Chapter 454

  "Good afternoon at the beginning of the day~" The agent Ma Jie likes Gu Chu very much. This child is good-looking and clingy, and she is very good-looking. He will definitely be as beautiful as her mother when he grows up.

  The nanny car drove at high speed and arrived at the underground parking lot of Songshi Entertainment Media.

  Gu Manxi went to the dressing room to modify his makeup and prepared for shooting. Today, Gu Manxi shot a set of desert blockbusters, wearing a red ethnic dress and combing Dunhuang Feitian hairstyle.

   After Song Chen heard the news, he immediately put aside his work and came over to watch Gu Manxi put on makeup with Chu Chu.

   Being watched by the father and daughter, Gu Manxi was very embarrassed and wanted to drive away these two guys: "Don't look at me anymore."

  Gu Chu held his cheeks: "Ma Ma is so beautiful."

  Song Chen nodded: "Yes."

  One big and one small look at each other, smiling.

   Gu Manxi was speechless, and the agent next to him chuckled.

  At this moment, the door of the dressing room knocked, and Song Chen's assistant poked his head: "Mr. Song, the people from the police station are here."

  Song Chen: "Police station?"

  The assistant nodded: "They just arrested Wang Tiancheng. This guy Wang Tiancheng has a stubborn beak and refuses to admit his guilt. He has to confess his guilt only if he wants to meet with you. The police station brought him over."

  As soon as the assistant's voice fell, there was a clamoring sound outside the door, and then the door of the dressing room was knocked open, and Wang Tiancheng in a prison uniform screamed and rushed in.

  Almost at the same time, Gu Chu stood in front of Gu Manxi, and Song Chen stood in front of Gu Chu and Gu Manxi.

  Not seen for a few days, Wang Tiancheng has lost a lot of weight, his eyes are black, his face is shaggy, and he looks hideous and terrifying. The police rushed in and pressed Wang Tiancheng to the ground to control: "Don't move!"

  Wang Tiancheng was pressed to the ground, still raised his head stubbornly, cursing: "Song Chen, you Sima thing! You must die!"

  Song Chen frowned.

  "Wait, wait for Lao Tzu to get out of prison, you must kill you!" Wang Tiancheng's eyes were flushed, like a ghost, "and your woman! Lao Tzu wants to kill her!"

  Gu Chuyou faintly narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

Wang Tiancheng was obviously in a runaway state. He saw Gu Manxi with exquisite makeup and maliciously licked the corners of his mouth: "Damn! Last time I caught the wrong person, I got Zhao Manshi's bastard! Next time I won't catch the wrong one! "


  Gu Manxi stood up abruptly: "What did you say? What did you do to Manshi?"

  Wang Tiancheng laughed: "What did I do to her? I **** her all night, and you said what did I do to her? Hahaha!"

  Gu Manxi's face suddenly changed, and his blood was cold.

  Gu Chu secretly clenched his little hand.

  Gu Manxi staggered, his heart seemed to be severely poked with a knife.

  She picked up the makeup mirror on the table and smashed it on Wang Tiancheng, cursing: "You are a bastard! Manshi she is still so young!! You bastard!"

  Gu Manxi is out of control, that is her only sister!

  This nasty man dared to treat her...

  The police and Song Chen quickly stopped Gu Manxi.

  Wang Tiancheng grinned grimly, still uttering harsh words without embarrassment. The police slightly apologized: "I'm so sorry, Mr. Song, it's our fault, we shouldn't have brought him here."

  Song Chen calmed his face, calmed the trembling Gu Manxi, and said to the police: "What he said just now, please investigate."

   "You can rest assured, this is our duty."

  The police left with the cursing Wang Tiancheng. After a long distance, he could still hear Wang Tiancheng's unwilling roar.

    monthly pass monthly pass

     Try to update ~ strive to end early~~

     I am now more than 6 a day, very diligent (*)



  (End of this chapter)

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