Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Changle was frightened with a pale complexion, knowing his own words, and chattering his lips, "I am ..." Even the words are unfavorable.

"Changle, you are disappointing the orphan."

Qi Huai looked down, a few tea leaves in the teacup were raised, and the tone was faint, as if narrating something unrelated to him.

"Brother Huang, I, I got it wrong ... Don't be angry ..." Changle hurriedly pulled Qihuai's clothing corner.

However, before touching it, Yu Guang swept to Qi Huai's clean and slender five fingers, the meticulously arranged robe corners, and the outstretched hand was stiff in the air, and he didn't hold it.

This is the case for some people. It seems to be gentle like a spring breeze, but a look, not only does not make people feel warm, but feels like an ice cellar.

Changle is this feeling at this moment.

Qi Huai chuckled softly, his eyes lingering in the mist in the abyss, and gently pinned the broken hair from Changle's cheek to his ear. Still thinking about which son is right for you, Changle can have a favorite man, and Brother Huang can decide for you. "

The temperature of that hand was gentle to the extreme.

But Changle felt cold for no reason. She flinched, evading Qi Huai's hand, and murmured, "Brother, I don't want to marry someone. I like the one named Wen Lian. Can Brother Huang be for me ... "

"Changle, you said that he didn't want to follow you."

Qi Huai was still smiling, but his eyes were no longer smiling.

The water in the teacup was already cool, he took a sip, his thin lips were touched with a touch of polish, and he looked rich and gentle, warm and warm.

Changle did n’t believe it at all. She reddened her eyes. “Did Brother Huang hurt me the most? It must have been Mu Yan ’s woman threatening Wen Lian, so he did n’t dare to speak with me! You do n’t know, Mu Yan ’s woman. The character is moody, and if one is unhappy, he will pull everyone out to get a whip! Wen Lian is in the county government, and if it is not going well, how can he stay at Mu Yan willingly? "

If you like someone, maybe you will find that person is not as beautiful as you think. But if you can't get it, you will have to think about it all the time. Over time, it became a white moonlight in my heart.

Changle at this time is about this state.

Qi Huai's pair of warm and harmless Danfeng eyes seemed to understand everything. He chuckled lightly, and his tone was faint. It is to discipline yourself and give up those thoughts that are not on the edge. Instead of rashly coming to the East Palace to find solitary spit! "

In the end, Qi Huai's tone was already low and dignified.

His eyes were deep, "Go to the mother's harem and admit it wrong. Don't come out in these two days."


Changle's eyes flicked up unbelievably, "Brother Huang also banned me?"

Isn't he the one who loves her most? Why is this so! Changle thought that Qi Huai would help her. The mistake was obviously not her, it was Mu Yan's woman!

She openly violated the royal majesty, did not give her face, and even captive male pets, drinking and having fun all day, how bad the atmosphere was?

Brother Huang is the future emperor, can he really tolerate what Mu Yan did?

Qi Huai got up, "Go back, think about what you did wrong. When you come out, Brother Huang still hurts you."

But to Changle's words, he avoided them.

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