Transmigrated into Naruto World

2 Misfortune turned into a Blessing

As soon as I saw my face in the mirror I knew I was fucked up and started to scream "No, it can't be happening, I expected it as some strong as madara or nagato or obito, heck even zetsu would be fine, even he wants to punish me he should have at least put me in to a non-significant supporting character but not this, NO!!!! I don't want to be in the body of Mizuki..he is nothing more than a trash", you shitty god, you shitty author..(Author: Hey, don't worry I'll make you stronger)

After calming down a bit he then thought 'Hmm, what should I do now?...damn there's no truck san exist in this world to get reincarnated' (Author: sigh even I can't cure your idiocy)..While I was thinking of possibilities suddenly a huge killer intent spread out in konoha it first made me suffocate, but according to my memories, I graduated from academy few days ago still not Genin yet..But after sometime..I managed my fear and went out of my apartment

Outside people are screaming and running here and there..The village is full of chaos, oh forgot about this timeline, afterall this is where the prologue of the anime started, I went up the roof and saw a huge red toad and the nine tail fox..Seriously even seeing it from this distance makes me shivering.

But when I see common people are screaming and running and some children even got lost and crying for parents, I really got my courage and went down and started helping the little kids who were lost, not many but 5 or 6..One thing I found strange is when I started to run over the buildings or in the streets, I feel like I sat in a robot controlling a machine..It doesn't first feel like it's my body Afterwards now it's alright I'm in full control,

I'm running all-over konoha helping others to evacuate into a safety area with other genius and chunks..On the way I saw my supposedly best friend who is pleading his parents to not go..After they left him, I went upto him and said "hey iruka, now isn't the time to worry, we have to help commoners to evacuate them to safety, don't worry they'll be fine, Lord hokage will be them, he won't let anything happen to his subordinates, they went for their duty, now we should do ours" iruka got surprised by my words probably because mizuki is a coward and a asshole who don't cared about others..I woken up him from his daze and said "c'mon, let's go"..and we started to help and evacutate the people into konoha relief centre..

Then we broke up on the way, and started to look separately, and after a while near the market, suddenly because of the fighting between fourth hokage with gamabunta and kyuubi gets ugly and many rocks and trees started to follow, as it is quite a bit near and the killing intent of kyuubi is white strong many people fainted, some chunins and genins helping them..I saw a 8 tear old kid who had a 3-6months baby in his arms, he was quite a bit hurt..Here and there blood is flowing, a huge chunks of rocks flew there and he was stuck, the baby in his arms crying, but he is a small kid and this mess he is hard to find and sound is weak to notice and it seems no one coming to help

When I saw them I immediately recognised the kid is itachi and the baby must be sasuke, itachi was a genius, that piece of rock isn't much for him but he has sasuke on his arms..So his hands are tied and he's helpless as no one is paying attention to his sound, I went there and asked "kid, wait a minute I'll help you out" and I started to move the rocks and break the pieces with my hand , my hand already became a quite bloody, suddenly I don't know why but there are tears coming from my eyes and I was helpless because I am weak..Itachi by this time lost his hope in his please and cried "please forget about me and take my brother" I replied "don't ever lose hope kid even if your world got burned in front your long as you have your conviction as long you don't give up in the end you'll find a solution" and I don't what took in me I started to crazily destroying the pieces of rock and removing them..

After sometime I removed and just as he just came out..I saw a huge tree flying in this direction, and I hurriedly pushed them aside and got hit by the tree and fell down with the tree top on me..Itachi then hurriedly came with tears "why?", I think my back already been crushed quite painful actually..I spoke "kid, this is my conviction..see...*laughs* the end I saved you..itachi already shouting "anyone here please help out", he wants to remove the tree which is currently on top of me..I coughing up blood and said "kid, listen to me, in this panic no one can hear your voice...and I can't feel my back anymore so I think it's already been crushed..i don't have much time..please go to your family, the baby is more important than me."

"If you want to repay me for my sacrifice, please become strong and become worth of my fast"..itachi with baby Sasuke with tears ran off from there and I chuckled "wow, I just been died and got transmigrated afew hours ago and I already been dying again..*laughs* and coughing blood..what a great punishment of you shitty god..and i got blacked out

I ended up same place like the last time..I thought 'hmm, I guess even tree san can also help me out in reincarnation'..I spoke out loudly " ok you Kami sama, since I already received what now another reincarnation?"

A thin man appeared from space and I asked before even says anything "another god? Just how many of you are there..ok..just hurry up and reincarnate me" the man replied " hello kid, My names is Carlos, the messenger of the council of elder gods" ..I said "what!!! council of elders gods..Mr.Carlos,can u tell me about it.. I'm confused and have too many question," Carlos slightly smiled and replied " we have lot of know about milky way galaxy right...just like that the one who punished you before is junior god..each junior god will be assigned to one galaxy..and the elder one knows about them...they were born with the universe...ok.where am I? right junior see whatever your race when you reach a certain atrength, your world can't bear you anymore or else it will get destroyed..then you'll be summoned to the council and they'll make you the'll be your responsibility..just like the previous junior god, he punished an innocent soul like you for the mistake you haven't some planets under his control have been taken out from him."

I interrupted "These matters, I don't care about now..I have a question in my mind for a long time..the Naruto world or other anime world were they really been created by our beliefs and love for them?"

Carlos snorted "nonsense, who the hell said you that, no..actually there exists only one earth in each galaxy..the other anime worlds you speak actually existed but they were very far away from your earth..the junior god or Messengers like me just make the story from them and transmitto the authors or directors through their dreams or ideas or such..there are after all hundreds of millions of planets in each don't worry about it"

With this new knowledge u really got excited and asked "what about fanfictions?" He vaguley replied "they may ormnot exist..there are billions of galaxies exist in the universe and so there are billions of anime they may be just imagination or a real existence like anime worlds..this is above my anyway I need to remind you that you are still not dead"

I screamed "what? I'm not dead? Why? *Anime tears*..I don't want to stay in this trash body..please reincarnate me into someone with more potential" he replied "sorry, I'm only a messenger, I don't have the authority..ok..anyway..elder gods..told me to give you the compensation for the injustice you deserve..and for the Noble thing you have done now..I'm really moved and I want to give you a gift..that is you will have high regeneration ability whether it's the chakra or the bruises or even organs..and for the compensation what do you want"

I was really excited 'wow..I got Regeneration ability better than Naruto hehe' and for the compensation I won't stingy and asked " give me rinnegan"..he replied with no expression "NO",

I screamed "what, you told me you'll me compensation.then why not" he replied "because it's the will be based on how much you have done..based on the injustice it's not enough"

I then "how about sharingan " he replied with again "No", I then "Byakugan", he replied again with "No"

When I was about to ask again he interrupted and said " I can't give you any kekkai genkai, it will interfere with the laws of the world" I thought for a while and with sly smile asked "how about mokuton, it's not a kekkai genkai..Its just an ability I can get it right" Carlos then smiled "it's quite true, but don't need to..when you open your eyes you'll find why"..anything else..I thought for a long time and this time I about giving me massive amounts of chakra.." he replied "well..according to the laws..I can't give you like that..but I can seal the bijuu inside you and let you have massive chakra..hmm let's see...ok..only 7tails is currently you want to?" I replied "no way..I don't want it"...'damn what else is there's and suddenly clicked on my mind and asked " how about absolute control senjutsu" Carlos thought for a while and smiled "Congratulations, it's done"

"Ok..I have compensated..and now I need to go..once you have recovered you'll find the changes..till then"..and he disappeared..afterwards I blacked out again and when I opened my eyes I find myself in a place I never I wished I would be I screamed "NO!!!"

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