and pale, expressing her enthusiasm for the acting career, showing her hard work and striving to make progress, implying that she is unable to do anything in the face of the magical change of the script, and sublimating the contradictions brought by the movie box office-a simple summary : [Some people add drama and change the plot, I can't stop it. 】

  As soon as Cao Yuezhi posted on Weibo, fans from all walks of life were boiling!

   "Let's see! It's obviously that some small fresh meat intensifies the sentiment, and the extra drama makes the plot completely different."

   "It's a real hammer, screenwriter Liu Liuzhen is plagiarizing other people's works."

  "Some small fresh meat and flowers are really shameless, and they won’t be recognized even if they add a play to their parents."

   "Touch the head, you have contributed your best acting skills. It is not you who is wrong, it is some junk meat that adds to the show!"

"Let me just say it! We, Yuezhi, are obviously the heroine, but an inexplicable [阿醉] popped up halfway, I bah! You are also worthy to be the heroine's mother? In the original script, you only had two **** scenes! You! How did it increase from two scenes to fifty scenes!"

As soon as    Weibo was posted, several small meats and traffic florets that were crazy in the movie were bombarded by netizens.

  These people originally wanted to quietly hide from the limelight, but when they thought, the queen would directly lift their fig leaf with this trick. Faced with the indiscriminate bombing by netizens, how could they stand it, and quickly went to the father of the gold master for help.

  The screenwriter Liu Liu plagiarized, and he has been scolded for not seeing anyone.

  He had to leave the net briefly to avoid the limelight.

   Cao Yuezhi's depressed mood, this is a little better. She was not discouraged. This time she was no better than Gu Manxi, because she was unlucky and met the garbage crew. Next time, she must surpass Gu Manxi!

  Next, she will join the group to shoot the main actress "The Legend of Yulu". Cao Yuezhi specifically greeted her, and she was not allowed to add drama or alter the plot, otherwise she would strike out directly.

  The crew did not dare to offend her, but Wei Nuo promised.

   "Sister Yuezhi, Mr. Wang wants you to go to his office." Broker Qian ran up.

  Cao Yuezhi straightened her long hair and said casually: "I see."

  Recently, the company's performance has been poor, and it has been suppressed for a while. Wang Tiancheng doesn't seem to be in a hurry. Anyway, the company hasn't gone bankrupt yet, so he has the ability to make a comeback. Next, Wang Tiancheng put most of his wealth on the TV series "The Legend of Yulu", just waiting for a beautiful turnaround.

  Wang Tiancheng happily invited Cao Yuezhi, and personally made a cup of green bamboo leaf tea for Cao Yuezhi: "Yuezhi, I am looking for you, it is entrusted by others."

  Cao Yuezhi paused slightly while drinking tea.

   A bad feeling flashed in his heart.

  Wang Tiancheng sat back on the black leather chair, his face was fat and his eyes were squeezed into a gap. Wang Tiancheng looked up and down Cao Yuezhi, with a graceful figure, enchanting long skirt, slender legs, and a charming face, like a splendid peony in full bloom.

  Wang Tiancheng looked more and more satisfied, and smiled: "That's it, Director Tang of the Tang family, he has always admired your style. I would like to invite you to have a cup of tea and chat."

  Cao Yuezhi took a sip of bamboo leaf green, only to feel that the tea was going to cool her throat.

  The Tang director of the Tang family, known to Cao Yuezhi. He is a middle-aged man in his forties, with a beer belly and obese. He is the second largest investor in the movie "South Wind Intoxication Record". This time, the box office of the movie was bleak, and Director Tang lost a lot of money.


     I am passing by as a single mother...T﹏T



  (End of this chapter)

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