Chapter 476 After growing up...

  Thirteen years later.

  The beautiful Seine River, a girl in a white dress is sketching by the river, delicately holding a paintbrush, carefully copying carefully on the canvas.

  The evening breeze is blowing her long hair slightly, her profile is beautiful and moving.


  The phone beeps.

  The girl put down her paintbrush, put her mobile phone on the drawing board, connected to the video call, with a small smile at the corner of her mouth.

  Gu Chu in the video call has a beautiful young face, long light black hair softly scattered on his shoulders, and picturesque eyebrows. The slender fingers are holding a blue paint brush against the beautiful Seine River in the background.

   "Mom, I was painting before I heard the phone ringtone." Gu Chu beckoned to Gu Manxi in the phone, behaved calmly, quietly and beautifully, gentle and elegant.

  The standard appearance of everyone.

   probably inherited Gu Manxi’s beauty and gentle temperament.

Gu Manxi looked at the more provocative girl in the video, and shook his head: "You kid, you had to study abroad a few years ago. It's been five years since you went. Do you know how much mom and dad worry about you? It's time to go home. "

  Gu Chu acted like a baby: "Mom~ I will go to class later, the school here is very good, I don't want to go back to China."

  Gu Manxi rubbed his temples and said seriously: "In the beginning, you are not young. I have discussed with your dad that you should go back to China and try to get in touch with the company's business."

  Gu Chu:

  Simply put, it is to call Gu Chu to go home to inherit the family property.

  When Gu Chu was seven years old, Gu Manxi and Song Chen received their marriage certificates.

  As soon as the news came out that year, I don’t know how many Gu Manxi’s male fans all over the country lost love. After marriage, Gu Manxi is still active in the entertainment industry. He is still filming every year. He has cooperated with Lu Shanhe several times again, won many world-class film and television awards, and gradually established his position in the entertainment industry.

  However, Gu Manxi and Song Chen have never had children.

  Gu Chu is still their only baby.

   "Mom, I'm still young." Gu Chu acted like a baby, with a soft and sweet voice, "Dad is young and strong. He will definitely be able to work for 20 years."

  Gu Manxi quite disagrees.

  Recently, Song Chen yelled about a sore back and wanted to retire early and travel around the world with his wife. All kinds of hints that her daughters would return to China to inherit hundreds of millions of fortunes were always rejected by Gu Chu.

  Song Chen had no choice but to save the country through his wife's curve, and Gu Chu listened more to his mother.

  Gu Manxi said: "Domestic schools are no worse than foreign schools. At the beginning, listen to mother's words and come back early—" As he said, there was someone calling. Gu Manxi was still filming in the crew and was about to start it up.

   "In the beginning, I will talk to you when my mother is free." After that, Gu Manxi hurriedly told Gu Chu and turned off the video call.

  As Gu Manxi closed the call, the gentle smile on Gu Chu's face instantly disappeared, completely changing into another look.

   looks lazy, and has a temperament like a sharp sword just out of its sheath.

  Gu Chu threw the paintbrush casually.

   "Come on, clean up this place." Gu Chu stood up, took off his jet black wig, revealing his capable short hair.

   With a flexible finger, the white dress also fell to the ground. Inside was a tight-fitting black combat uniform with a light weapon on his waist.

   "Yes, Captain." The lights in the virtual room turned on, and two tall soldiers in camouflage uniforms walked in.

  Close the holographic image well-trained, and the beautiful Seine disappears instantly, surrounded by cold silver walls. The two took away the drawing board, paintbrushes, bench and the wig dress that Gu Chu had replaced, and left after a salute to Gu Chu.

  Recently, Gu Manxi has made more and more calls, and he has been urging Gu Chu to return to China and inherit his family business.

   Gu Chu had to change clothes every three to five, perfunctory mother and father.

  Gu Chu stretched her waist. She never went abroad, but now she is in an important safety base in remote mountainous areas of China.

  Since he was six years old, he decided to serve the motherland and hugged his mother’s thighs. Gu Chu had a very low-key life as a child.

  First accepted the above recruitment and gradually showed his talents. Relying on his outstanding ability, Gu Chu quickly emerged from a group of geniuses and entered the national secret team to start training. The training lasted for many years.

  As he got older, Gu Chu's tenacity and arrogance became more and more unconcealable. At the age of fourteen, he began to apply for tasks.

  Of course, this must not be noticed by Gu Manxi and Song Chen.

To let Gu Mancy know, her family is well-behaved, cute, and beautiful, a fight outside, one foot, one foot, the big teeth, the base is invincible, and Gu Mankus will definitely scare.

  Gu Chu’s special identity and status are absolutely confidential.

After thinking about it, in order to facilitate the task, when he was fourteen, Gu Chu pretended to go abroad to study under the guise of going abroad for further study.

  Gu Manxi was very unwilling to give up, but there was no way to watch the children obstinately, so he reluctantly agreed.

Gu Chu’s "going abroad" has been out for five years. During the holidays, he will go back every new year and brush his face in front of his parents and do his filial piety. The rest of the time is actually spent fighting and arresting people all over the world, born to death, and deeply concealed his merits. And name.

Relying on the ability to guard against the sky, relying on the promotion of the leader, Gu Chu was promoted to the captain of Team A in just five years. At this time, she was only 19 years old. None of the big masters in the army base were her opponents. .

   "Captain Captain~~ The man called you over." The chubby man with glasses ran over.

  Gu Chu: "Come here."

  Gu Chu left the holographic simulation room, brushed his face and entered Sun’s room.

  Sun Fuqiang, nicknamed Lao Sun, is an important figure responsible for the management of national security in China, and is of high authority.

  Lao Sun is already in his sixties, and he is still very capable and energetic. He saw Gu Chu who pushed the door and said heartily: "Captain Gu, you are finally here, sit down and sit down."

  Gu Chu sat down at the black desk with his long legs overlapping: "New task?"

  Old Sun chuckled, he and Gu Chu had an indissoluble bond for 13 years.

  Since Gu Chu was six years old, Lao Sun has been paying attention to the movements of Gu Chu, a young genius.

   can be described as watching Gu Chu from a soft and cute little doll, step by step into a big devil who is not beaten. In the heart of the old grandson, Gu Chu is just like his own granddaughter.

   is sometimes quite arrogant, making old grandson want to righteously destroy relatives.

  However, Lao Sun was trained by Gu Chu as his heir. Gu Chu is a born fighter, and the old grandson only waits for one day to retire or belch, and let Gu Chu sit in his place and continue to serve the motherland.

  "It's a new task. The cultural relics dealers we have been tracking fled back to China. They are not easy to catch." The old grandson handed over the information, "You need to take action."

  Gu Chu took the information and opened it.

  【Object of arrest-Cheng Kaiyuan】.

  Gu Chu raised his left eyebrow, the name is quite familiar

  Looking at the material again, Gu Chu tweeted. Isn’t this just the merciful father of Cheng Qi, Cheng Kaiyuan?




  (End of this chapter)

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