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15 Chapter 15 - Barry

Chris went to the class of Evan, this time, Evan only gave 10% of EXP to [Art of Viper], he then went directly to the Training Grounds.

He started using skills from [Art of Viper], after 3 hours of training, his [Art of Viper] got 5% of EXP and he obtained 1 Agility Stat.

Although it wasn't late yet, the reason he decided to stop was due to information he had received on the new phone [Viper] had given him.








Following this Notification on his phone, he decided to rest for a while and think for a while, 'Why would he starts killing people?', Chris quickly understood, 'It must be that he still owns the Jewel and he can still unlock his Personal Skill by killing people'.

Although Chris didn't care about Barry, Barry still knew about his Personal Skill so he had to be quickly killed.

Because he had to focus on his training, he probably wouldn't be allowed to leave BASE-01, so he decided to go to the Mission Center.

"Hello, Fellow Disciple! Who do you want to be killed and which rewards are you willing to give?" asked the young receptionist.

Chris had already written down the mission he wanted to put up. The main problem had been the reward considering he was rather poor but luckily, the needle he had used during his Compulsory Assassination Mission was rather expensive and he had gotten the right to keep it so he decided to use it as a reward.

After the receptionist read what Chris wrote, he showed an uneasy expression,

"Could you wait for a while? I'm still new so I don't know if that can be used as a reward.", he said before leaving.

The receptionist quickly came back and said, "I received a confirmation, this mission will be put up on the Board."

Only then did Chris returne to his training, this time, he decided to train his [Raging Fire].

The Training Ground was in fact a building with one room per disciple so Chris could use [Raging Fire] without any problem except accidentally destroying the room.

Depending on the number of Mana used, the increase in EXP would differ, while he was doing his test in the Sewer, Chris understood that the best way to get EXP would be using [Raging Fire] at 1 Mana.

After using all of his mana, Chris's [Raging Fire] reached 20% of EXP, he then used the control panel in his room to change the gravity of his room.

He first increased the gravity of 9.8 to 10 and started slowly upgrading, only when it reached 16, did he starts to feel a strength pushing him to the floor, finally, he decided to stop at 18.7.

He then ordered 3 Attack Dummies, he did all that to try and upgrade Constitution, Strength, and agility at the same time.

The problem was that Chris had overestimated himself, the moment he started the training, attack dummy 1 directly rushed at him and punched toward Chris, Chris easily dodged and tried to counter-attack the Dummy but it was useless because Attack Dummy 2 used his knee to attack Chris forcing him to stop his attack.

Chris used his elbow to stop the knee and directly kicked toward Attack Dummy 2, Attack Dummy 3 punched Chris's leg, the 3 of them then started to madly pummel Chris who was now encircled by them.

While getting beaten up, he started concentrating on his Mana reserve, after 10 seconds, his many finally regenerated, he directly used [Raging Fire] which caused the 3 Attack Dummies to start burning.

Chris then used this opportunity to start to madly attack them, he easily destroyed 2 of them.

The Last one had already stopped burning and started rushing toward Chris, Chris only had to punch the Dummy to destroy it, due to it being already seriously damaged after being hit by [Raging Fire].

Chris then saw every Notifications he had received.

[Your Constitution Increased by 1]

[Your Strength Increased by 1]

[You Destroyed 3 Dummies.]

[You Received 3 (-80% Due To Different World) EXP]

Seeing that his Constitution and Strength already started increasing, Chris smiled and ordered more Attack Dummies, this time he only ordered 2.

Chris then kept destroying Dummies until he felt too exhausted and went back to his room.

He then kept the same routine of Destroying Dummies and Listening to Evan's lecture until 10 Months later.

During those 10 Months, his [Art of Viper] increased to level 3 and was on the verge of reaching Level 4, [Raging Fire] increased to level 1. He also obtained a Fire Crystal from Evan, after using it, Chris's Element of Fire reached 30% and his Intelligence increased by 2. His current interface looked like this.

[Name : ??? Race : Human Class : None

Level : 2 (0%)

Max Health : 1500 Max Mana : 150

Stat Gem Slots : 10

Strength : 14 Agility : 16 Constitution : 15

Intelligence : 3 Magic Power : 1

Skills :

Art of Viper (Basic) Lv.3 (80%)

Personal Skill :

Universe-Sized Spirit Eater Lv.0 (10%)

Raging Fire Lv.1 (60%)

Elements :

Fire [Awakened] (Perfect-Grade Compatibility) Lv. 0 (30%)

Title :

KingSlayer Lv.0

QueenSlayer Lv.0

Dummy Terror Lv.0 (Currently Equipped)]

The new [Dummy Terror] title was given to him after destroying about 5.000 Dummies.

[Dummy Terror :

Dummies gives 10% more EXP (Skill and Level) ]

Today, it also represented the Day where Chris would finally stop being taught by Evan.

He could finally speak!

The first thing Chris wanted to do was to go kill Barry, during those 10 months, unfortunately, nobody took his mission and so he decided to remove his mission and directly go to kill Barry by himself.

Chris followed his whereabouts for a while and finally got a clue about where he was hiding.

Chris used one of the Portal and left BASE-01.

Although it was hard to reach the Portal, it was extremely easy to leave the Portal room.

Chris then ran and quickly reached an inconspicuous cave.

He entered it and quickly hid, this was the cave where Barry was hiding but it was also the cave of a Bandit Group.

When he saw a lot of people entering the Cave, Chris used 100 Mana for [Raging Fire], this caused nearly everyone to die leaving only one alive.


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