Chapter 405 I raise you

   Gu Chu squinted his eyes: "I'm going to the zoo next weekend."

  Song Chen smiled: "Deal."

  As expected of my daughter, she will bargain.

  However, Song Chen kept his mind more secretly.

  Cheng Qingyun will never let Manxi off easily, and will not let off the Song family easily, so beware everywhere.

  The news of Cheng Qingyun’s stunning appearance was not hidden, and it spread quickly throughout the upper circles of Kyoto like a tide, and reached many people's ears. Who would have thought that she had such a good fate that she became the righteous daughter of the Ming family's wife, and she also had a handsome and rich fiancé.

  Many people are eating melons and watching the show.

  Ming's Group has a wealth of wealth, and is comparable to Song's. I don't know what kind of sparks the two major companies will collide with.

  The first big thing Cheng Qingyun did after returning to Kyoto was to cooperate with the precarious Wang Entertainment Media on the project.

  Wang's Entertainment and Media company is about to be killed by Song Chen! Unexpectedly, Cheng Qingyun helped and invested a huge amount of projects. Wang's Entertainment Media was like a dehydrated fish returning to the sea, regaining its vitality.

  Gu Manxi also got the news and sent Song Chen a text message as soon as possible.

  [Gu Manxi]: "Cheng Qingyun is back?"

  Song Chen was having a meeting in the conference room when he saw the WeChat message.

  I glanced at Gu Manxi’s text message. In the huge office, Mr. Song was shocked in a cold sweat.

  Song Chen flashed a series of thoughts in his mind, hurriedly suspended the meeting, and ran out of the corridor to reply to Gu Manxi's text message.

  [Song Chen]: "I really have nothing to do with her! We also met, and I said something to her! Don't think about it, don't think about it, I only have you without her in my heart!"

  Song Chen is scared.

  I was afraid that Gu Manxi would leave again.

  [Gu Manxi]: "I know I'm just worried about you. I heard Teacher Lu said that Cheng Qingyun might have to deal with you."

  The big rock hanging from Song Chen’s heart fell steadily, wiping off the cold sweat from his forehead, and feeling warm and happy in his heart.

  Fortunately, my wife loves me.

  [Song Chen]: "Don't worry, Kyoto is my territory, she can't move me."

  [Gu Manxi]: "I am still worried about you."

  [Song Chen]: "It doesn't matter, even if my Song family is really bankrupt, I will take the entire Ming family and Wang family to my funeral."

  In the corner of the crew set, Gu Manxi lowered his head sadly, his eyes were filled with worry.

  She knew that Song Chen was very good, but Cheng Qingyun came prepared.

  Gu Manxi checked the Ming Group in the United States, which is a well-known entertainment and media company with a reputation throughout the United States. The head of the house, Ming Dongmei, is a generation of powerful women who are vigorous and resolute. He hates the behavior of kidnapping, scumbags, and wicked women the most in her life.

  [Song Chen]: "Manxi~You are at ease, and you and Chuchu will be protected no matter what."

  [Gu Manxi]: "If you really go bankrupt, I have also saved some savings in filming for half a year, and I can support you by filming in the future."

  【Song Chen】: "."

  Corridor of the company, Song Chen stared at the WeChat in the phone, feeling very complicated.

  On the one hand, he is so happy, no matter he is rich or poor, Gu Manxi will love him;

  On the other hand, I actually want to support me! I am a big man! Would you let your wife earn money to support me?

  Song Chen mixed sorrow and joy, and finally turned into a sigh.

  Gu Manxi did not sleep well these days.

  She is extremely worried about Song Chen.

   Secretly work overtime and work harder to film, and try to earn more money to save. If Song Chen really goes bankrupt one day, she can still have the money to buy a small house for Song Chen to live with Chu Chu.

    monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass



  (End of this chapter)

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