Punched again and again Onigumo lost his cool. His face had a dent, broken nose, and dripped with blood. He lost whatever dignity he had in him before his subordinates.

With a resounding roar, his body transformed into a spider. Three pairs of spider-like black arms extended from his hair, as well as a spider-like abdomen.​​

He wielded eight sabers and faced Blaize. Coating his arms with Haki, he attacked.

Not to implicate the Marines and ordinary civilians on board, Blaize leaped high in the air and distanced himself from the ship while Onigumo madly rushed at him.

Facing Onigumo, Blaize didn't hold back his strength. Flames flared around his hand, concentrating them on his fist, he punched.

A dense column of raging fire burst from his fist and blazed forward. The sudden attack shocked Onigumo as he felt immense crisis from them.

The intensity of Blaize's flame exceeded his expectation, 'If I don't dodge, I will be burned to crisp!'

Hastily, Onigumo covered his entire body with Haki and used Soru to get away from the attack. But what he didn't expect is, the Fire Fist changed direction in mid-air and targeted him.

The flame is the extension of Blaize's fist, so of course, he can control and change its direction however he wants.

Before Onigumo could dodge again, the flaming fist struck and engulfed him completely. "Nooo!!" He screamed, feeling the scoring temperature and power behind the fist.

Thankfully, he covered himself in Haki otherwise, he would have been incinerated to ashes. Even so, the attack burned his skin and charred his flesh while the impact smashed him straight into the ocean.

'With such a measly level of strength, you want to take me down!' Blaize grunted.

Returning back to the ship, Blaize freed the World Noble slaves. As for the remaining marines they didn't dare to intervene in his actions.

Soon, the Marine unit withdrew from the Merchant ship and left the area saving Onigumo who was already unconscious and half-dead.

Blaize then looked at the slaves. There were all kinds of people; young, old, men, women. Among them are even some around ten years old, the same age as Koala.

'Is it their crime for being a slave? Who defines this?' Blaize thought.

What made him angry is, as a marine, they have to protect these innocent people but instead, they were helping the world Government to capture them back.

'Where is justice in it? Fu*k, why am I even thinking of this since I already know the answer.

The situation will only change when the Marines break away from the World Government grasp.' Blaize shook his head.

He also knew the Marines aren't strong enough to oppose the World Government. Only when he becomes stronger than anyone else, he can make it happen.

"All of you can go!" Saying this, Blaize decided to leave their ship but two men stopped him.

"Wait...Mr. Marine, we are grateful for your help but can you do us one more favor." asked the man around his forties.

Holding a long saber in his hand, he looked nothing like a slave but the hoof mark in his arms said otherwise. The other man seemed to be in his thirties with burly built.

The saber-wielding man knew the Marine before he is different from the ones he encountered previously. 'Maybe he can help us?'

"What is it?" Blaize raised his eyebrows and asked.

"It's been months since we escaped from that hell but since then we were hunted like stray dogs and branded as criminals.

We don't know whom should we ask for help. We just don't want to go back to that place again."

The man broke out in tears and continued, "I know we were asking much but can you send us home? Please!

I want to see my wife and child again. It's been five years since I last them. If you think it's too much trouble, at least take us to the South Blue."

Hearing his request Blaize sighed and shook his head. "I very much want to help you but it will only bring more trouble.

I already attacked my superior officer and someone will come looking for me. The longer I stay beside you, the longer your lives are in danger."

There was a disappointment on the man's face but he quickly covered it and responded. "I understand. I spoke without thinking through. You already took a big risk by helping us. Thank you!"

Blaize waved his hand. Rejecting their request he felt a little bad, so he asked. "Aside from sending you home, you can ask me something else I will try my best to help."

The man thought for a moment and said, "We are going towards the south blue but we have five people whose home is situated in Alabasta.

We can't make this trip as it may lead to more people pursuing us. If you can send them there, we will be grateful!"

"Sure!" Blaize accepted the request. Sending five people to Alabasta won't be a problem for him. It's just a one-day trip.


Blaize said brought the five people—two kids, two women, and one young man—to his ship after sending off the Merchant ship.

As soon as he came, he was greeted by Regis and Jotto. "Captain Blaize..." Jotto stuttered, not knowing what to say.

He didn't bother with them. Pointing at the five people, "They will stay for a night, bring them to an empty room.

"Regis, change our course to the Alabasta Kingdom."

"Captain, you already attacked the higher ranking officer, if you do this I don't know..." Regis hesitated.

"Don't worry. It's morning now, we can reach Alabasta by night if we rush. Before Headquarters knows about this, we would have already left." Blaize assured them.

At that moment, an Ensign ran towards him carrying a Den Den Mushi and said, "Captain Blaize, it's for you from Headquarters!"


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