Transmigrated as the Tortured Female Lead’s Daughter

Chapter 54: Zhao Yan's Return to the Country (1)

  Chapter 54 Zhao Yan's Return to the Country (1)

   "I knew it!! Our little Kid hadn't even touched a girl's hand, how could we do such a thing!"

   "Kid likes Lao Zhao! I kowtow! Where did Lao Zhao die? Your wife was cheated, where did you die!"

   "Cut, in case the video is fake."

   "Upstairs. I understand you. After all, you are a fish who missed the net of the nine-year compulsory education."

   "Hahaha, Bai Lianhua just said in the live broadcast room that kid sent text messages to harass her in person, haha."

   "Kid: People are in an ambulance, and the pot falls from the sky."

  Bai Yiyi's face was pale, and a huge panic emerged from the bottom of his heart.

  Xiao Fang clearly said that Lin Xiaozhou was in the background that night, why did Lin Xiaozhou appear in the ambulance?

  The barrage wind direction in the live broadcast room has completely changed. The various ridicules and abuses against kid before, now suddenly turned to Bai Yiyi. There are still a few true fans bouncing around, to no avail.

  Bai Yiyi panicked and hurriedly closed the live broadcast room.

   Holding her chest, she heard her violent heartbeat, once.

  She seemed to be red for a short time, enjoying the admiration of thousands of people.

   However, all this emptiness is as ethereal as a mirror, fleeting, her world becomes gloomy and terrifying again, and after all, she has to pay the price for everything she has done.

   Hongtao live broadcast service is vigorous and resolute, and soon released Kid’s diagnosis: severe gastric ulcer, coma for more than 12 hours.

  Cheng Qi personally intervened in the public opinion of social platforms, a small rich family in Zhaojia District, where is the opponent of the Cheng family. Public opinion quickly turned towards Kid, and Orange Live’s shares fell to the limit and were on the verge of bankruptcy.

  Orange Live did not return Lin Xiaozhou’s mobile phone, and took control of his Weibo.

  Cheng Qi sent someone to bring a new mobile phone over and opened a new Weibo for Lin Xiaozhou.

  Zhao’s house, overcast.

"This kid actually got on the thighs of the Cheng family." Tang Chunxiu was angrily. "I knew that he was not a simple man. He might hook up with any big man in the Cheng family. The men in Kyoto are so fresh. ."

  There are countless celebrities in Kyoto, and the Zhao family's strength in the entire Kyoto is at best mid-level, completely incomparable with the huge Cheng consortium.

  The Cheng family’s attitude is entirely to keep Lin Xiaozhou.

   "Forget it, stop in time, so that you can't offend the Cheng family." Zhao Jing sighed. The share of Orange Live has plummeted, and the Zhao family was also affected a bit, but fortunately it did not hurt the roots.

Tang Chunxiu sat down, poured a cup of tea, whispered and complained: "Xiao Yan is still abroad, if he knows about this, he will be even more alienated from our family-this child, his elbow is turned away. It is better for us to Manshi. , Obedient and sensible."

  Zhao Jing frowned.

   did not speak for a while.

   Tang Chunxiu was still complaining, and Zhao Jing became more and more upset. He stood up abruptly, without looking back, "I'll go to the company to take care of something."

Tang Chunxiu was surprised early, drank a sip of tea, lightly mocking: "Go to the company again? Not going home tonight? I'm afraid to go to your little lover's nest again, a man in his 50s, looking for a woman than you The daughter is still young, tut."

  Zhao Jing is too lazy to talk to her. These years, the wealthy couple has long been distracted, and they have long known each other's personalities.

  The divorce has been delayed, but it was due to interests.

  America, Zhao Yan and Gu Manxi were finally freed from the cumbersome meeting.

  In a country estate in the United States, I had three consecutive days of meetings and almost lost contact with the outside world. Huang Tian paid off, he finally talked about this complicated project.

  "Brother, look at the news!" Gu Manxi hurried over and handed the phone to Zhao Yan.

    update update update update update



  (End of this chapter)

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