Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

She gritted her teeth: "Fox!"

Assistant Xiaomeng also shared an enemy with her, "Yes, it must be a facelift!"

As soon as her words fell, a fierce slap slammed into her face.

Xue Min sneered, how could there be a little purity on her face, "Do you mean that I can't even compare a face-lift blame?" peak.

Xiaomeng screamed and covered her cheeks incredulously, with tears in her eyes: "Sister Min ... I don't mean that!"

"Oh? What do you mean? Get off, you are fired!"

Xue Min gave orders with a cold face.

Seeing that she didn't get angry, Shen Qing said, "You still feel shameless enough? Everything will be said later!"

If Xue Min really drove Xiaomeng halfway, her face with obvious finger prints would be enough for the media to scribble.

Xue Min is arrogant and arrogant, facing Shen Qing, this agent, but still obediently obedient.

So she didn't say anything, hummed, looked down at the phone.

The more I looked, the more angry I was, where did this woman come out? She had waited so hard for so long, and it was all disturbed by this woman!

Especially in the comments, I was either mocking her or praising the woman.

[Beautiful and gentle gentle lady scared to understand. 】

[Hahaha Xuemin, this group is not a fake fan, right? See the beauty road can't walk? 】

[Pinkhead: This is the worst professional fan I brought! 】

[Woo woo woo mother asked me why I lick the screen, it ’s really pretty girl! 】

[Give you ten minutes, I want all the information of this young lady. 】

[Maya, what kind of fairy look is this? Fall in love. 】

[Those who are in love, are you sure you can afford a girl? 】

[Hhhh There is an honest person here, come and isolate him! 】

[A blood book begging Miss Sister to debut! The entertainment industry needs you too much to help the audience wash their eyes! 】

【Two blood books qvq】

[Three blood books ...]


Xue Min couldn't help it anymore, and smashed the phone severely.

Shen Qing glanced at her, and his temple jumped.

In the carriage, only Xiaomeng's suppressed sobbing ...


"Miss, you're home."

Su Kui got off the bus, in front of an amazingly large courtyard villa, white European-style building, black carved gate. The angel fountain in the courtyard exudes a warm luster in the night, all things are still, and the plants are fragrant.

Su Kui touched Yin Hong's plump lips and announced to the system, "I like this house."

System: [No problem, as long as you take it back from the hostess, it is yours! 】

The Qin family is the richest man in the imperial capital. In the generation of Qin Zhao's mother Qin Qing, she was the only child. So in the end, the family chose to recruit a son-in-law, Qin Zhao, as their only daughter. In the previous twenty-three years, Qin Zhao went smoothly, went abroad at the age of 18, and did not return until this year.

According to Qin Zhao's fate, she would have a prosperous life and a happy family. After entering the entertainment industry in the future, he will become the youngest and most promising director with his solid background and outstanding ability.

But because of the appearance of the so-called heroine, the luck that originally belonged to her was plundered. Soon after, Qin Zhao's father Xue Zicheng would take his first love lover's daughter Huo Min to recognize the ancestor and occupy the place belonging to Qin Zhao.

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