Some kilometers behind Flower Hill, Doflamingo and his crew were hiding inside a small hill that's altered using Pica's Stone-Stone fruit ability.

No wonder Blaize couldn't sense their heat signatures, the stone blocked it.

"Can you see who are all with Doflamingo?" Gion asked and placed all the wanted papers on the floor. Viola confirmed that everyone in the wanted poster is there, apart from Trebol who's already dead.

"Gion, I am going to confront them head-on. I want you and others to protect the civilians from getting harmed." Blaize spoke, itching for a fight.

There are a lot of devil fruit users besides Doflamingo, but will they be able to harm him? He doubts it. Considering his current strength, only Doflamingo can barely fight him.

Even so, he plans on taking out Sugar and Pica before confronting Doflamingo as their devil fruit abilities are troublesome.

"Are you sure?" Gion asked back rhetorically.

"Piece of cake!" Blaize shrugged and turned to King Riku, "I hope you gather some of your best men and relocate the people near that area."

Knowing the severity of the situation, Riku didn't say anything and directly commanded Lepanto to gather their best men.

"Gion, you cooperate with the Kingdom force and don't let any main officers of Donquixote pirates escape."

Right now, the entire Dressrosa is under Marine surveillance as Blaize spread the net as soon as he arrived here with the twenty Marine soldiers who came with him.

After issuing the commands, Blaize looked at the small hill Viola pointed before. Right now, he needs to find their individual positions before attacking.

Taking a deep breath, Blaize pressed his right hand on the ground and closed his eyes. His body released a heatwave that traveled via ground in a straight line towards the position Donquixote pirates are hiding.

In a matter of seconds, his heatwave reached the location and flashed the information back to him. He memorized their heat signatures and had a surprised look on his face.

Because as soon as his heatwave swept the place, Doflamingo noticed it with his keen Observation Haki.

'Impressive!' Blaize mentally commented. If he's not wrong, Doflamingo's Haki reached the level of Yonko Commanders.


Meanwhile, Doflamingo stood up from his seat and frowned. It was just for a second but he felt it.

In fact, it's not Doflamingo's style to hide underground but Blaize's recent deeds made him wary. Especially after the latter defeated the Speed pirates.

How could he not be worried when he personally knew how strong Speed is. Speed is a monster in human skin, but even such a strong man was defeated by that Marine.

After the call today, Doflamingo knew Blaize's next target is him. He also found his brother Rosinante is with him.

"What happened, Doffy?" Pica asked in a high-pitched voice.

"Someone just observed us. I think it's that Marine. He's in Dressrosa!" Doflamingo calmly uttered and squinted his eyes.

It's beyond his expectation that Blaize would come after him so soon. He planned everything thoroughly but the only anomaly is Blaize. It annoys him.

"That marine is targeting us particularly. First, he killed Vergo, then Trebol now he's coming after us. We have to take care of him." Diamante stated.

"Doffy, you don't have to worry. It doesn't matter how many marines come, I will take care of them." Pica haughtily declared.

"Get ready for battle!"



Blaize dispersed his ability and rose to his feet. Since Doflamingo discovered his existence, it's time for him to attack. Otherwise, the situation may spiral out of control.

"Gion, Doflamingo noticed us. I am going to attack, you gather the others and surround the area." Saying this, Blaize used Soru and disappeared from everyone's view.

"Is he going to attack the Donquixote pirates alone? It's not a wise decision, he can at least wait for our men to gather." King Riku voiced his thoughts.

Regis slightly chuckled, "King Riku, you should be worried about the residents of Dressrosa. If Blaize-san doesn't restrain his strength well, it will very well be the end of this Island."

His words stumped King Riku and Viola as they didn't understand the meaning behind his sentence.


Blaize's figure rapidly approached the hill Doflamingo is in, just as he was a kilometer away he stretched his hand and fired a golden beam that charged towards the hill.


The golden beam drilled its way in and exploded when it reached the core. The explosion fragmented the small hill to sands so that it won't harm the civilians nearby.

As soon as the hill was destroyed, Pica's figure crashed into the ground and coughed a mouthful of blood. As for the other members of Donquixote pirates, they were forcibly sent out using Stone-Stone fruit powers.

Blaize landed next to Pica while his right feet pressed latter's face firmly to the ground. But, Pica is quick enough to coat his face with Haki.

Looking at him, Blaize spoke. "If you try to use your devil fruit, then I won't show any mercy." Then, he looked at the Donquixote pirates before him.

Diamante, Lao G, Senior Pinks, Giolla, Gladius, and Machvise stood behind Doflamingo. As for Sugar, Young Dellinger, Baby 5 and Buffalo stood at the back.

"Doflamingo, we finally met. You have a good bunch of devil users besides you. Is that the reason for your confidence?" Blaize spoke while eyes scanned the pirates.


All their information flashed in his eyes. Diamante, an Elite officer like Pica and Trebol. He ate Hira Hira no mi[Ripple Ripple Fruit] and was also proficient in both types of Haki.

Next, Donquixote Army officers. Machvise, he's the user of Ton-Ton no mi. Senior Pinks, the user of Sui Sui no mi[Swim Swim Fruit].

Lao-G, he's a master of a martial arts style known as the Jio-Ken. Despite his age, he's a powerful fighter. Giolla, a devil user who ate the Art-Art fruit.

Gladius, who ate the pop-pop fruit and was proficient in firearms. Lastly, Sugar who ate the Hobi Hobi no Mi is extremely dangerous but she's very weak like Baby 5 and Buffalo.


Like in the series, Doflamingo draped a flamboyant-styled light pink feather coat. He's also very tall, standing close to 10' in height.

Doflamingo performed his unique laugh and spoke, "Fuffuffuffu. I guess the Marines didn't send any support since you have come alone.

You are indeed strong but, you can't win fight us all alone. And, I am well prepared for your arrival."

Just as Doflamingo finished his speech, Pica who's beneath Blaize's feet utilized his devil fruit ability despite the warning and submerged into the earth.

Blaize who had already warned erupted with full strength while golden flames flared around him as he stomped his right leg against the ground.


Flames of extreme temperature melted the ground and at the same time, the flames exploded generating a sea of flames that incinerated everything below Blaize's feet.

As the attack was concentrated on a single point, it penetrated the ground and vaporized everything in its way.

Everything happened in an instant as even Doflamingo failed to react to Blaize's strike.

Donquixote pirates were shocked by the power displayed by him as they saw a huge void in the ground of 1 meter in diameter like an abyss with no end.

As for Pica, he's of course erased from the face of this world. Doflamingo face turned unsightly.

Blaize shook his head and shrugged, "Why does none of your subordinates listen to me. He would have lived if he had heeded my warning.

So, Doflamingo, what next? Yes, you said something about being prepared for my arrival. Show me!" He excitedly asked.


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