Chapter 567 The vest is off (4)

  The man's rib was kicked off, his mouth was full of blood, and his body was shaking with fear.

  He never expected that this weak-looking girl would have such a terrifying strength! And this powerful force value is definitely a guy who has been on mission for a long time!

  "You are sent by China." The kidnapper lost his teeth and spoke vaguely.

   Gu Chu narrowed his eyes, his voice was like ice: "Say!"

  The kidnappers obviously felt blood flowing on his neck and his neck was tingling.

   "It's a woman named Cheng Qingyun. She contacted us." The kidnapper said in fear, "Don't kill us."

  Gu Chu chuckled, and it was Cheng Qingyun who stepped on the horse!

  If you don’t kill her today, I won’t be surnamed Gu!

  Gu Chu stood up and kicked the man out. Looking back, the two members of Team A had already come in fully armed.

   "Captain!" The two saluted.

Gu Chu said to one of them: "Tie these three people up and put them in the car—" After a pause, Gu Chu looked at his father Song Chen, who was already dumbfounded over there, and said to the other: "This is my dad. Take him to a safe place."


  Song Chen has completely petrified in the same place, even if he adds up the IQ of his ancestor's 18th generation, he never expected to see this incredible scene!

  His cute, well-behaved girl who doesn't touch the sun with her fingers actually beat three heavily armed kidnappers with her bare hands!

  Gu Chu stood in the blood on the ground, his body was no longer as gentle and elegant as before. At this moment, it was like a sharp and cold ruthless knife, covered with blood, which made people daunting.


  What about my lovely and obedient girl?

  Gu Chu didn’t care too much. Today’s situation is too critical, and she will reveal her identity anyway. Gu Chu lowered his voice: "Dad, you leave first, I will rescue my mother safely."

  Song Chen:

The members of   A team pulled Song Chen: "Mr. Song, hurry up, it's dangerous here."

  Song Chen's head was dazed, and he was dragged away by the heavily armed team members.

  Gu Chu simply handled the endgame and hurried to the master control room. There were still two fugitives there. Gu Chu effortlessly rushed in single-handedly. After he had settled the two of them, Gu Chu forced out Cheng Qingyun's whereabouts.

  "We don’t know either. Just now we saw that there was a problem with the monitoring. Cheng Qingyun took Miss Gu Manxi away." One of them had a bruised nose and a **** mouth, "We really don’t know where she is."

  Gu Chu narrowed his eyes and stunned the two of them.

  She quickly opened the communication: "Fatty! Call up all the monitoring records of the hospital immediately! Turn on the satellite to scan the entire building! I want to see Cheng Qingyun's trail!"


   Gu Chu's heartbeat was like a drum, and Gu Manxi had an injury on his foot and was unable to move. This Cheng Qingyun is really a difficult lunatic!

   Soon, a fat communication called: "Captain! Roof! Roof of the hospital!"

  Gu Chu ran upstairs without saying a word.

  It was already freezing late at night, the autumn breeze was bleak, and the hospital building was so cool that people couldn't open their eyes. Gu Chu kicked open the door of the top floor, and soon saw Cheng Qingyun and Gu Manxi beside the eaves.

  Gu Chu took two steps forward: "Mom!"

   Cheng Qingyun angrily said: "Don't come! Don't come, you little bitch! Song Chen! I want to see Song Chen!"

  Gu Manxi was unconscious, with blood dripping on his forehead. Behind Gu Manxi is the edge of the eighty-meter-high building.

  Gu Manxi had a rope tied to his waist, and the other end of the rope was tied to Cheng Qingyun's waist. Cheng Qingyun was ready to die together.

  (End of this chapter)

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