Article 402 Qingyun returns

  This banquet was held in a large castle manor in Kyoto, and the main banquet was for rich people from the United States. In Vanity Fair, climbing any powerful person can bring countless benefits.

  Gu Chu doesn't like this kind of flashy banquet.

  But she wants to see if the rich American woman is the character in the original abuse text

  Gu Chu sat on the small sightseeing terrace on the second floor of the old castle, with a few plates of exquisite snacks in front of him, shaking his feet. Song Chen was sitting opposite Gu Chu. He was consciously cultivating Chu Chu's insights. Chu Chu's future is limitless. It is good for her to get in touch with the upper class life as soon as possible.


  In the open-air lobby, the moonlight is like a flower, and brightly dressed men, women and children are intertwined, discussing the affairs of the rich in the United States.

   "It's weird that the Qingyun Award is held in China."

  "The head of the Ariake Group who came today, and another noble gentleman, Mr. Thomas. If you can make friends, it will be easier to open up overseas markets in the future."

  "Mr. Thomas is only 30 years old this year, and he is said to be unmarried."

   "You think too much. He had just got engaged a few days ago. He seemed to fall in love with Mrs. Ming's righteous daughter at first sight. After a long pursuit, he won his heart."

   "Hey, what a pity."

  The lively discussion is endless.

  The sound of discussion fell into Gu Chu’s ears, Gu Chu was biting a little cake—Mrs. Ming, Ming Group, Thomas—and so on! Thomas?

  Gu Chu's eyes widened!

   Fucked in exclamation!

  Just as Gu Chu was surprised, the door of the banquet hall opened slightly.

  Mrs. Ming, her righteous daughter, and future son-in-law walked into the open-air hall gracefully. Mrs. Ming is over forty years old, her charm still exists. She has the graceful charm and graceful steps of an old Shanghai lady of the last century. She wears soft animal fur on her shoulders, gold silk glasses, and a cheongsam. She smiles. walk in.

  However, it is not this Mrs. Ming that surprised the rich and powerful in Kyoto the most!

  Instead, the slender and beautiful lady next to Mrs. Ming.

   "Uncle Song!! Then, isn't that the wife before you?" Gu Chuxi stood up. Gu Chu hadn't seen Cheng Qingyun for a long time, thinking that this woman would never get up again, but Gu Chu really underestimated her.

  Cheng Qingyun is like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. As long as she has a breath, she can get up tenaciously and try every means to climb the peak again.

  Song Chen frowned: "At the beginning, she was not my wife."

  I only have one wife, and that’s your mother.

  Song Chen was also surprised. He didn't expect to see Cheng Qingyun next to Mrs. Ming.

  Since Song Chen’s resignation announcement, Cheng Qingyun has disappeared for more than half a year. Who could have imagined that after more than half a year's effort, Cheng Qingyun turned into the righteous daughter of the man in control of the Ming Group in the United States!

  In the lobby, thousands of rays of light gathered on Cheng Qingyun.

  Cheng Qingyun maintains an elegant and gentle smile. She wore a high-definition daily dress tonight, with a small dew-shouldered clavicle, and a long wave-like soft hair spreading over her shoulders. She smiled and held her fiance's hand, looking at the surprised faces around her.

  Look, I, Cheng Qingyun, is back again.

  If you can't kill me, it will make me stronger after all!

  Before I was divorced and became the laughing stock of all of you in Kyoto.

  Now I am the high-ranking Miss Ming family, and the future Ming family belongs to me! The man next to me, he is one of the top richest people in the United States, and he is my fiancé of Cheng Qingyun! I am alive and brighter than you!

  (End of this chapter)

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