Chapter 522 Attack

  This small island underground base has a total of more than one hundred employees. Except for the killer responsible for security, the rest are ordinary employees who are responsible for transporting goods and copying cultural relics.

  The entire island is under the control of Cheng Kaiyuan, and it is impossible for Cheng Qi to disturb the situation.

"Damn, I'll send him an ultimatum again! If I don't invest money in my industrial capital chain at 12 o'clock, I immediately chopped off Gu Chu's arm!" Cheng Kaiyuan's bad premonition is getting heavier and he feels that things are faint. Some exceeded his expectations.


  Cheng Kaiyuan is wandering around, and there are many doubts.

  Time flowed bit by bit, and Cheng Kaiyuan became more and more uneasy. He ordered people to strengthen the defense of the entire island and was killed immediately when he encountered an enemy.

  Cheng Kaikai went back to the small room, Gu Chu was still in a "coma", like a delicate Barbie doll.

  Cheng Kaiyuan looked at this beautiful and pure face, and then at Gu Chu’s slender and white arms——

   is a top-notch beauty, I don’t know if the absence of an arm will leave a psychological shadow.

  Girl, don’t blame Grandpa Cheng for being cruel.

  The main reason is that my son is disobedient. I am now an international wanted criminal and cannot show up to commit crimes.

  Cheng Qi, the dead boy who has money and refuses to give me money, wants to squeeze my living space. I really can't help but use you as a bargaining chip to threaten him.

  I’m still young, only fifty years old. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in a prison cell. I don’t want to live a miserable life without beautiful women.

  "Report! Discover the situation!!!" A hurried voice sounded, and one person rushed in, "A special team has entered the island! They used equipment to shield our prosecution network!"

  Cheng Kaiyuan gritted his teeth, Cheng Qi really has a way out!

  "Do you know how many people are there?" Cheng Kaiyuan asked.

  "Squads attacked at the four corners of the southeast, northwest, and northwest! The number of people visually detected exceeded forty!"

  Cheng Kaiyuan smiled: "Start the counterattack plan, don't leave a living!"


  Cheng Kaiyuan took a deep breath, exhaled a turbid breath, and arranged his suit and bow tie in front of the mirror in the room, looking dark. This is Cheng Qi's counterattack plan? Send dozens of people to attack, in a vain attempt to lay down my kingdom!


  Since you have never experienced Dad’s methods, today I will use my blood to give you insights and let you know, what is **** or old spicy!


  Cheng Kaiyuan still called someone: "Get ready for the ship. Once you lose the battle, you will leave immediately."


  Cheng Kaiyuan thought leisurely, if he loses, he still has to run away. Anyway, Cheng Qi is his own son, he can't do such a ridiculous thing as killing Lao Tzu.

  Even if he loses, he will make Cheng Qi pay a huge price!

  The cold sea breeze blows on the island, the tide hits the reefs of the island, and the flexible figures like fish dive into the island under the cover of night.

   "The first team is following me, and the rest are distributed as planned." Ye Sichen put on the night vision goggles and made a gesture of action.

  Immediately, this group of well-trained special teams began to ambush.

  The killer on the island quickly noticed.

  The waves hit the reefs, and there were successive gunshots in the roaring night wind, and the air was filled with pungent blood.

  Ye Sichen has rich experience. This battle plan is quite meticulous, and the outermost line of defense has been breached in a short period of time.

  Under the cover of Ye Sichen and others, Fatty commanded Team A to enter the base, destroying a batch of large-scale and highly lethal weapons in the base.

  (End of this chapter)

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