Blaize and Gion waited outside the auction and gazed at the people going inside. Most of them are criminals but there are also some pirates.

From the Doflamingo side, the one who came is Trebol, one of the top three officers of the Donquixote Pirates. His disheveled and bedraggled appearance disgusted Blaize.

A minute after Trebol entered the building, he saw another familiar figure in the crowd – Mad Treasure. Possibly hired by Tesoro to steal the devil fruit.

After an hour, the auction started. Gion spoke, "Doflamingo didn't come!"

She came to collect information on Doflamingo but the latter didn't appear but just send one of his officers.

"Yes." Blaize nonchalantly replied and took a bite of the apple he brought in a nearby store. It tasted so good, completely different from the apples on earth.

Looking at his carefree appearance, Gion shook her head, 'His character hasn't changed a bit.'

"Don't worry even if Doflamingo didn't come we can capture Trebol. And, the devil fruit too." Blaize spoke.

"You plan to seize the devil fruit?" Gion asked, "You're a devil fruit user, why do you need a devil fruit?"

"I can gift it to someone in my unit." To his answer, Gion just rolled her eyes at him.

Blaize knew Doflamingo isn't intending on selling the fruit but using it as bait to lure the underworld people in one place. He's plotting something.

Possibly it's related to him becoming the Warlord of the sea and overthrowing Dressrosa. But, what he won't anticipate is Tesoro stealing the devil fruit under his nose.

It's also the reason for Blaize's casualness, as he knew chaos will soon erupt. That's when he will strike.


15 minutes passed,

A loud noise came from inside the auction building. In a matter of seconds, everything changed as a huge commotion broke out.

Gion drew her sword and spoke, "What's happening?"

"'s our cue to enter the fray." Just as he finished his words, the building before them was destroyed by a powerful attack and two figures came out.

They are none other than Trebol and Mad Treasure. At the same time, countless criminals hired by Tesoro launched their attacks making the place extremely chaotic.

As for the devil fruit, it was stolen by Mad Treasure. Trebol was enraged as he attacked Mad Treasure madly, "Ne, Ne, who hired you to steal the devil fruit? Tell me!"

Trebol, using his devil fruit ability bound huge debris they destroyed and slung it at Mad treasure, who easily repelled the attack by wrapping the arms with his chain.

The debris deflected in its path and directly moved towards Blaize and Gion. Blaize just waved his hands and the air around him whirled sweeping the debris away.

"Noisy!" Blaize muttered. His conqueror's Haki erupted while invisible ripples went in all directions, covering the entire island.

The intense pressure cracked the ground below him and the nearby buildings. Foam came out of everyone's mouth who was weak-willed and they all hit the ground with audible thuds losing their consciousness.

Whether it's civilians or criminals none of them were spared as Blaize didn't restrain his conqueror's Haki. He didn't want to.

As for Trebol and Mad Treasure, they were shoved back by Blaize's presence. Blaize mumbled, "Haoshoku really comes in handy at times like this..."

When Gion heard his mumble, she got the urge to beat him up. She knew Blaize does things in a flashy way but beyond shocking.

Silence pervaded the entire Island. Looking at all the unconscious figures, Gion shook her head. Just when she thought they encountered trouble, Blaize solved it in a second.

Even though these criminals are not strong, there were nearly three hundred of them. Two marines can't fight them all as they were in the middle of the town, it would endanger the innocent civilians.

She had to admit, with Blaize around she didn't have to worry about anything!

"Color of the Supreme King..." Trebol and Mad Treasure stopped their fights and stared at Blaize in shock. 'Who is he?' They wondered in their heart.

Blaize uttered, "Obediently surrender or get beaten up."

"Ne, Are you a Marine?" Trebol asked while guiding the mucus to attack at any moment.

"You disgust me," Blaize said and stretched his left hand. Golden flames surged from his hand and blazed towards Trebol emitting high heat.

The latter attempted to stop the attack with mucus but the flames were extremely destructive, he couldn't extinguish them no matter how much he tried.

Since the mucus is flammable, in a matter of seconds they were vaporized. Then, Trebol's skinny figure came into the view shocking everyone.

Gion had a nauseated look on her face.

Trebol screamed in pain unable to stop the flames from burning his body even with Haki. It wasn't a pleasant experience, to feel your skin and flesh being burned under extreme heat.

Just as Trebol thought he's going to die, Blaize doused the flames with a thought barely leaving the latter alive. Then, his eyes turned to Mad Treasure who stood in place instead of running.

Treasure shuddered when Blaize's eyes locked onto him. "Where's the Devil fruit?"

Treasure didn't reply but chains emerged from his body and wrapped his entire body. Seeing this, Blaize smiled. "Really?"

The next second, Blaize utilized Soru and appeared before Treasure. Before the latter could react, he punched at him.

The strike landed squarely on Treasure's chest, shattering the chains and crushing him completely. His knees hit the ground while he coughed a mouthful of blood.

Treasure's eyes finally revealed fear, the punch destroyed him inside out. Now, he couldn't even stand he knew he met his match today.

"Devil fruit?" Blaize asked again.

This time Treasure didn't try to put a hard front, he obediently handed over the devil fruit that he hid in his sleeve -- Gold Gold fruit or Goru Goru no mi.

It was dark yellow fruit, the size of a palm, and had swirling patterns all over them. "Good stuff!" Blaize pocketed the fruit inside his coat and said,

"Sod off, if I ever see you again your ending won't be different from him." He pointed his finger at Trebol who lay on the ground in a sorry state.

Treasure picked his weakened body with all his willpower and fled from the place. He swore in his heart that he shouldn't cross paths with the terrifying marine in his life.

Meanwhile, Gion called the base and told them to bring a battleship. There are a lot of criminals here, even with Marine soldiers it's going to be a tiring job to apprehend everyone.

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