Blaize returned to his ship as he doesn't have an office of his own in Marine Headquarters. Only Rosinante and other soldiers were onboard while Regis and Kuina haven't returned yet.

He wanted to meet Garp but heard the latter is on leave.​​

Reaching the ship, Blaize informed Rosinante that Sengoku wants to meet him. Hearing it, Rosinante grew nervous. After all, he did betray Sengoku and stole the Ope Ope no Mi.

Though he talked to Sengoku after that incident, it was through Den Den Mushi, but meeting face to face is different.

Walking next to him, Blaize patted his shoulder understanding his thoughts. "What are you being afraid of? He's not going to bite you. You made a mistake and it's time for you to face it."

"Yes," Rosinante agreed and went to meet Sengoku.

Unlike in the original series, Rosinante disregarded his usual makeup. Now, he was clothed in a standard marine unfirm and looked a little handsome with golden hair.

He's totally changed both in terms of appearance and strength.


There's a two-day gap before they set out for the New World to catch the Speed Pirates. In the meantime, Blaize plans to visit Zephyr sensei.

Though his haki is formidable, he struggles to master the advanced Haki concept. There's some problem with the way he trains. Only Zephyr can solve his problem in a short time as he's a great teacher.

Without a doubt, old man Magnus is a formidable person, but he isn't that good at teaching others. In fact, he asked the latter about his problem yesterday but he's clueless.

After fifteen minutes, Regis and Kuina returned. Kuina has officially become a Marine trainee under his command.

After informing Kuzan, Blaize set sail towards the training Island where Zephyr is, along with Regis and Kuina. As for Rosinante, he can only stay at Headquarters.

It didn't take long, Blaize's ship reached the training Island after four hours of sailing. Regis knows about this place as he also completed his training here, but for Kuina, it's her first time.

Blaize also thought of letting Kuina train here for some time but he soon rejected the idea. Real battles are more efficient than training in one place. He has the confidence that he can guide Kuina better!


Reaching the Island, Blaize smelled the fresh and familiar air. He has come back after more than two years, but nothing changed here. Everything is the same.

The sight of Marine trainees training in the field under the watchful eyes of instructors and Zephyr-sensei who was surveying the entire training program.

"Zephyr-sensei, how are you doing?" Walking next to Zephyr, Blaize asked.

Zephyr noticed Blaize's arrival. With his arms crossed, he glanced at Blaize and spoke, "It seems like Sengoku lifted your punishment!"

Blaize chuckled. "Sensei, you were following my deeds? I'm embarrassed now."

"Do you need to ask? I look after every Marine soldier who graduates from here. Unlike other Marine officers, I didn't teach you much aside from the Rokushiki Martial arts.

Still, I know you are talented and will eventually achieve something big. It's just with your character, it won't be easy."

Hearing it, Blaize was surprised as he didn't expect Zephyr would have a high opinion of him. Zephyr continued:

"I know, you have suffered many times for doing something good, but that's how the world is, full of injustice. We had to deal with it.

If it's someone in your place, they may have deflected or left the Marines. But, you didn't change that's what I admire in you; resolute and firm in what you do."

Blaize flushed at Zephyr's praise. "Sensei, I think you are overpraising me."

"No! In this cruel world, only your strength speaks for yourself. Considering your current strength, you are qualified for my praise.

Okay, since you are here. Why don't you inspire the new recruits with your words?" Zephyr suddenly asked. Before Blaize could decline, Zephyr shouted.

"Everyone, gather here!" The training recruits and other instructors in the field also gathered around.

"Let me introduce you, Marine Headquarters Captain, Blaize. He joined Marines a few years ago and trained here for around a year before joining the duty.

He's like you all, the only difference is he's still alive and kicking that's because he's countless times stronger than you all. Being in the sea for years, he encountered many pirates.

If you have any questions, you can ask him. Even if you want to have a small bout with him, he wouldn't mind?"

Zephyr introduced. The Marine recruits were excited to meet their senior but many were skeptical because of how young Blaize looked.

Unlike them, the officers and instructors were stunned finally recognizing Blaize. They remembered the conflict between him and Sakazuki and how the latter nearly killed him.

It was the most discussed topic of that time. After that, they heard he was demoted and transferred to Four Seas where there's no career growth.

All of them thought it was such a pity but they slowly forget Blaize's name due to the passage of time. But now, he once again came back.

Most thought it's over for Blaize as he already offended Admiral Sakazuki before. Only someone like Zephyr knows how incorrect the statement is.

Meanwhile, Blaize scrutinized the Marine recruits who were standing in an orderly manner. He was like them when he came here, full of spirit and eager to improve himself.

Remembering the days, his eyes casually swept past the recruits but they suddenly stopped as he spotted two familiar figures: Smoker and Hina.

It was just for a second and he didn't show it on his face. Stepping forward, Blaize spoke. "I stood where you all standing now and I sweated as much as you are doing now.

And, none of you are anyway inferior to me. Hard work and the amount of effort you make determine what you will become in the future

Let's skip the boring part and move on to the interesting stuff. I have met countless pirates, some are dangerous and sly who won't hesitate to take your life. What to do when you confront one?"

Blaize stopped at this point and seeing the glowing eyes of the recruits he continued: "I will now show some simple fighting techniques, tricks, and how to have better control over your physical strength.

I need a volunteer, who's willing."


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