Chapter 430

Thinking of the fortune in his heart, Gu Chu nodded quickly, with a very proud tone, and proudly showing off like a child: "Of course, Chuchu loves to play with computers, and the teacher said that Chuchu is the only genius in the computer field. What-I just learned to write code at the beginning, does grandma want to see it?"

  Gu Chu offered to look at the code. This was obviously a big step, and she was placed in front of Ming Dongmei for her to step down.

  Ming Dongmei hurriedly said, “I want to see it, let’s show it to grandma at first.”

   "Okay!" Gu Chu happily led Ming Dongmei upstairs to her room.

  Zhao Yan watched all this downstairs and shook his head silently.

  Zhao Yan thought, his family was really a naive child at the beginning, and he looked innocent and cute to everyone, unsuspecting.

  Zhao Yan is very worried. Gu Chu who is so stupid and good for everyone will definitely become a gentle and beautiful lady in the future.

  At the beginning of the simple nature, will it be easy to be deceived when he grows up? What should I do if I meet a scumbag?

  Gu Chu hasn't grown up yet, and his uncle Zhao Yan is already worried.

  Zhao Yan didn't know at all, his cute little niece, the abacus in the small brain was ticking, and there was a lot of calculation, and he had already secretly coveted the family properties of the elders.

   "Lao Zhao, Lao Zhao, I'm back, quickly help me carry things."

  At the door, Lin Xiaozhou, who had just attended the anchor’s annual meeting, came in with a large bag and a small bag.

  Zhao Yan immediately put aside the worries in his mind, raised a smile, and stepped forward to help.


  Kyoto, the world-renowned "Qingyun Award" is being held in full swing.

  China is a country with a large population, but the influence of film and television in the world is very limited. In the past few years, China has been an era where small fresh meat and traffic small flowers are rampant, producing countless film and television works every day, but the quality is staggering.

  There are more than 70 films shortlisted for the "Qingyun Award" this time, of which only two films are from China.

  Unexpectedly, the Qingyun Award project was announced. The famous young director Lu Shanhe's "Spring Breeze Back to Dream" won two world awards in one round!

  Best Director Award, Best Actor Award!

  This is an unprecedented honor in the history of China. At the movie awards ceremony, Lu Shanhe, who has always been stinky, held the trophy and said with a blank expression that the heroine was credited for winning the movie.

  It's just a matter of expressing that your organizing committee has that serious illness, and Gu Manxi, who has contributed outstanding acting skills, has not even been nominated!

  After the award ceremony, Ming Dongmei found Song Chen in person.

   "Mr. Song, Director Lu, stay here." Ming Dongmei hurried forward and stopped Song Chen, Lu Shanhe and others.

  Lu Shanhe rushed into the river city and asked him to bring himself a glass of champagne. Lu Shanhe tilted his head again and said twice: "Mrs. Ming, why are you here? Do you want to take back my director's trophy or Jiangcheng's trophy?"

Mrs. Ming looked embarrassed.

But she still held her mind and explained: "Today's awards ceremony, she did not come. This child has been refusing to see me. I have something to ask you to convey to me. This year's Qingyun Award, because of my interference, she originally Can be shortlisted—"

   "Hey, I also know that it was your interference that made Manxi almost lose his future." Lu Shanhe was not salty and mocking.

  Ming Dongmei knows that she is at a loss. She has always been tyrannical in the market and never gives the enemy any leeway.

  This time, however, he applied commercial methods to Gu Manxi, and Ming Dongmei regretted not having it.

    update update update



  (End of this chapter)

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