Transmigrated as the Tortured Female Lead’s Daughter

Chapter 570: Die under the peony, and be a ghost (2)

  Chapter 570 Die under the peony flower, and behave like a ghost (2)

   Cheng Qi's eyelids trembled, and his expression was very faint: "Next time I dare to do this again, I will definitely lock you in the house."

  Gu Chu, who is too adventurous, always frightens Cheng Qi and hangs his courage on his heart all the time.

  God knows, he rushed to the hospital when he got the news, and he saw Gu Chu falling from a building tens of meters high from a distance. At that moment, fear crawled over Cheng Qi's internal organs like vines, his fingers trembled and he almost lost his voice.

   Gu Chu's head buzzed, and his eyes were hazy, Cheng Qi's handsome face was very blurred.

  Gu Chu couldn’t help thinking, am I going to die again?

   also said that if you fall from such a high place, even if it is cushioned by an air cushion, the internal organs are probably damaged. If the situation is worse, the internal organs may be broken.

  I'm going to die.

  Hey, I really can’t bear it.

  She wondered again, in fact, she should really like Shen Si. She slept several times in her previous life, and she slept well again. Little Shen Si is big enough and in good shape, he can still be full of energy from dark to dawn.

  In an unspeakable special sentiment, Gu Chu raised his head slightly, and his bloodied lips pressed against Cheng Qi's lips and touched them.

Cheng Qi shocked all over.

  Cheng Qi was about to take action, but he heard Gu Chu mutter: "Dying under the peony flower, and being a ghost is also romantic, ah, I'm dead."

   Then, Gu Chu fainted with his eyelids rolled.

  Cheng Qi was distressed and annoyed. He carried Gu Chu who was unconscious on a stretcher and hurriedly rushed to the emergency room.


  Gu Chu had just regained consciousness and had only one thought.

  It hurts.

  It hurts everywhere.

   Gu Chu struggling to open his eyelids, he found himself lying in the hospital. Gu Chu was very puzzled, as if the script was written. Recently, people around her went to the hospital one by one, and finally she was also hospitalized.

Is    a coincidence?

  "Wake up?" Cheng Qi was next to the hospital bed.

   Gu Chu rubbed his temples, his voice hoarse: "Pour me a glass of water."

  Cheng Qi fetched a cup and straw, and Gu Chu sipped two sips of water through the straw. His throat was so painful that he left, and warm water ran through his throat, as if a knife was scraping on the flesh and blood, and Gu Chu's forehead was sweating from the pain.

   Cheng Qi looked at her like this, and said slightly annoyed: "You deserve it, let you do it."

  Gu Chu glanced at this guy: "That's my mother, I must save her. If you were kidnapped, I wouldn't take the risk."

Cheng Qi snorted long.

  Gu Chu lay on the bed and tried his limbs. Fortunately, there was no broken arm or leg, and the pain was within a tolerable range. With her repair ability, it is estimated that she will be alive and kicking in just a few days. Gu Chu asked him, "Is my mother okay?"

"Don't worry, Aunt Gu is very well." Cheng Qi took a big apple and slowly peeled it off. "You have fallen asleep for a day, and your body is fine. The doctor will come to check up later. As for Cheng Qingyun, the Thomas family is already He took the body back and was said to be buried next to her daughter's grave."

  Gu Chu: "It's cheaper for her."

  This stubborn female villain like a cockroach eventually died of endless greed.

  Gu Chu recalled the original abuse text. In the dog-blood plot of the original abuse text, there are mainly three female villains-Cheng Qingyun, Cao Yuezhi and Zhao Manshi.

  Cao Yuezhi has been found no such person in the entertainment industry. It is said that he later married a wealthy businessman in a certain place, and his life was not good; Zhao Manshi has been completely whitewashed, and now he has obtained a certificate of marriage with Dr. Founder, and often travels around the world.

    I will never go to Xi'an Muslim Street, this broken place in my life! ! Liars everywhere! Today, I went shopping to buy gifts and said that I won the first prize. The whole audience can buy jade at only 8% of the fee. I was so excited that I immediately bought the necklace, which cost more than 500 in total. When I went home and checked it online, I realized that the so-called winning is a scam set up by the merchants, and the jade is fake and worthless. (*)Good gas



  (End of this chapter)

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