Chapter 48

  It was Cheng Qi who came after hearing the news and calmly informed Lin Xiaozhou of what happened on the Internet today.

  The expression on Lin Xiaozhou's face gradually became dignified. He sat cross-legged on the bed, his head hanging down for a while without saying a word. He concealed his parents and elder brother back then, secretly returned to the country and sneaked into the Kyoto mixed live broadcast scene. In the past two years, he has experienced a lot of public opinion disturbances, large and small, and his psychological endurance is not bad.

  It’s just that this time the black material came too fiercely.

   A heavy black pot was snapped down, without warning.

   "I didn't do this." Lin Xiaozhou said sullenly, and jumped out of bed, "I'll go back to the office. My phone was stolen yesterday. I didn't send those messages--"

  The relationship between him and that Bai Yiyi has nothing to do with him. Where did he expect that Bai Yiyi would release a screenshot of the chat, and where did he expect the assistant Xiaofang to stand up and testify against him.

  He just wants to go back to the [Orange Live] company and ask in person.

Next to   , Gu Chu mumbled: "Brother Xiaozhou, I think the people in your company are not good people either."

  Lin Xiaozhou paused.

  He suddenly stretched out the palm of his hand and said to Gu Chu, "Chu Chu, let me use my mobile phone." Lin Xiaozhou used Gu Chu's mobile phone to call the director of Orange Live.

  The call was quickly connected, and Lin Xiaozhou quickly said: "Mr. Wang, I am Kid, I—"

   "Are you embarrassed to call?" Mr. Wang cursed harshly, "Do you know, it's because of your troubles! How much money did our company lose when the shares plummeted!"

  Lin Xiaozhou shook his body, “I didn’t send that kind of text message to Bai Yiyi. My phone was stolen last night——”

"Okay, okay, don't explain!" Mr. Wang sneered, "Xiao Lin, don't blame our company for being unfeeling. It's really that you provoke someone who shouldn't be offended, you just wait for the lawyer's letter, our orange live broadcast will not condone loss German anchor."

  Mr. Wang sneered and hung up the phone.

  Lin Xiaozhou seems to have been splashed with a scoop of icy cold water, from the skin to the bones, chills.

  He originally signed the [Orange Live] platform, which was introduced by Zhao Yan. However, even if Lin Xiaozhou is the most popular game anchor on Orange Live, the executives on this live broadcast platform are not satisfied with him.

  Because Lin Xiaozhou is “not smart”, he will not guide the audience to spend money on him, and even persuade minors not to give rewards.

  Lin Xiaozhou rarely participates in the various ranking activities held by the live broadcast platform. He knows that many of the viewers watching his live broadcast are minors.

  Game anchors who can create a value of more than 100 million are only willing to create tens of millions of value. Over time, the senior management becomes more and more dissatisfied with him. Had it not been for his high popularity, I would have wanted to **** him a long time ago.

  Lin Xiaozhou scratched his hair irritably, a small curly hair was caught by him as messy as a chicken coop, and Junxiu’s face was unhappy.

  He then opened Weibo, the first few posts on Weibo’s hot searches were all from him——



  #Orange Live Statement#

  #Whether a low degree can be engaged in the anchor industry#

  Orange live broadcast platform is very fast, and soon released a contract termination statement, claiming that Lin Xiaozhou violated the anchor's professional qualities, and orange live unilaterally terminated the contract with him.

   Several other endorsements that have cooperated with Lin Xiaozhou, but also due to the turbulent pressure of public opinion, had to delete the e-sports products related to Lin Xiaozhou.

  Lin Xiaozhou faces huge liquidated damages.

   "@Kid is the most handsome, come forward and explain!!"

  "Kid's explanation such as closed wheat."

  (End of this chapter)

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