Chapter 482 Poor Gu Chu?

  There is no scorching sun, and Gu Chu’s skin disease is useless.

   was notified to participate in military training.

  Gu Chu changed his clothes and went downstairs. From afar, he heard Ye Sichen shouting loudly: "Chuo Chu~ I brought you bun soy milk from the cafeteria."

  Ye Sichen babbled and ran over and stuffed the hot bun soy milk into Gu Chu’s hands: "Quickly, eat while it is hot."

  Gu Chu: "Thanks."

   "Hey, what is the relationship between us, don't thank me." Ye Sichen couldn't stop the smile on his face.

  The auntie next to him joined in the fun, with ambiguous eyes: "Oh, instructor Ye is buying breakfast for his girlfriend? What a caring young man."

  Ye Sichen is particularly prone to blush, his handsome face blushed instantly, and he shook his head awkwardly: "No, no, I was at the same table in kindergarten at first, not my girlfriend."

  Auntie Suguan has an expression that I understand.

  Gu Chu didn't pay any attention at all, and walked to the training ground with soy milk. The boys and girls are already here, standing and moving in the same place. Everyone saw Gu Chu and Instructor Ye walking by, and everyone's thoughts were surging, which was very complicated.


   "Instructor Ye moved so fast! Did you take down the goddess so quickly?"

   "Fuck, it's so good to be handsome these years."

  "The buds of first love were cut off by reality before the buds were unearthed."

   "It's so nice to walk~ I love it."



   "This Gu Chu is even better than the former school flower. It's not easy.

   "Look at Zhou Qianqian's expression, haha, I'm so ridiculous."

   "School flowers PK before school flowers, the scene is exciting enough."

  Gu Chu finished his breakfast all the way, and threw the breakfast bag into the trash can next to him. He walked into the girls' pile blankly and stood at the end.

  She really doesn't like this kind of low-level military training, but some of the obvious cutscenes have to go, otherwise she can't explain to her parents.

  Coincidentally, Gu Chu was standing next to Zhou Qianqian.

  Today Zhou Qianqian finally has no pain in her stomach and can join the army to participate in training.

   Zhou Qianqian saw Gu Chu with a gentle smile: "Gu Chu, good morning."

  Gu Chu: "Good morning."

  "Please give me some advice in the future." Zhou Qianqian said playfully, "We can be good sisters. You can call me Qianqian. I will call you Chuchu from now on, okay?"

  Gu Chupi smiled and said, "Okay."

  The two pretended to greet each other, feeling disgusted.

  The morning training is still ten minutes away. The girls who love beauty still take out makeup sunscreen and apply them on their faces and arms. There is no sun today, but sun protection is a daily compulsory course, and it is essential to resist daily ultraviolet rays.

  Zhou Qianqian also took out a bottle of sunscreen, smeared it evenly on the palm of the hand, and then gently applied it on the face.

  After preparing for sunscreen, Zhou Qianqian saw Gu Chu who was still playing with his mobile phone in the same place, and was slightly surprised: "Chuchu, don't you even have sunscreen?"

   Zhou Qianqian’s girlfriends also came over, looking strange: "You can't even afford sunscreen."

  Her voice is not too big or too small, just enough to be heard by a circle of girls around.

  Kyoto is the most prosperous city in the country, and every inch of land contains most of the wealth of the country. In this land, there are half of the rich and famous in the country. Among the freshmen enrolled in Kyoto every year, there are also many locals from well-off families.

  But if you can go to Kyoto University, there must be some money at home. Especially girls, everybody has a bottle of sunscreen.

  Gu Chu lowered his head to play with his mobile phone: "No sunscreen."

    The end of the month is a monthly pass! ! ! Why are there so many monthly tickets for other people, I have more than 100...T﹏T crying, and many people spend money to buy the list at the end of the month, and I shed tears silently and stomped my chest...


     Cheng Qi: There is a question, why did I still have no role when I grew up at the beginning?

     A crescent moon turned over the archived manuscript, Cheng Qi in the archived manuscript was dying, and a crescent moon fell silent.



  (End of this chapter)

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