Chapter 434 Pretending to be foolish and gentle

   Over there, Thomas, who saw his lover being bullied, hurried over, pulled Gu Manxi away, angrily said: "You woman is too vicious! Bullying pregnant women in the public!"

  Gu Manxi staggered twice and almost fell, staring at him angrily: "Are you stupid, little Golden Retriever! You are stupid than Song Chen!"

  Thomas looked at Gu Manxi’s face. He always felt that this puffy and beautiful face seemed to be familiar, vaguely overlapping with the squeamish little girl in childhood.

  When he was a child, Thomas bullied the little girl. The little girl was irritated. She stared her eyes like this and scolded him violently.

   Seeing Gu Manxi with his own eyes, Thomas realized that Gu Manxi is more like the girl in childhood.

But Thomas couldn’t believe it. He was born arrogant and willing to admit that he was deceived, and said in a strong tone: "Miss Gu, I don’t care about you because you are a woman, but I bullied my fiancee. I will write it down."

  Song Chen came over, took Gu Manxi’s hand, and said to Thomas with a sneer: "You don’t need to keep her account, this account is mine."

  Two big men are tit-for-tat.

   just right, the airport reminder of the flight's departure sounded.

  Thomas was very worried and took Cheng Qingyun to board the plane and stopped staying.

  Before boarding the plane, Thomas could not help but look back at Gu Manxi.

  Song Chen took a step forward, blocking Gu Manxi's figure.

  This is my wife, don’t look at her!

  The plane flight departed, leaving China with Thomas and Cheng Qingyun, and flew to the distant United States.

  Gu Manxi was in a low mood. She was almost certain that Cheng Qingyun was the thief of the year.

  But, time is long, who can prove it?

   "Do you really think she is at large?" Gu Manxi asked eagerly.

  If you have done all the bad things, you can still get out of your body.

  What's wrong with this world?

  Song Chen held her face and said softly: "Don't worry, Thomas is not stupid. When he reacts, Cheng Qingyun has no good fruits."

  Cheng Qingyun underestimated Thomas, underestimated the dignity of upper-class people, and underestimated the cruel side of men.

  Thomas looks polite, but is he really stupid?

   "But Thomas looks really stupid." Gu Manxi was indignant.

  Song Chen shook his head and took Gu Manxi by the hand and walked out of the airport: "Manxi, men will only pretend to be dumb and gentle in front of the woman they love. On the other side that women can't see, he may be crueler than anyone else."

  Thomas is the heir of a large American family, and the family situation is almost half as complicated as that of Cheng Qi’s family.

  A man who grows up in this kind of big family is a fool for women to handle?

  Gu Manxi nodded as if he knew what to do, suddenly stopped, and looked at Song Chen weirdly: "Then you are pretending to be gentle in front of me during these days? Your gentleness is in disguise?"

  Song Chen:

  Song Chen: "No, no! I just gave an example! Manxi, Manxi you wait for me!!"


  Kyoto, a villa.

  BoBo popped into the study and yelled: "Big Brother, Big Brother! It's not good! The Cheng Qingyun who wanted to kill you before, she has now returned to the United States!"

  BoBo has been following the instructions of his elder brother in the past few days, secretly following Cheng Qingyun's movements.

  Cheng Qi is a man who bears grudges, and he will repay him.

  Cheng Qingyun tried to kill him several times, and Cheng Qi would definitely give her an unforgettable gift.

  BoBo waited and waited until Cheng Qingyun was almost fleeing to the United States, and did not wait for the gift from the eldest brother.

  BoBo was anxious, paws on the desk, and said to Cheng Qi, who was playing with toys, "Big Brother! What time is this, you are still playing Lego!"

  (End of this chapter)

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