Transmigrated as the Tortured Female Lead’s Daughter

Chapter 68: My mother has a halo of heroines

  Chapter 68 My mother has a heroine halo

Director   Wang is a closed disciple of Lu Shanhe, even though Pharaoh is older than Lu Shanhe.

  Lu Shanhe values ​​the appearance and temperament of actors, and Director Wang inherits Master’s aesthetics, giving Gu Manxi a glance.

  Gu Manxi has always been low-key, simple in clothes and elegant makeup, but the innate temperament-probably the heroine temperament, can never be blocked.

  The heroine's halo is extremely powerful.

"It's nice not to show your face~" Gu Chu patted his little hands, "Ma Ma, let's take a picture. I have to take a lot of beautiful pictures of Ma Ma in the beginning. You don't know Ma Ma, our kindergarten children are envious of Chu Chu At the beginning, they were not as good as mine."

  Gu Chu tried his best to act like a baby and be cute.

  Of course she knew that Gu Manxi did not want to show up because of the risk of being discovered by Song Chen.

  But Gu Chu’s little abacus is ding-dong, and the dog daddy must find the trace of Ma Ma!

  This useless dad, your wife and you live in the same city for so many days, you haven’t found it yet!

  On your level of looking for someone, not even the little yellow dog next door! No wonder that in the original book, you found Gu Man for more than ten years before finding someone.

   Useless dog dad.

  Gu Chu sighed silently in his heart.

  "This" Gu Manxi was hesitant.

Director Wang is a human being. He watched his words and thoughts and immediately added his vindication: "Miss Gu, you can rest assured that your face will never be shown in the feature film, and you will be paid for the leading actress. Besides, if you refuse this filming, then Lin I’m afraid I’ll have to wait for several days before we can continue filming. Not to mention the delay in work, there may be a negative impact outside. After all, Kid’s fans are waiting for the commercials. Also, your daughter is looking forward to it too."

  Dawn with affection, and move with reason.

  The actor dream in Gu Manxi's heart has never been extinguished. Looking at Gu Chu's large longing eyes, she slowly said, "It's okay. But, I don't need to be paid, we just need to sign a faceless agreement."

   "This is easy to say!" Director Wang was ecstatic, "I'll let the deputy director prepare the contract, Sister Wang, you put makeup on Miss Gu. I will schedule the shooting site and change the script immediately!"

  Director Wang acted vigorously and vigorously. He finished his instructions in a few words and hopped out of the dressing room like a meatball.

  Gu Chu could even hear him softly humming.

  Meeting a desirable actor is the happiest thing for every director.

  Gu Manxi went to the dressing room to change clothes. Gu Chu and Lin Xiaozhou waited in the dressing room.

  Lin Xiaozhou has now transformed into a personable NPC [Emperor Sword], holding a Moon Sword prop, with white hair fluttering and beautiful eyes, what a handsome, romantic and graceful youth.

   just opened his mouth, Fenghua peerless became crazy.

"Come on, take two more photos for me. My left face looks good, right, right, right from this angle. At first, did you think I was handsome in this posture?" Lin Xiaozhou said loudly, "I will send two more pictures later. Give Lao Zhao a look, look at Xiaoye’s extremely handsome face, hey. Send two more to the new Weibo, and so on-remember to have a beautiful face at first."

  Gu Chu became an expressionless camera machine.

  Auntie, do you know how noisy you are?

  Lin Xiaozhou opens the album and looks at dozens of photos in different poses. Lin Xiaozhou was full of praise: "It's really amazing, the shots are better than the photographers, you are really a genius in the beginning!"

  Gu Chu supports his cheek, of course.

  In addition to being a hacker in his previous life, he also developed a number of side jobs such as photographers. For a while, she was chased and killed by that bastard, too tightly, and she even played the role of a photographer.

  At this time, the door of the fitting room opened, and Gu Manxi in ancient costume appeared

    typos, poke me~



  (End of this chapter)

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