Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

I remember that at the birthday banquet of Qin Zhao at that time, Xue Zicheng blatantly returned with Xue Min, not only hitting them in the face. Let everyone know why Xue Zicheng chose Anya.

Anya is relying on Xue Zicheng to raise and play cards every day to do beauty, not to be too moist. With a good attitude, people look young. But Qin Qing at that time, under the continuous blow, became a yellow-faced woman.

Su Kui didn't think about it. If she was a man, she would choose to look good.

And even if the person who was abandoned was her, she would not be stupid. She really jumped from the roof, leaving a daughter who knew nothing about what to do? And if she died in the main room, wouldn't she just give her a grand place?

Qin Qing stunned, apparently did not expect these words, from the mouth of her daughter.

She couldn't help but think, did she really do wrong ...

Just when she was in a trance, Aunt Liu had brought a group of people into the mighty.

There are more than twenty people in charge of cleaning, cooking, and gardeners and driver bodyguards.

The butler stood at the front, and when he saw Su Kui, he smiled and said, "Miss, is she back? Can you still get used to it all these years abroad?"

Seeing his intimate tone, Su Kui laughed sarcastically and glanced at the empty table. His tone was lazy. "It's a good time to go out, but it's worse to come back. I don't know, I thought Xue Zicheng had already taken the magpie nest Master, why? I couldn't even drink hot tea when I came back? "

The butler was stunned. He didn't expect that Qin Zhao, who was raised by him since he was a child, would directly shake him.

Although the tone can't be heard, as always, it is soft, but the sharp edge hidden in the words is undoubtedly revealed.

"Hey, this is my negligence, I will ask someone to pour tea for the lady!"

The steward planned to tell someone to do it as soon as he turned around.

Su Kui slowly looked at his manicured nails, his fingers were round and pink. Um ... Would you like to take this cheap mother as a nurse tomorrow?

When she heard the housekeeper's words, she didn't raise her head and said lazily: "No need."

"Ah? Why not use it ... It's because I didn't think about it. The young lady just got out of the car and came home. She must be thirsty. Do you want to drink juice? You like orange juice the most, or ..."

I don't know why, but Su Kui's silence suddenly stopped talking.

The luxuriously decorated living room is a mess, and many people stand directly in the debris.

Antiques in one place do not know how much they are worth.

The air is quiet and the atmosphere is depressed.


Su Kui's ruddy petals gently lifted her lips, curling her eyes up, revealing a pair of misty eyes.

"Go on, why don't you say it?"

Her eyes are big and dark, but there is a thick fog, and when she looks at people, she seems to always be scattered with no focus.

But everyone present felt that Ayan was watching them.

Cold, no temperature ...

Leng Yi has been climbing on the heavenly cover from the bottom of his foot, and there seems to be a slippery and wet icy object crawling on the back.

It's just like--

The feeling of being stared at by a snake.

A group of people looked at each other as if they had been dumb, but they dared not say a word.

Qin Qing had never seen her daughter like this, and she felt a little nervous, "Azhao ..."

"Don't talk." Su Kui glanced at her. The Qin family protected her very well. As the only heir to the Qin family's previous generation, he couldn't protect his family's assets at all, and even led the wolf into the room.

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