Chapter 445 Dark Days (3)

   "Wang, Wang Tiancheng! Where is this!" Zhao Manshi was startled.

  She ran away from the blind date tonight, and wanted to go to the big brother’s house for hot pot. Passing by the nearby supermarket, Zhao Manshi thought that he could not go to the supermarket with bare hands, so he planned to go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients.

  She walked around the supermarket and didn't know what to buy, so she went to the toilet to fix up her makeup.

  Unexpectedly, two dark and thin men broke in, and then she was unconscious

  Woke up again and found that he was in a strange place, and Wang Tiancheng, who was so drunk, was punching and kicking at him. Zhao Manshi was frightened, but her body was soft and unable to lift her strength, she cursed with red eyes: "Wang Tiancheng! You are illegal kidnapping! Believe it or not, I call the police!"

   "Bah! Can you report it if you have the ability?" Wang Tiancheng threw the wine bottle on Zhao Manshi.

   He squinted his eyes trivially, and felt that the woman in front of him was not Gu Manxi, but Zhao Manshi.

   Zhao Manshi?

  Wang Tiancheng licked the corners of his mouth, he likes this hot young girl!

   Zhao Manshi hurriedly took out the phone, but found that the phone had already been turned off! Zhao Manshi was so panicked that she had noticed Wang Tiancheng's terrifying eyes, like a hungry wolf looking at the prey. Zhao Manshi screamed and got up, groggy, trying to escape.

  She wants to escape!

  This man is terrible!

  Zhao Manshi has never met such a terrible person in her life, and she trembles with fear when she encounters such a terrible thing.

  Where is Wang Tiancheng willing to give her a chance to escape, grabbed a corner of her gray skirt, and jerked: "You **** shit! I won't kill you today! I **** don't believe in the king!"

  The skirt was pulled, Zhao Manshi's white shoulders were exposed, and she staggered to the ground, revealing her long and straight legs.

  Wang Tiancheng looked enthusiastically.

  He grabbed Zhao Manshi’s slender ankle and dragged Zhao Manshi who was screaming and crying over

Its daybreak.

   Zhao Manshi staggered and ran out of Wang Tiancheng's house.

  Wang Tiancheng’s private house is very close to Zhao’s home. Zhao Manshi stumbled away two kilometers barefoot and rang the doorbell of the house.

  It was Tang Chunxiu who opened the door. There are no servants in the Zhao family.

  Tang Chunxiu opened the door, and saw her daughter covered in wounds, broken skirts, and messy hair. Tang Chunxiu was startled.

   Zhao Manshi cried out, her voice hoarse: "Mom, it hurts."

   "Child, what's the matter with you! Hurry up, come into the house!" Tang Chunxiu felt distressed, she helped Zhao Manshi, who was all over her body, into the house. Zhao Manshi was still young, and she was crying and curled up in Tang Chunxiu's arms where she had experienced such terrible things.

  The servants in the family were fired, and her husband had not returned home for a long time, so Tang Chunxiu could only take care of her daughter.

  She called hot water to wipe her daughter's face, and found Zhao Manshi to change her clothes.

  Take off the torn clothes, Zhao Manshi has nothing good on her whole body, bluish and purple, bite marks and scars all over her, she has suffered terrible torture from inhumans, and the imprints left look shocking.

  Tang Chunxiu saw tears in her eyes, cautiously rubbing medicine on her daughter, and then cautiously asked: "Which one who killed a thousand swords made this evil! Was it Mr. Zhang, who had a blind date with you last night?"

   Zhao Manshi shook his head, tears falling silently: "It's not that he is Wang Tiancheng, mom, I'm so uncomfortable."

   Zhao Manshi was in pain.

  The nightmare night, she still dare not face it.

  She is like a crumpled doll, torn up garbage, bullied by that terrible man




  (End of this chapter)

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