Chapter 421 You are blind

  Song Chen was taken aback.

  Today's Gu Manxi is too abnormal.

Song Chen took Gu Manxi onto the sofa, took off her shoes and socks that had been soaked in the soup, and wiped her feet with a towel: "It is indeed cv145. I remember it very clearly. Manxi, don't cry, tell me what happened. Something?"

  Gu Manxi’s mouth was trembling: “That, that’s my necklace, it’s mine.”

  Song Chen: "What?"

   "It's my necklace. It was stolen by a thief back then. My father paid the price of his life for it." Gu Manxi couldn't cry. "Where did Cheng Qingyun get the necklace? Or is she the thief?"

  The thief stole most of the family’s savings and jewellery, and has not been caught yet.

  This is Gu Man’s everlasting pain in his heart, and a pity at the end of his foster mother in heaven.

  Song Chen has a solemn expression.

  Song Chen gently pressed his hands on Gu Manxi’s shoulders, and looked at Gu Manxi face to face, with a low and heavy voice: "Manxi, don’t cry, slowly tell me the truth."

  There were still tears in Gu Manxi’s eyes, she choked up and said:

   "I told you before, when I was a child, my home was stolen. My mother's ring, my necklace."

  "This string of ruby ​​necklace, the number given to me is cv145."

   "I didn't expect it to become Cheng Qingyun's thing"

  "I suspect Cheng Qingyun stole it. Since she still keeps this ruby ​​necklace, maybe she still keeps my adoptive mother's ring. I want to retrieve the ring. It is a token of love from adoptive parents."

  Song Chen listened word by word, his heart beating like a drum.

  Song Chen said: "Manxi, do you remember, who gave you the necklace?"

  Song Chen’s eyes are shining, looking forward to it.

In his expectant gaze, Gu Manxi thought for a moment, frowned and said: "It seems that it was given by a child. He fell into the water and I rescued him. He stuffed this necklace into my arms. Just ran away-the necklace is not important, the important thing is why Cheng Qingyun has this necklace! Be sure to check it out!"

  Song Chen's expression is unpredictable and extremely exciting.


  Have joy,

  Have happiness.

  He suddenly hugged Gu Manxi tightly and let out a happy laugh: "It's actually you! Great! I'm a **** idiot! Hahaha!"

  The whole room was filled with Song Chen's cheerful laughter.

  Gu Manxi was taken aback, broke free from his restraint, and reached out to touch Song Chen's forehead: "What are you crazy?"

"It's me, Manxi! It's me!" Song Chen pointed to the bridge of his nose with a bright smile, "I gave you this necklace! I always thought it was Cheng Qingyun! I'm a fool! "

  Gu Manxi:? ? ?

  Song Chen once again held Gu Manxi tightly in his arms, cherishing everything.

  Fortunately, you are still the you in your memory, gentle and beautiful, and you haven't turned into a scheming Cheng Qingyun.

  Song Chencheng has regretted countless times, but after all, God has treated him well, and the girls he admired in childhood have always been clean, simple and beautiful.

   "Manxi, listen to me." Song Chen happily explained the matter.

  He has long mistaken Cheng Qingyun for the little girl he had a crush on in childhood.

   Cheng Qingyun looks like Gu Manxi in seven or eight points, Song Chen admits the wrong person.

  Song Chen held Gu Manxi’s face, the joy in his eyes could not hide: "So, what I like has always been you, and you will always be you from beginning to end."

  Gu Manxi did not expect that things would turn around and there would be many misunderstandings.

  Gu Manxi glanced at Song Chen, who was close at hand, and hammered Song Chen’s arm: "You are blind."

   "Yes, I'm blind--haha." Song Chen smiled happily.

    (If, I mean, if... If I let Cheng Qingyun rise from the East Mountain again, will he be assassinated...??)



  (End of this chapter)

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