Chapter 1007 The Little Witch's Prey

  The fact that the Gu family in the capital had another top scorer in the college entrance examination quickly spread among the wealthy circles in the capital. At social banquets, many wealthy wives asked Ruan Xueling for advice on how to educate their children.

  Old man Gu has always doted on Gu Pei, the grandson of a big family, and insisted on Gu Zhaoming giving Gu Pei a cup of wine for entering school, and celebrating it wantonly.

  Since Gu Zhaoming took over as the head of the family, he has reorganized the Gu family from top to bottom. The performance of the Gu Group has also continued to rise, and the relationship with various wealthy families is still relatively harmonious, especially the close relationship with the Xiao family, and the status of the family has also improved.

  That's why the guests who came to Gu Pei's school entrance banquet were more important than the guests who came to celebrate Mr. Gu's 80th birthday last year.

  At the school entrance banquet, the wives and ladies of the various families also noticed Gu Pei, the only son of the Gu family, for the first time, and suddenly discovered that the youngest son of the Gu family is really outstanding.

  In the past, Gu Yang and Gu Jin, the two elder sisters, were so radiant that when they mentioned the Gu family, they would only think of them.

  At the banquet, many girls came to strike up a conversation with Gu Pei, and some people knew that he likes to play games, so they picked him up to play games with him.

  But it's no surprise that Gu Pei completely disliked them all.

Looking at the big failures on the screen, Gu Pei felt extremely frustrated, and couldn't help complaining: "Why are you still playing with your skills so bad? Everyone said don't rush forward, but you still have to give away the head. I think you will both Trick, this will not, and that will not."

   Several girls looked ugly when they were scolded.

  Someone said angrily: "Isn't your sister Gu Yang playing games similarly? Why didn't you say so?"

  Gu Pei was surprised: "Can you compare with my sister? No matter how bad my sister is, she can still trigger Baihua Fairy's luck bonus. Can you do it?"

  The girls all looked at each other in dismay, glared at Gu Pei, cursed "dead straight man" in a low voice, and left angrily.

  Qin Shuling was smiling and drinking juice beside him.

  Qin Xian poked Gu Pei with his arm beside him, "Brother Pei, show some face to the girls. Are you afraid that you won't find a girlfriend?"

  Hearing Qin Xian's words, Qin Shuling finished drinking the orange juice in the cup, handed the cup to Qin Xian, frowned, "Brother."

  Qin Xiangang stopped when he met his sister's eyes when he was about to persuade Gu Pei, and hurriedly ran to take the cup for his sister.

  Qin Shuling wore a pink and tender princess dress. The skirt was covered with gemstones of various colors, reflecting colorful brilliance under the light.

  She looks cute and sweet, as harmless as a sister next door.

  If you ignore the fact that peers in the circle are avoiding her.

  Qin Xian filled up the juice and handed it to Qin Shuling.

  Qin Shuling passed it to Gu Pei after changing hands, and said with a smile: "Brother Gu Pei, don't be angry, they are the ones who play games, unlike me, they never hold back Brother Gu Pei."

  Although she used to be dismissive of games and didn’t like playing games, she is a fast learner and can learn anything well as long as she is determined to learn, and the same is true for games.

  Qin Xian couldn't help getting goosebumps when he heard his sister's tea-like words.

  Seeing that Gu Pei took the orange juice handed over by Qin Shuling and drank it, Qin Xian opened his mouth wide, and was stuck in what he wanted to say.

   Fuck. This is the cup his sister used just now!

  Although it is said that his sister drank it with a straw and did not drink the same glass of juice, but it is the same glass! Rounding that up is indirect kissing!

  Qin Xian looked at Qin Shuling again, and saw her smiling sweeter at Gu Pei.

  Qin Shuling tilted his head and asked, "Brother Gu Pei, is the juice sweet?"

  Gu Pei didn't think much about it: "Sweet."

  Qin Shuling smiled even more happily.

  Qin Xian looked a little scared. He always felt that Peidi was just like the prey his little witch sister was following.

  (end of this chapter)

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