The extreme heat beam melted the skin on Ridge's left arm but they still failed to breach his muscles.

Blaize clicked his tongue in surprise, 'Such impervious hide, his muscles are probably as thick as experienced 'Tekkai' users. What can be done to tear it?!'​​

Meanwhile, Ridge gazed at his melted skin and suppressed the burning ache. His devil fruit hardened his skin to some degree but he still suffered an injury.

'That brat is still hiding his true strength, I can't ascertain his exact limit!'

Without a doubt, he met a powerful opponent and it seems he can't escape anytime soon. It frustrates him a little.

Throwing caution to the wind, Ridge swiftly rushed towards Blaize and confronted him once again. Both of them held part of their strength and probed one another.

The commotion brought many spectators, fish-men, Merfolk, and other pirate crews visiting the Fishman District.

At the same time, the remaining DemonBear pirates also came and encircled the area. Without interfering, they watched the battle.

It's not they don't want to help, they couldn't. Interfering in the fight of this level, their only outcome would be death.

Meanwhile, Gion and Glave fought intensely some distance away from Blaize. They battled by putting their life's on the line.

Gion is an expert in sword with exceptional skills and strength. Even though Glave's not as skilled as Gion in using weapons, he compensates for his lack of skill with his devil fruit ability.

What Blaize afraid of, is the DemonBear pirates sneakily assailing Gion when she least expects.

In the fight of their level, a slight mishap may result in heavy injury or even death. So, Blaize kept an eye on their battle with his Heat Sense.

In case if something happens, he can respond instantly. Doing this, Blaize can't fight Ridge with his full strength but he won't lose at the same time.

Just as both sides clashed vigorously, far away from them, five fish-men children observed the battle with hatred and anger.

The five children are none other than Hody, Zeo, Daruma, Dosun, and Igorus; the future 'New Fish-man' pirates. Especially Hody, he followed the battle with loathing and vengeful eyes.

"Filthy humans! The very existence of them angers me!" Hody commented.

"Yes! Recently, more Fish-men began missing. It should be the humans who caught them to sell." Dosun said.

"Damn! They are the worst!"

"But that young human is really strong. With our current ability, we can't even withstand one blow from him."

"Snort! No matter how strong they are, they grew weak underwater. It doesn't matter who wins between them, we can take advantage of their exhaustion and finish them off" Hody snickered.

"Moreover, Arlong San and others will be here soon. Once they get here, the humans are doomed."

"Hahaha" The others laughed hearing the Sun pirates will be here soon.

Back to the fight, Blaize and Ridge exchanged several bouts but their fight got nowhere. Without a doubt, Ridge is tough both physically and mentally.

From time to time, he was able to coat his arms with Busoshoku Haki but out of five times, he fails four times and succeeds once.

Fortunately, his Haki is not that strong and Blaize was able to persevere with his Tekkai and brute force. Even so, his arms were bruised entirely below his elbow.

His mastery over Tekkai isn't as good as 'Soru' but with his superior constitution, he can last for another few exchanges. He has to do something sooner, otherwise, he may lose his ability to fight.

The fortunate thing is, Ridge is not in good shape either. The repeated usage of Haki drained his spiritual power which in turn fatigued his body to some degree.

Both of them are waiting for a perfect moment to strike. Blaize held back his strength a little as he knew Ridge is a tad bit stronger than him.

The fact he could use Haki shocked Blaize a little and put him in a defenseless spot. A misjudgment on his part.

His recent promotion in strength blinded his thinking process to some degree and made him a little arrogant and proud of himself.

He began to think he's special and above everyone else. But this encounter with Ridge woke him from the dream. Never be complacent!


Blaize's Fist covered in extreme heat collided against Ridge's Haki coated arms. As a result, Blaize was once again forced back while his arms quivered in pain.

Unfazed by the injury, Blaize concentrated his strength to his arms and punched again. A high-heat blasted from his Fist towards Ridge.

Ridge wasn't foolish enough to confront it head-on once again, he simply evaded the strike and flashed before Blaize launching a high-speed kick to his face.

Thinking it's time to go all out, Blaize nimbly avoided the kick by whirling his body and whooshed in front of Ridge.


Inhale! Blaize's chest expanded a little and then he blew. 'Fire Breath!' A scorching stream of fire fanned from his mouth and blazed Ridge's face.

As Ridge was extremely close to Blaize, he couldn't even react to the sudden strike. Besides, it was extremely quick for him to evade.

The flame was extremely destructive with reddish-orange in appearance, it blazed Ridge's entire face and set them on fire.


The fire melted his face and began to scorch his inner tissues. Furthermore, the flame charred his eyelids and would have blinded him if he hadn't closed his eyes on time.

Furious, Ridge screamed at the top of his lungs. His scream soon turned into a roar as his entire physique underwent a huge transformation.

In no time Ridge transformed and in his place stood a Giant Grey Bear nearly 20-feet tall. It had a ferocious appearance while the fire burning his face subsided on its own and soon faded away.


For Advanced chapters, you guys can check out my P.A.T.R.E.O.N page. I have '30 Plus' advance chapters there.


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