Transmigrated as the Tortured Female Lead’s Daughter

Chapter 458: Let's go with sister (1)

  Chapter 458 Let's go with my sister (1)

   (Sorry, the title of the previous chapter was wrong! My eyes, the background has been changed, but some platforms may not display the revised content!)


  Song Chen held Gu Manxi in his arms, his eyes were as cold as ice: "Mrs. Tang, I am the'wild man' in your mouth. I was the child of Manxi and I at the beginning."

  As if a flash of lightning struck down, Tang Chunxiu was stunned.

  Tang Chunxiu asked in disbelief: "Ms. Song? What did you say?"

  Song Chen said coldly: "Man Xi is my woman, my biological daughter in the beginning, if your Zhao family dares to do evil to their mother and daughter, I will make you pay the price!"

  Tang Chunxiu:! ! !

   "It's not impossible, she is obviously the wild man looking for outside" Tang Chunxiu shook her head subconsciously, impossible!

  Tang Chunxiu clearly sent someone to investigate. In the past, Gu Manxi gave birth to a child out of wedlock, and raised his daughter alone! This daughter is clearly a flowery intestine, and she hooks up with wild men's stubborn seeds everywhere, and embarrassing the Zhao family's rubbish.

  How could Gu Manxi be involved with Song Chen!

  How could Gu Chu be Song Chen’s child!

   Something must be wrong!

  Song Chen is the top boss in the entire Kyoto circle. He is powerful and powerful, and it is impossible to fancy Gu Manxi this woman!

   Tang Chunxiu's face flushed rapidly, she stammered: "Mr. Song. Did you make a mistake? Or do a paternity test. Gu Chu's little **** can't be your child."

  Song Chen snorted coldly.

  This idiot.

  Looking at Song Chen’s expression, Tang Chunxiu’s head was dizzy. Is it true?

  If Gu Chu is really Song Chen’s child, then what kind of great opportunity did Tang Chunxiu miss? She also attacked Gu Manxi several times, in case Song Chen would be held accountable. Tang Chunxiu felt cold all over his body, and felt scared afterwards.

  "I'll go upstairs to see Manshi first." Gu Manxi was worried about Zhao Manshi and wanted to go upstairs to have a look.

  Song Chen looked gentle: "Go ahead. No matter what you do, I will support you."

  Gu Manxi glanced at him and hurried upstairs.

  Tang Chunxiu still wanted to stop, but was forced back by Song Chen's cold eyes. She hung her head, her hands were tangled together in an uneasy manner, her eyes writhing awkwardly, not knowing what she was thinking.

  Upstairs, Gu Manxi gently pushed away Zhao Manshi's room.

  Zhao Manshi was still wearing that snow-white long skirt, sitting on the bed with her knees hugged, staring blankly at the branches outside the window. Gu Manxi looked at his depleted sister, and felt more distressed.

   "Don't be afraid, sister is here." Gu Manxi sat next to Zhao Manshi, the two sisters side by side.

   Zhao Manshi's tears slipped silently.

  Hugged her knees tightly.

  Fragile like a rose that has weathered the wind and rain, there is nothing more vivid and bright at all.

   "You can't marry Tang Dong, he is not a good person." After all, Gu Manxi survives in the entertainment industry. Song Chen has always been sheltered from the wind and rain, and she has hardly been persecuted by the so-called unspoken rules.

   But Gu Manxi had long heard of Tang Dong’s foul reputation. There is no shortage of women around him. He likes some young and bright girls the most. They don't recognize people after playing. I don't know how many girls have been harmed by him in the circle.

  There is also Wang Tiancheng, which is not a good thing.

  Zhao Manshi’s chin was pressed on her knees, and she stared blankly at the tree branches outside the window, her voice hoarse: "I think this is retribution."

  She used to be savvy and self-willed, proudly too much.

   even once harmed Gu Manxi.

  Now all these are the "gifts" that fate gave her back.

  All her pride and self-esteem were crushed to nothing in that dark night.

"It's not retribution, Manshi, you are fine now." Gu Manxi sighed and took her hand, "You are you, no one can decide your destiny. Tang Chunxiu can't, and Wang Tiancheng can't, only you can It can determine the way you live."

    ah ah ah, the title of the previous chapter was wrong! ! ! ! ! The pre-update set in the middle of the night, I didn’t notice...T﹏T

     plus more apologies



  (End of this chapter)

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