Chapter 579 Back to the real world

   Gu Chu seems to have a long, long dream.

  When she woke up again, she found herself in a familiar and unfamiliar farmyard.

  The body is covered with shabby bedding, various cartoon posters are posted on the wall, and the computer on the desk is still turned on. Outside the window, there are dogs and cats crying, and roosters are fighting.


  The wooden door of the farmhouse creaked open, and the thin young man saw Gu Chu on the bed.

   was stunned, the medicine bowl in his hand fell to the ground.

  The young man rushed over and cried loudly: "Boss!! Boss, you finally woke up! Oh, oh, I've chosen the cemetery for you!"

  Gu Chu was held firmly by him, and couldn't help frowning.

  She has no strength on her body and feels uncomfortable all over her body.

  However, the consciousness has gradually returned to Gu Chu remembering, this is the world she was in before she penetrated into the abuse essay.

  This is Ping’an Village, Ping’an Town. She has been self-taught without a father or mother since she was a child. Now she works as a network manager in an Internet cafe in the small town.

   "Boss~~ Oh, do you know how much I worry about you."

  The young man who was crying with tears and sniffled his nose, named A Qiu, a hacker member of the poker organization, and Gu Chu’s loyal little brother.

A Qiu kept crying, her nose was shining: "Boss~~ I've worked so hard to bring you back from Hawaii, oh, oh, those little bastards! You actually did the explosion, it's good for you, boss. fine!"

A Qiuxu talked about how he used the super ability of "a man to be a guard and a man to open the door" to **** the dying Gu Chu from the prosecutor, and finally brought Gu Chu back to the village to recuperate through various means. .

  Gu Chu had a terrible headache.

  Buzzing head.

  She was still in the world of abuse text not long ago. Lin Mo took out the moonstone and sent her back directly.

   Gu Chu's heart is empty, unspeakable uncomfortable.

  She has deep feelings for Gu Manxi, Song Chen, and Lin Xiaozhou, and has treated them as relatives for a long time.

  The owed Lin Mo kicked her away without her consent.

   Gu Chu grinds his teeth secretly, feeling like a tool man.

  It's just that she didn't expect that Lao Mo's true identity is actually a passerby in the world of abuse.

   "Boss, let's keep a low profile these days." Aqiu whispered, "You are still an international wanted criminal. It is said that the world's leading prosecutor has not let you go."

   Gu Chu rubbed his temples, opened the quilt and got out of bed: "I know, go cook."

   "Okay~~ I'll go shopping in town." Aqiu smiled, "Boss, when you get better, our Internet cafe can continue to open."

  Gu Chu put on his coat: "Yeah."

  Aqiu ya ya ran out to buy groceries.

  Gu Chu put on the coat and touched the slightly rough coat material with his fingertips, feeling a little bit emotional.

  She used to wear expensive clothes with top quality materials and soft and close-fitting. Now back in the real world, she has become the poor ghost with only a few million in her pocket.

   Covering his face, I must find a way to return to Gu Manxi’s world in the future.

  In that world, she still has hundreds of millions of fortunes without inheritance! !

   Seeing that it was necessary to inherit the family property to become the richest man in the world, she suddenly came back, she was not reconciled! !

  Gu Chu turned on the computer and found that it was not connected to the Internet.

   Gu Chu sighed, turned on the rusty faucet, simply washed his face, and looked up at himself in the small mirror——

    update update update

     By the way, Gu Chu’s original world is also a book~



  (End of this chapter)

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