Chapter 450 Break

  Zhao Yan went downstairs. His father Zhao Jing had already made hot tea and greeted him graciously to come over for tea. Tang Chunxiu persuaded him to stay for lunch, and even ran into the kitchen to make lunch first.

  Zhao Yan has long been accustomed to seeing his parents, and sat back on the sofa: "Just tell me if you have anything to help me."

  A flash of embarrassment on Zhao Jing's face.

  He pushed the gold-wire glasses, only to think that this son made him more and more unpredictable.

Zhao Jing coughed slightly: "That's it. My father has been losing money in business recently. You are also starting a company, and the company has extremely high profits every year. Can you help Dad? Or, you buy Dad’s company. We are father and son, mine. The company is your company."

  Zhao Yan shook his head: "My company adopts modern management and will not acquire your company."

  Zhao Jing’s company is a skinny camel. It looks bigger than a horse, but it is actually an empty shell inside.

  The management of the company is very chaotic, and many relatives of Zhao Jing and Tang Chunxiu have been squeezed in to work. The lack of ability of these related households has caused other employees to be full of grievances, and the company’s turnover rate has always been high.

  Zhao Yan is different. In the projects he recently cooperated with Cheng's family, every project has high-tech investment, and the employees are high-tech talents. What did he do to buy Zhao Jing's company in his spare time? Free pension for relatives?

   "Your uncles and uncles are in the company, so you can't watch them lose their jobs." Zhao Jing pleaded.

  Zhao Yan shook his head indifferently.

   Zhao Jing collapsed: "They watched you grow up! It's your relative!"

  Zhao Yan: "They are incapable. They eat together and wait for death. I don't raise waste."

   Zhao Jing flushed with anger: "You—you are really my good son!"

   "Okay, okay, don't quarrel between father and son." Tang Chunxiu walked over in an apron, watching the atmosphere raging, and hurriedly finished the game, "Wait for a while and have dinner. At the beginning, you will stay for dinner too. Grandma has stewed chicken soup."

   Gu Chu smiled sweetly: "Okay."

  Don't poison the chicken soup.

  Coincidentally, the doorbell rang.

  Tang Chunxiu smiled and ran to open the door, and then said to Zhao Yan in the room: "Xiao Yan! Look at who is here?"

  A young girl with delicate makeup walked in and greeted Zhao Yan with a smile: "Long time no see."

  Zhao Yan's face is very ugly.

  This woman Zhao Yan knows, she is a daughter of the same wealthy district, and she has always had that meaning for Zhao Yan. Tang Chunxiu has been secretly matching the two, wanting Zhao Yan to marry this rich daughter.

  Zhao Yan ignored the girl and took Gu Chu's hand: "Chuchu, let's go home."

  Tang Chunxiu and Zhao Jing looked at each other. Tang Chunxiu hurriedly pulled the girl into the kitchen and told her to try the newly stewed chicken soup.

In the living room, Zhao Jing whispered: "It's a guest here. What are you walking like now! Miss Wang is beautiful and powerful at home. If you are blind, you have to look for that **** anchor? You are a man. Man, if a man doesn't pass the clan, he still calls him a man?"

  Zhao Jing only feels ashamed!

  This time, he was stepping on Zhao Yan's bottom line.

  Zhao Yan never feels how dirty he and Lin Xiaozhou are. As long as two people like each other, what does it matter if they are a man or a woman?

   His parents took this as a shame and a family ugly, and tried to kill Lin Xiaozhou several times, trying to make Zhao Yan Chuanzong a "normal man".

   "I won't take care of the Zhao family. If you go bankrupt, I will go bankrupt. I won't give you a penny to help you!" Zhao Yan said coldly, "Mr. Zhao, you can do it yourself!"

After all, Zhao Yan took Gu Chu and left quickly.

  He really didn’t want to stay here for a second!

    update update update update

     monthly pass roar



  (End of this chapter)

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