Transmigrated as the Tortured Female Lead’s Daughter

Chapter 389: Don't be afraid, i'm here

   Chapter 389 Don't be afraid, I am here

"You don't have to go to the show in person. If every actress makes a show in person, what do you need a professional stand-in for?" Song Chen said distressedly, "Man Xi, I know you are serious in filming, but you should also pay attention to your own body. When you’re still young, before you do dangerous things, you have to think about your child."

  Diao Weiya jumped down from the sky, Song Chen was scared to think about it.

  Gu Manxi looked at him lightly.

  Gu Manxi suddenly asked: "Song Chen. If Chuchu and I didn't return to Kyoto, you would never find me in your life, would you marry Cheng Qingyun?"

  Song Chen is speechless, why mention Cheng Qingyun again! He didn't like Cheng Qingyun at all.

   "No," Song Chen put down the porridge bowl, "I will look for you forever."

  Gu Manxi thought of the scenes in his dreams, the scenes were so lifelike and cruel. Gu Manxi's eyes were red: "Then if I marry another man, would you dislike me for being dirty?"

  Song Chen always feels that today's Manxi is particularly fragile.

  It's probably because of illness, that it shows the fragility behind pretending to be strong.

  Song Chen said distressed: "Manxi, no matter where you are, I will find you; even if you marry another man, I will wait for you."

   gloomily thought: If that man treats you badly, I will secretly kill the man who married you.

  Gu Manxi shivered slightly, tears streaming down silently, his eyes red, delicately like a small flower. Song Chen couldn't see Gu Manxi cry the most. When she cried, he was at a loss and his heart was broken. Song Chen hurriedly wiped her tears: "Don't cry, don't cry, I'm by your side and won't let anyone bully you."

  Gu Manxi threw himself into Song Chen's arms.

  Song Chen froze!

  Song Chen:! ! !

  This is the first time Manxi took the initiative to hug me after six years! Song Chen almost suffocated his heart and had nowhere to put his hands. In the end, he carefully hugged Manxi and patted her on the back: "Don't be afraid, I am here."

  Gu Manxi was probably really tired. After crying, the entire human energy seemed to be unloaded and clean, and soon he fell asleep from exhaustion. In her sleep, she was still disturbed, grabbing the corner of Song Chen's clothes and refusing to let it go.

  Song Chen patiently guarded her by the bed.

   Looking at Gu Manxi in her sleep, her brows frowned and she was very disturbed. Song Chen pityed and stayed with her all the time.

  Gu Chu wandered outside for more than an hour, giving his parents enough time to be alone, and then stepped upstairs with his chubby legs: "Ma Ma, I'm back."

  Song Chen made a "hush" gesture, stood up lightly, and lowered his voice: "In the beginning, you will be with your mother here. Uncle Song will do something first, and come back at night."

  Gu Chu made an ok gesture.

  Father and daughter change shifts.

  Gu Chu sat on a small bench, playing with his mobile phone while accompanied by Ma Ma. Gu Manxi may not have a good rest during this period of time, and he is going to promote the movie "Spring Breeze Back to Dream", he has to go to filming, and he has to accept various endorsements. Various factors have led to a small illness due to poor rest.

   Gu Chu sighed, be strong.

  Clearly can live the life of a rich wife without any effort. But Gu Manxi chose to pursue his own business, and did not succumb to all the hardships and exhaustion.

   "I don't know what Ma Ma has a nightmare." Gu Chu murmured, continuing to swipe his phone.


  Remote America, a towering building.

  In a room full of high-tech, a small stone placed in the center of the data table emits a faint light.

  Lin Mo raised his head slightly, his eyes shifted from the newspaper to the stone: "The speed has increased."

  (End of this chapter)

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