Chapter 532

  [Cheng Qi]: "Hey, I had a minor operation today and my back hurts. I especially want to drink vegetable porridge."

  [Gu Chu]: "Oh."

  【Cheng Qi】: "I want to drink vegetable porridge."

  [Gu Chu]: "."

  This hint is not obvious enough?

  [Gu Chu]: "Wait a minute."

  【Cheng Qi】: "Good!"

  In the hospital ward, Cheng Qi, who had just finished minor surgery, was in a good mood, waiting for Gu Chu to visit the hospital. But half an hour later, the nurse at the hospital opened the door: "Mr. Cheng, the takeaway brought 20 bowls of vegetable porridge. How many bowls would you like to drink?"

  Cheng Qi:

  Gu Chu did not come, she directly ordered the takeaway, and asked the takeaway brother to send over 20 bowls of vegetable porridge.

  Cheng Qi feels a little bit sad.

  For several days in a row, Cheng Qi received various takeaways such as cakes, fruits, snacks, etc. Gu Chu did not plan to show up at all. Cheng Qi couldn't help it. He knew what Gu Chu was working on. Gu Chu was not a little lark in a cage. Her ambition was always in the sea of ​​stars.

  Maybe one day, Gu Chu disappeared.

  Cheng Qi was secretly anxious. The weather was fine this day, and Cheng Qi sent a text message to Gu Chu again.

  [Cheng Qi]: "The weather is good, I want to get some sun. Can you come to see me in the hospital?"

  [Gu Chu]: "Go away."

   Cheng Qi sadly.

  But in the afternoon, Gu Chu came to the hospital on a rare occasion. The sun is warm in autumn, the garden attached to the private hospital of the Cheng family is green with green grass and the shadows of the trees are whirling. Gu Chu pushed Cheng Qi's wheelchair, and the two rested under a big tree.

  Cheng Qi was seriously injured. The doctor in the hospital said that the ice cone pierced his heart and lungs.

  Cheng Qi’s recovery ability is amazing, and he has been able to get out of bed and walk around in just a few days. But Cheng Qi still pretended to be unable to walk, and asked Gu Chu to push him in a wheelchair to take him to the garden to enjoy the sun.

  "Finally willing to come to the hospital to visit me?" Cheng Qi said quietly, like a little daughter-in-law who had been left out for a long time.

  Gu Chu: "Recover well, I'm leaving in two days."

  Cheng Qi: "Go?"

  Gu Chu has already contacted the base, and will return to the base in two days. Recently, a domestic criminal gang fled to the United States and mixed up with gangs in the United States. The old grandson gave Gu Chuxin a task, asking Gu Chu to bring back the domestic gangs or destroy them directly.

   Before leaving, Gu Chu thought of the poor Cheng Qi in the hospital, so he came to visit and brush his face.

   "What happened last time, it is considered that you were kind to me." Gu Chu had already considered it clearly, "We will not owe each other in the future."

  Cheng Qijun frowned slightly, Gu Chu's tone, intending to completely draw a line with him?

  What does it mean not to owe each other?

  He waited until Gu Chu was five years old until she was nineteen, but it was not for the phrase "not owe each other."

  Gu Chu still wanted to persuade this guy to let go of this impossible love, but he heard someone calling him not far away. Gu Chu turned his head and saw Ye Sichen in the hospital garden. Gu Chu pushed Cheng Qi's wheelchair into the shade of the tree and told him: "You wait for me here for a few minutes, and I will come as soon as I go."

   Cheng Qi's expression is cold.

   Ye Sichen?

  As soon as you hear Ye Sichen call you, do you go there?

  In your heart, I can't even compare to Ye Sichen's little bastard? Cheng Qi was sour in his heart, and secretly drank several jars of vinegar.

   Ye Sichen came to the hospital today to visit a seriously injured comrade in arms. In the last assault, Ye Sichen lost a lot of comrades in arms.

  The weather is good today. Ye Sichen pushed a friend with a broken leg to the garden to enjoy the sun. Unexpectedly, he saw Gu Chu.

    monthly pass~monthly pass~



  (End of this chapter)

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