Transmigrated as the Tortured Female Lead’s Daughter

Chapter 79: Mom and Dad finally meet (2)

  Chapter 79 Mom and Dad finally meet (2)

  On the Chenxi Group side, someone said: "Mr. Gu, we can offer up to 25 million quotations. Chenxi has the most advanced assembly line and the most mature technology, which saves your company at least 30% of the cost—"

  Song Chen interrupted his subordinates: "Thirty million, yes."

  Subordinates:? ? ?

  What's wrong with you, President?

   Actually put so much money? This is not in line with your stingy and overbearing style!

  Song Chen is a well-known Paixiu in the industry. Throughout the entire Kyoto, I am afraid that only the young master of the Cheng family can be compared with him.

  Gu Manxi's mouth opened, and she felt that Song Chen was letting water out.

  More than just releasing water, it is simply opening the gate to release the flood, blatantly.

  "Your company’s President Zhao is young and promising, with a deep background." Song Chen said coldly, "I very much hope to continue to cooperate with him."

  Song Chen sneered in his heart.

  He will "cooperate" with Zhao Yan.

  Gu Manxi's back is slightly cold.

  Gu Manxi wanted to say a few more words, but his mobile phone suddenly rattles crazily. This is her private number, only Zhao Yanji knows it. Unless there is an emergency, it will not ring.

  Gu Manxi glanced quickly. It was a call from the nanny.

   "Sorry, I'll answer the call." Gu Manxi stood up hurriedly. The nanny called? Did something happen at the beginning?

  Over there, a subordinate of a certain company in Song Chen looked at the back of Gu Manxi’s departure, slightly dissatisfied: "This woman, actually answered the phone at an important meeting, and ran out—"

  The rest is stuck in the throat.

  Subordinates saw their President Song Leng Rui's gaze.

  Song Chen got up, gathered his suit jacket, and followed out.

  A good meeting, the two biggest bosses ran out, leaving a room of people staring at each other, collectively confused.

   "Brother Wang, what's going on?" The subordinates who had been stared at by Song Chen's death slapped their chests with lingering fear.

   "When the meeting is over, I will set a price of 30 million." Song Chen's assistant Xiao Wang patted the poor employee on the shoulder, "In the future, we Song may have a mistress."

  People in the meeting room:? ? ?

  Xiao Wang has an unpredictable face, and the president still likes women. From now on, I will be by the president’s side, and I no longer have to worry about being afraid of being given unspoken rules by Mr. Song.


  "Aunt Zhao, were you not in kindergarten at the beginning?" Gu Manxi asked anxiously.

  The nanny was too anxious: "Miss Gu, I was a few minutes late in the kindergarten in the traffic jam today. The principal and teacher said that I didn’t see Chuchu, nor anyone came to pick her up. Ouch, I’m so anxious."

   "Have you watched the surveillance?" Gu Manxi's heart came to his throat.

  The nanny said: "I'm in the monitoring room, and the teacher is adjusting the monitoring—wait, what? Let me look at the monitoring!!" There was a lot of noise on the other side of the phone.

After a while, the babysitter’s voice was horrified: "Miss Gu! The monitoring was called up, and a van took Chuchu away. It was taken by a man and he couldn’t see his face! Is it kidnapped? Report or report to the police. Do you want to call the police?"

  Gu Manxi only felt his brain buzzing.

  The strength of the whole body was instantly pumped out.

   His body shook, and his eyes turned black.

   Fortunately, Song Chen who came here to hold her, looked at Gu Manxi, whose face was pale, and Song Chenjun furrowed his eyebrows deeply: "What happened?"

  Gu Manxi opened the corner of his mouth, his throat seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't speak.

  At this time, Gu Manxi's cell phone rang again, and an unfamiliar call came. Song Chen put on the phone for her, there was a cold machine sound on the other end:

  【Miss Gu, your daughter is in my hands. Ten million, not allowed to report to the police, otherwise the ticket will be torn up. 】


     (There was a problem when the later chapters were put on the shelves, the order of Chapter 80 and Chapter 176 was wrong... I will adjust it back as soon as possible)



  (End of this chapter)

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