Chapter 58 Almost Die Cocked (2)

  Wang Qiang is 30 years old this year. He is a vagrant. He goes out to work during the day to make money. At night he drinks and plays games to watch the live broadcast of beautiful women.

  His favorite female anchor is Bai Yiyi.

  Baiyi artist Mei Getian, with a kind heart, Wang Qiang is crazy about her. If he can earn 3,000 yuan a month, he is even willing to reward Bai Yiyi with 2,500 yuan.

  Listening to Bai Yiyi in the live broadcast room, "Thank you Brother Qiang for the plane reward, Mame Da", Wang Qiang felt unprecedented satisfaction.

  He is one of the fans of Bai Yiyi. In the past two years, he has successively rewarded Bai Yiyi for nearly 100,000 yuan.

   "Strong brother and local tyrant!"

   "Brother Qiang is really generous, he must be a rich man."

   "Brother Qiang, I want to give you a monkey!!"

  Every time Wang Qiang rewarded Bai Yiyi's airplane rocket, the live broadcast was shocked and praised. Across the screen, Wang Qiang, who was living in a dilapidated rental house while eating instant noodles, always had an indescribable sense of vanity.

  However, in the past two days, he learned that his goddess Bai Yiyi was harassed by Kid!

  Bai Yiyi was in the live broadcast room, crying with rain, and confided her miserable experience. Wang Qiang was furious when he heard it, how could he see the beloved goddess being insulted by the **** anchor?

  Wang Qiang was also a gangster, and decided to avenge his goddess. He tried every means to find out the address of Kid Lin Xiaozhou, lurking secretly, waiting for Lin Xiaozhou's return to give him a fatal blow.

  Wait and wait, after waiting for four days near the house, Wang Qiang finally waited for Lin Xiaozhou to return!

  He has a hideous smile on his face. You are not a game anchor? I will scrap your hand!

   makes you unable to play games in your life!

  The sharp knife appeared, and the cold light suddenly appeared.

   "Trash anchor, go to hell!"

  Lin Xiaozhou expected that there was still an ambush at the house, but before he could react, he was rushed to the side.

  Zhao Yan had served as a soldier in the army before and had a natural sense of danger. At the moment of his death, he pulled Lin Xiaozhou away and kicked Wang Qiang's stomach.

   With a bang, the skinny Wang Qiang was kicked to the ground like a broken kite.

  The dagger in his hand fell ten meters away.

  Lin Xiaozhou was terrified!

  Zhao Yan didn't say a word, and dropped his feet neatly. Wang Qiang heard the sound of his bone fracture and his mouth full of blood, and he screamed in pain.

  "Spare your life! Don't fight!"

  "If you hit me again, I will die cough cough"

  Lin Xiaozhou was afraid of killing people, and quickly grabbed Zhao Yan, who was full of black anger, "Lao Zhao Lao Zhao, don't fight for now, I'll call the police and wait for someone to come."

  Zhao Yan then stopped.

  God knows, he almost wanted to kill this **** just now!

   is even more terrible. If he didn’t come back with Lin Xiaozhou today, Xiaozhou’s thin arms and thin legs would have been given to him by this gangster.

   "Old Zhao, you have to be forgiving and forgiving." Lin Xiaozhou saw the bruised man with a blue nose and swollen mouth. He couldn't bear it, "You knocked out all the teeth--hey? What happened to your hand, Zhao?"

  Lin Xiaozhou noticed that there was a shallow scratch on Zhao Yan's right arm. Zhao Yan was wearing a black suit shirt. At this moment, the shirt on his arm had been cut away by a knife, and the gurgling blood was flowing.

  Lin Xiaozhou Xiaojun's face was dumbfounded.

  A stream of nameless red flames instantly start a prairie fire.

  Lin Xiaozhou was so angry that his curly hair exploded, and he cursed a slap in the face. He picked up the broom at the door and banged Wang Qiang on him, his eyes fired and he slapped and cursed:

   "Your uncle! You scratched my old Zhao's arm, you are sick!"

    typos and poke me



  (End of this chapter)

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