Transmigrated as the Tortured Female Lead’s Daughter

Chapter 86: Life is like a play, it all depends on acting (3)

  Chapter 86 Life is like a play, it all depends on acting (3)

  A blast of cold wind blew by.

  The face of the skinny kidnapper suddenly changed, as if thinking of some extremely terrible past, the expression on his face suddenly became extremely hideous.

   "What the **** are you talking about!" The thin man scolded.

  Gu Chu cowered in the corner.

  Only those eyes were clear and sharp, refracting strange light.

  Gu Chu’s voice is sweet and clear in the silent night: “I’m not talking nonsense, there really is a young lady out there just now. She is very beautiful.”

   "There is blood on her face."

   "She said she was lost."

"I want to go home"

Gu Chu's ethereal voice echoed in the wooden house.

  The skinny kidnapper was trembling, yelling: "Shut up!" He was shaking like sifting dust. I don't know if it was his illusion, the surrounding temperature seemed colder and colder.

   "Boss, what's the matter?" Outside the door, the tall man who was watching the night poked his head and asked curiously.

  The thin man took a deep breath: "It's okay, watch your night!"

  The big tall scratched her head, glanced at the poor little girl who was shrinking in the corner, and shook her head silently. I can't bear to kill you, but I want that ten million

  The thin man suppressed the fear in his heart and stared at Gu Chu fiercely.

  This little girl must be talking nonsense!

  A woman with a double ponytail and a blood-covered face is all Gu Chu talking nonsense!

  Thin people are in chaos.

  His hands are full of blood in this life, and he has long since been afraid of murder and arson, and he is not afraid of revenge. However, the coldest-blooded person also has memories that he is afraid of being touched. The memory he dared not recall was last year.

  Last year, he fled outside and ran to a remote town to avoid the wind. Going out in the middle of the night looking for food, I met a beautiful female student with a ponytail on the road.

  The girl who doesn't understand the world has lost her way and walks over to ask him for the way. It’s like an innocent lamb walking towards a down-and-out hungry wolf, and the skinny guy drags the poor girl into the grass

  The girl was full of blood, struggling hard, cursing sharply that she would not let him go if she was a ghost, and cursing the thin man with her life would not kill him.

  Since then, thin people often have nightmares, in which the girl screams screamingly.

   "Oh, that's right—" Gu Chu showed a deep smile, "Miss Sister also said that she said she would never let you go."

  The thin man froze.

  Want to escape.

  He remembered that the girl cursed before she died, "I will be a ghost and I won’t let you go."

  The sky outside the house, the same pale moonlight, the same icy woods and shrubs. Gu Chu stood up, with an impossible sneer from a five-year-old **** her face, her laughter seemed to penetrate the moonlight:

   "Miss Sister, she is outside."

  The blood of the thin man was stagnant, and he heard squeaking movements from the window, like sharp nails climbing on the net, and rustling movements.

  The thin man turned his head very slowly.

  He saw a jet-black head, slowly rubbing against the window, the white moonlight enveloped the inside and outside of the house, and the air was filled with air.

  Gu Chu sweetly asked: "Miss Sister, are you looking for him?"

  The black head arched into the room, and strands of black hair came in.

   With a plop, the thin man fainted.

   Foaming at the mouth, frightened and convulsed.

  The sound of falling was so loud, the tall man who was watching the night outside the door rushed in and saw the thin man who was unconscious on the ground, and he saw a pile of weeds beside the thin man.

  Gu Chu scared the thin man with a bunch of weeds.

   was so dazed: "What's the matter?"

  Gu Chu shook his head fiercely, looking at the tall man with tears in his eyes, and said fearfully: "Chuchu didn’t know, Chuchu didn’t dare to say, otherwise Sister Bai would kill me."

    Dog father: Good girl, I'm here to save you!

     Gu Chu: Oh, the kidnappers were all beaten up by me.



  (End of this chapter)

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