Chapter 488 Cabbage and Pig

"In the beginning, you were still young. In the past few years, you have focused on your studies." Song Chen reminded him roundly, staring straight into the distance, "Daddy won't interfere with you when it comes to dating, but you must keep your eyes open so that you don't get killed by a scumbag. . The men outside are very bad."

   Gu Chu nodded obediently: "Okay~ I listen to Dad."

  Song Chen Yuguang sighed secretly when he took aim at his still cute daughter.

  At the beginning, I was so innocent and obedient.

   still looks so beautiful.

  It is easy to be confused by men outside

  Song Chen was entangled with the troubles of the old father along the way, worried.

  The car arrived at Song's house, Gu Manxi and Zhao Yan were cooking in the kitchen. Gu Chu stepped into the house: "Mom, uncle, I'm back."

  There was a noise in the kitchen, and Gu Manxi and Zhao Yan came out together. After many years, the appearance of Gu Manxi and Zhao Yan did not change much. The family met in a lively manner, and soon the hot meal was brought to the table. The table is full of dishes that Gu Chu likes to eat.

  Gu Manxi took Gu Chu and asked about his situation abroad.

  Gu Chu replied with dripping water, as if she was a beautiful girl influenced by art.

  In the afternoon, Gu Chu received a WeChat from Ye Sichen.

  Ye Sichen asked her anxiously, can she go to have a meal together to reminisce about the past?

  Gu Chu just had free time and agreed.

  At dusk, Ye Sichen's car appeared at the gate of Song's house on time. Gu Chu changed into a light-colored skirt and was about to go out when he was caught by Gu Manxi and Song Chen watching TV on the sofa. Gu Manxi curiously asked: "In the beginning, supper is going to be ready, where are you going?"

  Gu Chu said: "Go out for a meal with classmates."

  Song Chen made a big alarm for a moment: "Which classmate? Male or female?"

  Gu Chu was speechless.

   "That Ye Sichen today." Gu Chu glanced at the phone, "I'm leaving now."

  Song Chen hurriedly stood up: "Chuchu! You can't wear a skirt, you can change your pants-you have to go home before twelve o'clock in the evening."

  But Gu Chu ran away long ago, leaving the old father sighing in place.

Gu Manxi walked to Song Chen and smiled: "The child has grown up. When it's time to fall in love, don't interfere with her too much. I remember this Ye Sichen, a very honest child who looks good. If you like it at first, you can't stop it."

  Song Chen shook his head: "This kid is too innocent at the beginning, I'm worried about being deceived."

  He didn't want the little cabbage in Chuchu to be smashed by Ye Sichen.

   After a pause, Song Chen gritted his teeth and said: "If that kid dares to lie to Chuchu, I must make him pay!"

  Gu Manxi chuckled.

  Gu Manxi pulled him: "Okay, go home for dinner. Read the script with me tonight."

  Song Chen is reluctant to be dragged into the house.

  Ye Sichen took Gu Chu and did not go to the expensive restaurants and bars in Kyoto, but to the crowded snack street.

  Ye Sichen remembered that Gu Chu liked these street foods since he was a child.

The snack street at night is lively and lively, with lights and colorful lights, snail noodles, spicy tang, Chuan Chuanxiang, and cold jelly noodles. The pedestrians are like weaving. Gu Chu has not experienced this kind of bustling and bustling for a long time, and the corners of his mouth can not help but Slightly raised.

  "Chuchu, are you talking about noodles?" Ye Sichen pointed to a small stall not far away, "This hot and sour noodles are very authentic."

   Gu Chu's eyes lit up slightly: "Okay."

  The two sat on a small bench on the side of the street, and the proprietress delivered two bowls of steaming hot and sour noodles.

  (End of this chapter)

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