Chapter 575 Old Mo (1)

  Gu Chu temporarily stayed in the big room in Cheng Qi’s house, and also called Fatty to live with him by the way.

  The five kidnappers were all captured alive, and then they were to be transported back to the country. They needed to contact the relevant U.S. authorities and submit a series of cumbersome documents.

  Gu Chu saw the dazzling files, scratching his hair irritably, still fat and clever, and took the initiative to write the files.

   Gu Chu patted his fat shoulder: "I will give you a bonus next month."

  Pangpang immediately stood up straight: "Thanks Captain!"

  Gu Chu stretched out, put on slippers and went for a walk in the garden.

  She didn't want to see Cheng Qi for the time being. Gu Chu was very annoyed when she thought that she was tricked by Cheng Qi like a little fool. What annoyed her even more was that she seemed to really have such a little special affection for Cheng Qi.

  Gu Chu was walking in the garden and received a call from Song Chen.

  Song Chen said that in the next two days there will be a small family gathering in his New York house. Lin Xiaozhou, Zhao Yan, and Zhao Manshi will all come over. Song Chen asked Gu Chu to go home early. Of course, if Gu Chu took Cheng Qi with him, Song Chen wouldn't have any objection.

   "I see." Gu Chu hung up.

   Gu Chu was slightly confused.

  There are indeed many people who came to New York for various reasons. Gu Chu always feels too coincidental.

  Lao Mo did not show up for a long time, and there was no turmoil. Gu Chu was very worried. Lao Mo's character can't be quiet for more than ten years, he must be planning a big plan. But Gu Chu didn't know what he was thinking and was unprepared.

  Gu Chu walked back and forth in the garden, and as he walked, there was a follower behind him.

   Gu Chu pouted: "Don't follow me."

  Cheng Qi slaps: "The garden is so big. The doctor asked me to take more walks to help the wound heal."

  Gu Chu: "That's a wound on your body?"

   is about to heal, and I still put it here.

  Cheng Qifei wanted to follow her, Gu Chu couldn't get rid of it, so he had to let him follow. It is the cool breeze of autumn, the small garden of Cheng Qi's house is well organized, clusters of colorful chrysanthemums bloom like clouds, and the air is faintly fragrant, and it smells refreshing.

  Gu Chu sat down on the small bench.

  Cheng Qi also sat down beside her, they were very close to each other.

  Cheng Qi said: "You seem to have something on your mind."

   "Yes, I'm thinking about how to get rid of you." Gu Chu unceremoniously went back.

  Cheng Qi showed a very hurt expression: "You can't get rid of me in this life."

  He was looking forward to his past and present lives, just to be able to sit with Gu Chu in peace. There is no blood and deep feud between the two, only secret love.

  Gu Chu sighed.

  She has always been upset recently, always feeling that something big is going to happen. Gu Chu glanced at Cheng Qi next to him: "Do you remember Lao Mo?"

  Cheng Qi nodded: "Remember."

Gu Chu said: "In my previous life, I was an organization with him. He was the boss. I worked as a hacker behind the scenes. He entered the world of literary abuse earlier than us. I understand this person. He is definitely planning a conspiracy." Unfortunately, Gu Chu didn't know what Lao Mo thought.

  This makes her passive.

  Gu Chu was worried that when the crisis came, she would be helpless.

   "What are you afraid of, I've been there all the time." Cheng Qi took Gu Chu's soft hand and squeezed it lightly, "Life and death together, death together."

   Gu Chu's heart moved slightly.

  She looked at Cheng Qi who was close at hand. She still had that handsome appearance, and her profile was beautifully outlined with the most perfect fine brushwork.

  (End of this chapter)

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