Transmigrated as the Tortured Female Lead’s Daughter

Chapter 437: The most ruthless revenge (2)

  Chapter 437 The most ruthless revenge (2)

  Thomas has his considerations. He has worked so hard to climb the position of the family heir, and he must have a firm position.

  If it were known by several other brothers that he had this kind of weird azoospermia and could no longer have offspring, these ghostly brothers would definitely come up with the idea of ​​fighting for family property.

  So, Thomas needs a wife and a child to stabilize his position.

   Thomas lowered his voice, like a demon whispering: "Don't worry, I will let you know what life is better than death, even beasts."

   "Aren't you afraid that I will knock the child out of my stomach?" Cheng Qingyun's eyes were red.

  She realized that this man was not so controllable. He is gentle and polite, provided that he has you in his heart.

  Once he no longer loves you, he will instantly become a demon.

Thomas heard the pale and feeble threat, and tweeted weirdly, disgusting the warning: "You kill this child and I will make you pregnant. You like to find wild men. I can give you a few dozen more. , Let them entertain you well, and you will always get pregnant again."

  Cheng Qingyun's face was pale, and he didn't speak for a long time.

  Thomas threw down the woman and walked away.

  Cheng Qingyun slumped on the ground, subconsciously squeezing her arms, her body trembling non-stop.

  It seems that she finally got the position she dreamed of, and she would marry Thomas and become a beautiful wife, but why is she now cold all over her body, I only think that Thomas’ every move is extremely terrifying.

  "Why. Why is it always like this?" Cheng Qingyun clenched her fingers tightly, almost biting her gums and bleeding.

  How unfair is fate

  Why Gu Manxi can always easily get the love and affection of men, and no matter how she tries to climb up, Cheng Qingyun will eventually be torn from the high platform by this **** fate and fall to the ground severely.

  Kyoto, Cheng's house.

   After listening to the elder brother’s narration, BoBo raised his eyebrows and raised his two eyebrows: “Big brother, how do you know that Cheng Qingyun’s belly is not Thomas’ baby?”

Cheng Qi calmly said: "I have read the script."

  BoBo: "What?"

  Cheng Qi understands some plots of the original works. In the original works, Thomas and Cheng Qingyun gave birth to a daughter after marriage. This daughter has completely inherited her mother's appearance, and she has an Asian image through and through. At that time, Cheng Qi was a little puzzled. It stands to reason that children of Chinese and American mixed blood will have some American characteristics in their bodies.

  He slightly checked Cheng Qingyun's itinerary in the United States, and occasionally found records of her and Dr. Li entering and leaving the hotel.

  Cheng Qi guessed that Thomas was cucked in all likelihood.

  Thomas looks like a gentleman, he is an exquisite aristocratic man, but in his bones he is a very good face. If you know that Cheng Qingyun put a green hat on him, waiting for Cheng Qingyun will be a long torture.

  In ancient penalties, a long, long cut with a thousand swords is more tormenting than a sharp beheading.

Cheng Qi wants Cheng Qingyun to live in the long and endless cruel torture for the rest of his life, just like Gu Manxi at the end of the original abuse text, living a miserable life in the dark — let Cheng Qingyun experience the original The miserable life of the heroine is the best punishment for her.

   "Also, brother, how did you know that Thomas has azoospermia." BoBo couldn't figure out this after cutting through the brain department. His elder brother is simply a fairy, and he can see through everything!

  Cheng Qi: "I don't know if he has azoospermia."

  BoBo: "What?"

   Cheng Qi pushed his glasses: "But I can make him suffer from azoospermia."


   BoBo, who reacted suddenly, took two steps back subconsciously, hugging his little arm in fear.

  Fuck! Brother, you are terrible!


     Haha azoospermia stems from the sand sculpture drama [why mother-in-law is like this] that I have seen before. If you are interested, you can search for it.



  (End of this chapter)

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