Chapter 552 Mrs. Ming

  Thomas wondered: "I have been selling this medicine in New York, how could it—"

   After a pause, Thomas said helplessly: "It's Amy again! I'm busy with European projects recently and I have no time to manage medicine manufacturing."

  Amy, this little girl is getting more and more lawless!

  At a young age, actually reached out to the family company?

  Thomas is scheming, knowing that this kind of thing can't be the idea of ​​a fourteen-year-old girl, it is probably the woman Cheng Qingyun who is behind it. Thinking of Cheng Qingyun, Thomas couldn't help being disgusted.

   and women are like cockroaches that cannot be killed, they can survive in the garbage dump. Over the years, under Thomas's various tortures, Cheng Qingyun had a miserable life, but she still lingered on with her tenacious will and tried to crawl out of the mud.

  Thomas thought, it is time to take this woman away.

   "Don't worry, I will send the medicine for treatment tomorrow." Thomas was sincere.

  Gu Chu nodded silently.

  Ming Dongmei no longer stays, leaving the bookstore with Gu Chu.

"Chuchu, you live at grandma's house tonight, take a shower and take a good rest." Ming Dongmei took Gu Chu's hand and said kindly, "You won't tell me when you come to the United States. I heard from you this evening. , But grandma was shocked. From now on, it’s dangerous not to allow anyone to go out at night alone."

  Gu Chu nodded docilely and said softly, “Grandma Ming, don’t tell my mother what happened tonight, I’m afraid she is worried.”

  Ming Dongmei kindly said: "Okay, grandma will not tell anyone what happened today. Tomorrow grandma will accompany you to visit that girl in Manxi."

   "Okay." Gu Chu got into Ming Dongmei's car.

  Ming Dongmei takes Gu Chu to her manor in New York.

  Ming Dongmei deserves to be the person in charge of the Ming Group. Her house is extremely luxurious, with a market value of 600 million. The manor has a luxurious fountain, a large garden full of vitality, a parking lot full of luxury cars, a private gym, a studio, and a luxurious residential area. This house is more luxurious than Gu Chu's Song Mansion in Kyoto.

  Gu Chu looked at this vast mansion and wondered, after she solved the ultimate problem of Lao Mo, if Mrs. Ming still wants her to inherit the Ming Group, she can agree without hesitation.

  I became the richest man in the world by inheriting property.jpg

  Ming Dongmei took Gu Chu to the mansion and asked the servants to tidy up the room: "Chchu, you first go take a bath and change clothes. There are pajamas in the closet."

  Gu Chu: "Thank you, grandma."

  Ming Dongmei smiled, and reached out her hand to touch Gu Chu’s face: "Silly boy, you have suffered."

  Gu Chu entered the house, took a hot bath and changed into brand-new pajamas.

  It was late. After Gu Chu and Ming Dongmei greeted them, they went back to the house to sleep, and slept until dawn. When she woke up, the servant who had been waiting outside was telling the kitchen to bring fresh breakfast to the table.

   Gu Chu stretched out on the bed. He was too sleepy last night to notice the structure of the room. After dawn, I took a closer look and found that the decoration of this large room is very clean and bright, and the bed is soft and clean, which is very suitable for young girls to live in.

  Gu Chu’s clothes were torn to pieces yesterday. She walked into the cloakroom. In the large cloakroom, there were rows of women’s shoes, women’s bags, and women’s four-season clothes.

   Gu Chu wondered, why does this room seem to have been prepared?

  Gu Chu chose a long dress and put it on, after finishing his hair, he went downstairs to find Ming Dongmei.

  (End of this chapter)

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